Chapter Nineteen

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I've never actually been one to feel the need to go to parties. That I didn't need it to fit in with the crowd when I felt like a sore thumb. Honestly, I always was relieved when it wasn't mandatory to attend these functions; but it is most certainly different now. With everything going on, this one last night of: alcohol, conversations, dancing, and lots of food – is what we need to feel good about ourselves. Not everyone wakes up one morning and says, 'Let's take down this greater evil' or 'Why can't we sit this battle out?' or even 'Today is the day that everything will change'. Each and every morning, many things fly through our minds as we try to figure out what to do and what to say; and how to go about it – because frankly it's hard being a supernatural phenomenon.

I mean it. It's actually jaw-dropping, gut-wrenching, and whole lot of chaos that no one actually wants in their lives. Before I understood what it felt like to be included and to be a werewolf – I was a naïve three year old girl with dreams bigger than life itself. There was no parties besides your friends or families birthdays. There were no supernatural villains out to get you – even when you thought it was all fake; and there was no war that you yourself were a part of – because let's be honest – the world sucks and there will always be some type of conflict brewing in it. So yeah, it's painfully hard being what a lot of people fear.

Then again fear is half bravery and half cowardice. My adopted mother said that to me probably a month before my adopted father, Thomas killed himself. Therefore, a party will be good for us and Lydia has only had the last thirteen hours to plan it – and so far, so good.

"The party commences at six o'clock sharp." Informs Lydia as she hands out invitations and then tells Stiles and Scott to invite more people with the extra invites that she had. "Costumes are optional and please drink wisely. For some people, you can't get intoxicated – but for the rest remember what this week is."

"Thank you Lydia. Everything is going to be great."

"I know. I'm the one who planned a killer party. I'm Lydia Martin – it's what I do best." Stiles puts his arm around Lydia and pulls her in for a kiss; then looks at her admiringly and smiles "One of the many reasons I love you."

"We all need this. Keep an eye on anything odd though – because knowing Monroe she is more than likely to plan something while we're having a good time. Just be aware is all I am asking from you all." I say with a confident smile forming on my face; before they all just look at me and nod. We went on and on for about an hour talking about normal people things; before going our own ways.

Six hours later.

It's finally here.

Our Halloween party. A night to remember. Walking into the loft, it transformed into something spectacular. The dimensions of cobwebs that hung in every corner, the fog machines that gave it the spine-chilling factor, and the table with all the ominous food choices. It was picture-perfect from the tombstones to the mummies to barbed wire lining the windows and door frames. Lydia did an extraordinary job.

Breathing out, I exclaim "Wow. Everything"

"I know." Says Lydia as she hands me a drink. I take it and look at her about to ask a question; when she touches my arm and says, "Sweetie, there's no alcohol in it. I'm not stupid. Drink up. Take the edge off with a non-alcoholic fruity wine cooler." Believing in her, I take a sip and smile at her and say, "Thank you."

Then she walks away and over to some people who were messing with her hard work and decorations. Typical Lydia. So this is a Lydia Martin inspired party? I like it. Then Jackson and Nolan come up; with Theo and Liam hand in hand following close behind. "Having fun princess?"

"I can't drink. What fun is that?"

"Drinking is overrated."

I hold my lips to my cup and glare up at him and jokingly say, "Seriously? You love yourself a good dirty martini and a Cosmo."

"You're right."

Turning around, I eye the two love birds and a smile stretches on my face. "Does this affection mean what I think it means? Are you? Don't let me grasp at straws. What's the deal, Theo? Liam?"

Theo looks over to Liam the way that everyone should be looked at; and in that moment the group around us saw pure love. He grabs Liam and pulls him close and tangles his hand with his; and then looks over to me. "Yes. Why not? If not now, then when? Someone once told me that sometimes the best things come unexpectedly." Mason jogs over and clutches Liam and says, "Unexpected for sure. I'm happy for you. It's been a long time coming, but you're finally happy. Does this mean double dates in the near future?"

"You're such a girl." Jokes Theo.

"Let's not get too carried away."

"You guys work."

Looking over to Nolan, I gesture him to follow me outside so we could discuss something in private; away from all prying ears. We take the dirt path up towards the clearing where the moonlight touches the ground; and scatters the light.

"What's up, Charlie?"

"I need to be an Alpha. A role model for everyone."

"You are those things. What's going this about Monroe? I'll be fine. She doesn't think I have it in me to take someone's life."

"Taking a life does something to you besides changing the color of your eye. I can't allow you to kill her. It would be taking away your innocence and that can't happen. Your innocence is what makes you who you are. I'm taking your place."

"Charlie. You're pregnant. You can't. No, that's supernatural suicide."

"As your alpha, I have to put your needs and life ahead of mine. In a few days, I will kill Monroe. This was always the plan. To kill her myself and suffer the consequences. She killed Brett – one of my childhood best friends; and Deucalion who raised me like his own, but as my uncle. If the others knew, they wouldn't understand. You and I are the same. Let me do this. When the night calls...I have to do my job and fight like hell. I'm a Hale."


"Go back inside. I'm going to go home. I'm kind of tired."

He leaves and I continue walking looking up at the moon.


When the Night Calls ↠ Charlotte Hale (2) [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now