Chapter Fourteen

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Ethan and Jackson had been staying at this apartment for a few weeks now; way before the whole falling out went down. Maybe they foresaw what would happen? That maybe they just wanted to finally live together in Beacon Hills; like they were when they lived in London. We don't live in just one place and we haven't in a while; because we have to be on the move and attentive at all times – so no surprises are sprung at us. If I can't mend things with my brother – then haven't I lost the war? Family is more eminent than winning some shallow, futile, and superfluous war. I'd rather die than forego everything I stand for. Jackson just needs to see that I was doing everything in everyone's best interest and that I was considering all outcomes: both auspicious and inauspicious.

If I can forgive him for almost killing me and potentially ruining any chances we had at winning – then he can potentially forgive me? What he did and I did – well, they're not on the same plane. Two very different things and it makes us terrible people.

Knocking on the door, Ethan answers with a surprised look forged on his face while he just dangled in the doorway – not knowing what to do. "Jackson doesn't want to see you." Tapping my foot, I glance over Ethan as I try to figure what to say in response to his words.

"I don't care what he wants. I need to talk to him."

"He tried killing you. Shouldn't you be terrified?"

"As a reformed Alpha, I thought you'd understand. He's family. Death is inevitable. Deucalion taught us that."

A sad puppy expression rolls over his face as he opens the door and lets me in; before grabbing my arm and saying, "I can't protect you for whatever happens next." Pulling away from him, I head to the bedroom and slam the door with my brother glaring at me.


"You never gave me a chance. As soon as I screwed up, you believed the worst in me..." I begin before he rudely interrupts me.

"And that gives you permission to lie to me? She's our mother. There's a reasoning for her madness."

"What a hypocrite?! She lied about us for years and you can forgive her in a second; because you're a lost little boy. Heaven help us if I lie – because it's not the same thing. You are a monster and you know that. Remember that kid you attacked...and he was dying? I saved him, because you screwed up and became Peter. That's what everyone is afraid will happen to you. Don't try and say it's not the same thing."

"It's not!" yelled Jackson as he shoots up from his bed. "Why don't you see that? You're my best friend who I trusted. Kate was just a person I knew and never had the chance to trust; because your father had killed her."

Slamming my fists into the wall, I whirl around and scream, "He's your father too! Wait, you're taking her side? Of all the things you could do to us – and you do this?! I came here to forgive you for almost killing me. What would Annie say? What would Deucalion think?"

His eyes were cold.

Almost like ice.

Hard like stone.

Ready to attack at any moment.

"Just put this pettiness aside until after Monroe is dead. That's all I can ask of you...after everything. We don't have to like each other. All we have to do is put the pack before our issues. Can we do that? Be civil until Monroe is gone? This isn't me trying to gain back your's me trying to saving all the lives of everyone we care about. When she is taken care of...Isaac, Enzo, and I are leaving and we're not coming back." After I said that, I turned away from my brother to hide the emotion that had just surfaced. How can I walk away from all of this? From him? From my family? It's not me running's me saying I have had enough of: pain, death, and everything else that coincides with being something other than human. "I don't expect you to ever forgive me for lying and deceiving you. Down the road, I do hope we can reconvene on us and figure a more permanent solution. If you care about Scott and the gang; and the rest of the group – you'll come help us fight."

Waiting for his response, he replies with "Fine..."

I don't wait for him to finish as I swing the door open and hurry out of the apartment; as I breakdown in the hallway; slinking down the wall holding myself like a baby. I have never felt more lost and confused as I do now. I'm in over my head with no way of clearing up the madness. I lost my best friend. The one that's still alive that is. How can I do anything if all I see is disappointment? Everything is falling apart and the ground keeps crumbling underneath me; and before long I won't be able to crawl out of the hole. 

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