Chapter Eleven

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I couldn't face anyone after yesterday's debacle.

Jackson hates me. My father is disappointed. Oh and Derek hates my father...again.

What about me? Don't I get to feel something?

So, that's where things were left amongst my family and I can't even fathom the reactions of the rest of the packs; after they find out what I did. I broke my rule though, because I am running like the wind to escape Beacon Hills and my problems. No one deserves to be treated this way, but I had it coming – and look how that worked out. This morning I was looking in the mirror and I didn't recognize the person staring back at me. They were right though – I have become the very thing I vowed never to become; and with a taste of darkness I have become a monster. Actually, Monroe isn't the devil...I am. Keeping my family away from that secret created a divide that no one will ever recover from completely. All of my promises aren't worth the pain and sacrifice – and for that – I may never return to the fight.

That's when I remember all that I am leaving behind and I stop dead in my tracks; feeling as if I just came face to face with a brick wall at 200 mph and surviving. Family is everything to me and I am being a coward about it. What is this going to prove? That I am weak? Already established that. That I am afraid? Yeah, that's pretty obvious. That I am willing to protect people no matter what the cost? Most definitely.

I can't go on living in fear while leaving my family behind. We don't run from a fight. We don't hide when it gets hard. We are survivors. It's what we do...we survive anything that is thrown our way... no matter how hard it gets. What example am I showing my son? After what seemed like running for hours on end, I finally turn around and begin to head home.

"Well done. I'll say that I was expecting you to ruin things a little closer to Halloween – but you broke early. Good job." Claps Ryker as he props himself up against the oak tree. "Didn't think you had what it took to break your packs?!" What did I ever see in him? Idea. I could give him a taste of his own medicine to put him off our trail.

Dazzled by his surprising encounter, I gracefully walk over to him and scoop my hand in his. Then my other hand drapes up his arm before putting it on the back of his neck. I move in closer until our bodies have no space to move from. Letting my hand fall from his, I place it with my other one and pull him closer to me. Whispering in his ear, "Kiss me."

After a few minutes, he finally puts his hand on my lower back and holds me tightly; before he leans in and whispers, "Why now?" Digging my knee into his thigh, I make him stop questioning it. I am only human...well in a sense. We act out on impulse. Ryker is my drug and he knows that. The good girl fell for the bad boy and there will always be that connection; but I am doing this to throw his game. "Are you sure?"

Glaring up at him, I bite my lip and wrap my legs around him as I jump in his arms. His eyes flickered with lust and his claws dug into my back as mine dug into his neck. "Stop talking." That's when he aggressively turns around and slams me into the tree before licking his lips; just like the old days. "What are you waiting for? Kiss me." Then he thrusts himself closer to me and I let out a soft moan.

Pulling my hair back, he nibbles on my ear making me quiver in his arms; and then he throws himself into an obscene, heavy-hearted, licentious, and sinister kiss that would go down in history for one of the best kisses. Kissing him brought back memories both good and bad; and I didn't want to stop it. After everything that has gone down with my family, I just wanted to forget – even if it means sleeping with the enemy. "Charlotte..."

"Keep doing what you're doing. Stop talking."

"Are you sure?"

"Would I be kissing you passionately if I wasn't sure? C'mon, get with the picture." I say as I force him on the ground and kiss his neck while running my fingers through his hair. Ryker moans louder and louder as his hand runs down my leg. Then he presses me into the ground and doesn't let go forcing his tongue down my throat until his legs are intertwined with mine. That's when I pull out of the kiss and say, "Thank you for this. We'll have to continue next time unless you plan on killing me? Do you plan on killing me? I need to know so I can make arrangements for my son. Ryker?"

"We can't do this. You can't be with me." Sadly states Ryker as he sits on the ground rethinking everything. My plan worked. He's questioning his status now and how to go about this. I am his greatest weakness. To be quite frank, I am getting good at using people's weaknesses against them.

"Why not? I thought you wanted me?"

"You know I do... but I need to think things out."

I smile and jump up and start walking away before slyly saying, "You're right. It's for the best. Thanks for the distraction."

Without saying anything else to make him curious, I head home to face my fears.

My family.

My friends.


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