Chapter Ten

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It's been a week.

Seven days since the falling out with my brother and it wasn't even about our mother.

Monroe has been on radio silence since I confronted her at that hole-in-the-wall café with the terrible drinks; and we all know she is planning something huge. In the last seven days, I have had time to process certain things and I don't feel like harboring this secret about Kate any longer. What do I have to lose? My power? My friends? My family? I am not here to try to please everyone and hold their hand while we fight to our potential deaths. I don't care about anyone, but my son.



"Liam called. Meet him at the school. If you screw this up... I'll castrate you. I'm not here to play matchmaker or fixer upper. Go now." Theo grabs the keys and ducks out the door when I see Jackson and Peter; as well as Derek in the doorway; confused about Theo running out so quickly.

Rolling my eyes, "What brings you guys here?"

"We need to talk." Suggested Derek as Peter pushes by him and sits on my couch. Jackson glares at me as he stands there, just waiting on an invitation to come into the home. No one said anything and the silence intensified. My brother just held his stance before Derek grabs him by the neck and pushes him through the door; just to get an over-dramatic look from Jackson.

I just glance at all three of them back and forth, before I take a seat with coffee in my hand; in my loveseat that Isaac got for me. "Why?"

"This feud between Jackson and you needs to stop. It's over and done with and you should be planning your next move against Monroe instead of fighting. She has an army."

"We do too. Why should I have to try to fix something that should never have been broken? I'm not going to apologize for making a divine move and sticking with it. Honestly, I don't know why you're even trying." I snap as I indignantly sip my coffee and fixate my eyes on Peter. How can I hurt him? I've known for a week about Kate and I didn't feel I could trust my own father; I mean – who could blame me? His track record isn't the greatest. This news is going to feel like I just ripped his heart out of his chest and beat it to death over and over; but I have to do this.

"You promised you'd be honest with me; but you never included me on your plan. Charlie, you could have died."

"Well promises are meant to be broken."

"You have become the very thing you vowed never to be like. Our father."

"Is that supposed to insult me? Hurt my feelings? Boo-hoo." I say as I set my coffee down and readjust my position. "Sorry to break it to you...but I'm not going to get butt-hurt over a stupid little comment from the peanut gallery. If you're going to continue to be a drama queen... you can leave?!" I thundered as I point to the door. Peter picks up on some cues and signals that I was giving off and cocks his head in curiosity. Biting my lip, I look away from my father and out the window – but the scowl on his face snapped me back into reality.

"What aren't you saying?" Wonders Peter as he points to me.

Completely caught off guard, I inhale loudly before answering his question. "Are you sure you can handle what I have to say? It's a game changer, Peter." A smile forges on my face as I lean back and cross my legs in anticipation to me divulging the secret I have clung onto for a week.

"Bring it."

"Don't say I didn't warn you?!"

"What are you hiding, Charlotte?" asks Jackson as he stops his childish antics to ask me his silly question; as he stands up and towers over me.

"Kate is our mother."

Jackson topples backwards into the couch, completely overtaken by the news. Peter left speechless for the first time in his life; and Derek turns to Peter with anger and confusion written on his face. What is wrong with me? I just ruined everything by exposing that secret. Why couldn't I just bury that secret? This darkness that has overwhelmed me is changing me into a monster and I don't want to be one any longer. Power isn't a good color on me.

"When did you find out?" begged Jackson as a grimace forged on his face.

"Last week."

"You promised you'd be honest with me no matter what!!"

"Well can you blame me for hiding this from you?"

"You're a monster."

"Cry me a river." I snap.

Derek finally speaks with, "You and Kate?!"

"Like you didn't know? Why do you think she targeted the family? To get back at me." Sasses Peter as he stands up and moves to the window to watch the rain.

"She's the reason my mother is dead." Snarls Derek.

"Talia had a lot of enemies."

"You're the reason she's gone."

Then Peter looks at me and gives me a discerning look and says, "Are you happy now? I wanted to know, but you judged me like you always do. You're on your own in this war."

"Charlotte. If you get anyone killed because of your stupidity...I will kill you myself." Barks Jackson before he leaves with the other two out the door; and I am completely numbed by the whole ordeal – which I couldn't even stand properly.

What have I done?

When the Night Calls ↠ Charlotte Hale (2) [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now