Chapter Twenty

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It was finally Halloween.

The day I would take down Monroe once and for all.

Our final battle was upon us.

No one besides Nolan knows my true intentions and I am okay with that. I'm already used to them ridiculing me and judging me and comparing me to my parents. Granted, I am sick and tired of the constant nagging – but even I'd nag on myself for doing this act of pure adrenaline and stupidity. If we don't end her reign tonight – we never will.

"Have you figured out how to get Monroe alone?"

"Everyone is going to be fighting while she will be by one of nice black cars. Of course she is expecting one of us to attack the vehicles – but what she doesn't know is we know her every move. After three years of constant surveillance – we know what she's planning."

"Still? How are you going to get her to leave the comfort of her armored shield?"

Waving my phone in Nolan's face. "By texting her of course."

Arching his eyebrow, he bites his lip and says "You have her number? That doesn't surprise me."

"Of course I do."

"Are you sure you want to go through with this? Alone I mean?"

"You just don't want me to sacrifice everything to finally get justice for everyone we have lost."

"Because you believed in me when no one else did. Three years ago, when we first met. I was lost and confused. You gave me a second chance. I can't lose you. Jackson hates me with a capital 'H'. This will change you and not a good change either."

"Well look who finally is talking like a werewolf with leadership skills." I jokingly say as I slide my phone to side on the glass table. Nolan gave me a doleful look with his feelings etched in plain sight for the whole world to see. I could tell that my plan pained him in more ways than one – but I have to shuffle his insecurities around to make room for priorities.

"You don't have to do this. You're better than this. Charlie – this isn't the time to play the hero. Don't do this." Sighed Nolan as he sits next to me and holds my hand. "We'll work on a better plan. I don't need you dying. This isn't fair."

"None of this is fair!" I snapped at Nolan. "Look around and tell me that this life is fair; because you'd be lying if you enjoyed this life. No one deserves to always be looking over their shoulder. None of what we do is fair!" Jumping off of the couch, I slide my phone into my pocket and begin walking towards my door. "They're waiting for us. It's a Blue Moon tonight – so be extra cautious Nolan. Let's go." I hold the door open and peer over my shoulder to see him; slowly get up from the cushioned couch and slink over to me. "I hope you know what you're doing, Charlie."

Giving him a downcast look, I pull the door shut and walk down the hall not saying anything. Walking side by side, I notice him giving me a grave look and a sickening feeling stirs in my stomach. Am I making the right choice? Should I let a kid do what we should've done three years ago? Why am I questioning everything I have built three years building to just throw it away on a whim? This isn't me, but life isn't always about you and what makes you happy – and sometimes life gets tricky and you have to consider everyone's feelings; even if you find it pointless. Not telling everyone that I could die – biggest regret of my life – but that doesn't mean I am going to tell them. We all got skeletons in our closets and we are people nonetheless – because we choose to live a life with: uncertainty, happiness, regrets, memories, sadness, and everything within those confined walls. Whatever happens tonight – I will be happy with the outcome.

After about an hour of Nolan not speaking to me – he finally steps out of the comfort of the group; and pulls me aside. "It's almost time." With the group deep in conversation, I pointed to the back door and tilted my head, "Let's go somewhere not near people." I lead him outside when the light flickered pale yellow as the bugs got zapped over and over.

"When you leave...I will wait thirty minutes ---"

"Thirty minutes?"

"I'm talking. After the half hour is up – I will inform everyone in that room about your true intentions."

"That's longer than I expected, but I will accept that. Anything else?"

"Don't die."

"No promises. I better get going if I am going to make my deadline." I say as I click send on my phone with the following message: Come get me. Beacon Hill Reserve. The river. As soon as possible. I hug Nolan goodbye and dart away into the dark with the golden leaves crushing beneath my shoes.

There she was.

This is my moment.

Edging up to the front of the tree line, I get ready to attack when I see a large figure confront her. What exactly is going on? This is the only time I condone spying on someone. Picking up my ears, I hear the whole conversation crystal clear.

Monroe swiftly jolts around with a tight-lipped expression as she lowers her eyes. "Who are you?" He keeps his hands in his pocket and gives her a wolfish expression as a sly smile appears on his face. "Your worst nightmare."

Standing up, she walks over with her pistol in her left hand and laughs "Aw, sweetie – no you're not." That's when the unimaginable happens. The guy pulls his hand out of his pocket so quickly and plunges the knife into her gut. Bet you didn't see that coming, Monroe?! He puts all his weight into it and leans into her to whisper something; while twisting the blade – plunging it deeper and deeper into her abdomen. "Oh really?"

Coughing up blood, she wonders, "Why are you doing this?" He holds his hand firmly on the knife and whispers in her ears, "You went after my friends. No one goes after my friends."

Confusion ran over her face as she managed to have enough energy to say, ""

That's when the words changed everything. An innocent kid with a savior complex. "Lucas Greenburg; but your killer works too." He then rips the knife out jaggedly and jabs it into her heart – watching the light drain from her eyes.

No heartbeat.

No pulse.

No anything.

She was finally gone.

Monroe is dead.

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