Chapter Seven

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Wiping the dripping sweat off of my forehead, I walk into the loft like I own it and look around and think of what it would have been like to grow up as a Hale. Somehow Jackson and I were put into a similar situation that Nolan is currently going through; and I can't help but wonder what would be different. Honestly, it's a bittersweet idea to consider my life course; because if I would've grown up under the leadership of Talia – I might never have met Isaac or had Enzo. Maybe Peter would've been kind-hearted and wouldn't have wanted immense power that he got after killing Laura? Here's the thing with what-ifs... they are not set in stone and change within a second. You can't trust them completely; so I can't live in fantasy thinking life would have been better.

Gliding my fingers over the wooden table; I see a picture of Cora – my cousin and instantly I remember a memory from my childhood and a smile forged upon my smile; until Peter nonchalantly walked in with a newspaper in his hand. Old school werewolf? Interesting. "I remember the Hale house. It was unlike any house I had ever seen with the white arches and big rooms." I say as I stare at the picture.

"When were you at that house?"

"My adopted mother was friends with Talia. My best friend was Cora. I remember darting in and out of the room playing tag before someone told us to not run in the house; and that we should play outside. I was around three years old." I say as I turn my attention to Peter who was sitting on the couch reading the paper.

"You were her best friend?"

"We did everything together. That's when I first met you and you told me not to run in the house. Somehow, I knew you were my father even though I didn't know I was adopted yet. A feeling of familiarity happened the moment I met you."

"That was you?" asked Peter with a quizzical look on his face as he sets the paper aside and leans forward. "I wasn't the nicest kid back in the day."

"You're not that nice now."

"Fair enough I guess. So, what brings you here?"

Then something instantly comes to mind. A way to let Monroe know that she better prepare to lose; and to let her know that I am one of them and that I won't stop till she's gone. "I want to meet Monroe. Just me."


"I haven't met her yet."

"No. The answer is no."

"Seriously? Why do you got to ruin everything?" I complained while slinking over to the couch and slumping back.

"There's the annoying kid stuff I'm happy I missed out on. I'm your father. It's my job to stop you before you do something reckless."

"She won't kill me...not yet. I know where she is. If you don't trust that I won't be safe, then follow and watch from afar?! We're not getting anywhere by doing absolutely nothing. Please?" I pleaded as I grasped at his hand; hoping that he'd let me do this one thing as an Alpha.

Rolling his eyes, he pushes off the couch and walks to the window. He has to understand the importance of this meeting with the devil. I am not doing this to out myself, but to finally make a move and force her hand. We're living in fear, because we don't know what to do before someone else makes a move. Afraid of losing even more after years – yeah I understand that.

"Fine. Everyone is going to kill me for allowing you to do this."

"Well a lot of people wished you would've stayed dead."

"Once it starts looking dangerous...I'm intervening even if that means we kill her right then and there."

"Too easy. We need her alive until Halloween. Can you manage that?" I say as I stand up and wrap my hand around his arm and turn him towards me. The look in his eyes was that of an adoring yet over-protective father who wanted to see his child be safe and sound. This is a side of Peter that no one besides Malia and I see: the caring side. His children are his weakness, but we are his greatest victories as well. "I mean it. Dad – don't jeopardize the mission. Promise?"

Promises are meant to be broken, but why do I keep feeling like I am betraying people by breaking them? The world is full of broken promises and we continue to pay for that. If I make yet another promise – doesn't that make me a terrible person? How can I promise one person and keep it and promise another person and break it?

"Promise. When do you suppose to take on this adventure?"

"Now." I smile as I tug on his arm. Then we took off on one of our first father-daughter adventures and didn't care the repercussions. Well I did – but he doesn't need to know that.

When the Night Calls ↠ Charlotte Hale (2) [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now