3. this town - mike hanlon

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No: [✔️]

Song?: Yes; "This Town" by Niall Horan

a/n: FinnGrazersWifey

Mike Hanlon and [Y/N] [L/N] were the best of friends. They knew each other better than anyone. Except, no one else knew about their unbreakable friendship. Not even [Y/N]'s family.

Her family was high class and didn't want their only daughter associating with the lower-class families in Derry. That included Mike. Though he wasn't lower class, the color of his skin mattered more to her parents than the heart inside of him. The two had to keep their adventures and friendship secret from the whole town.

[Y/N] hated it. She hated hiding Mike from her other friends and from her family. So, when the autumnal dance that Derry's school held every year rolled around, she was determined. Even though Mike was homeschooled, [Y/N] still asked him to come to the dance as her guest.

Mike had a secret of his own. He was in love with [Y/N]. There was no denying it. She never made him feel like an outsider or a freak for who he was and what he looked like. She liked him for him. So, he couldn't say no to her invitation.

The night of the dance arrived soon, and Mike found himself knocking on [Y/N]'s front door with a bouquet of roses in hand. She had told him that her parents were going to be out of town for the next five days, so he didn't have to sneak around. A smiling [Y/N] pulled open the door, and her [e/c] eyes sparkled.

Mike was speechless. She was wearing a [f/c]-colored dress that ended at her knees and it blew against her legs in the chill breeze. Her [h/l] [h/c] hair was pinned into an up-do, keeping it out of her eyes. She looked gorgeous. "Uh," Mike stumbled, breaking out of his trance, "These are for you." He handed her the bouquet.

"Thanks," she brought them to her nose and then grinned brilliantly. "Come in for a minute. I have an idea." Mike followed her into the house as she led him to the kitchen. She knelt and pulled a vase from a cabinet. "Don't want them to die anytime soon," she giggled.

Mike watched her fill the vase with water then arrange the roses expertly in it, as if she had received a million bouquets, which she probably had. Mike stared at his black dress shoes, the ones he only wore to church, and focused on the smallest scuff on top. He shifted awkwardly as [Y/N] plucked a rose from the water and snipped most of the stem off with scissors.

[Y/N] walked towards Mike with the rose and slipped into the buttonhole of his navy-blue dress-jacket, which was overtop a white button-up shirt and navy dress pants. She observed her work with a nod then stepped back.

"Wait," Mike said, sneaking past her to the vase. He did the same as she did to another rose, and he stuck it in her up-do. She smiled when he finished, looking up into his deep brown eyes. "There," he whispered.

[Y/N] grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door. "Come on! Lets' go," she laughed as they left the house and walked to the school. When the neared the entrance of the building, Mike stopped, pulling his hand away from [Y/N]. "What's wrong?" she frowned.

Mike licked his lips nervously. "Maybe you should go in first," he suggested.

[Y/N] narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. "Mike," she started, and that was all she had to say before he sighed and resumed walking behind her. [Y/N] greeted Greta at the sign-in table outside the gymnasium, "Hey, he's with me. Thanks Greta!" She gave a wave, before pulling Mike away. Greta's face turned distorted in disgust at the sight of [Y/N] with him.

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