36. something else - bill denbrough

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @Shannon1300
No: []

Song?: No

a/n: i am updating today bc i will not be able to this weekend. i am not going to have good wifi (i'll have some but not enough to post). sorry but i hope this will make up for it.

also, this imagine wasn't supposed to be this dark. the prompt was cute and sweet, but i took a different turn which includes writing Bill a bit differently as well. sooo sorry for no cute lovey imagine for Valentine's Day.

warning: VERY SAD


The first child had gone missing. It was August. The child was found three days later, unharmed. Only lost in Derry forest. He was lucky, they said, that no animal got to him. What they didn't know was that he was lucky that something else didn't get him. Not many paid attention to the disappearance after the child had been found. Not like they should've.

Bill Denbrough, however, always told his brother, Georgie, not to wander off and to stay close by. He didn't think he'd have to worry about him. He didn't think he'd ever have to sit at home and wonder if his little brother was safe. He didn't think that his little brother would go missing. He didn't think Georgie would die that October. After all, he had gone missing once before. But the first time, he came back. The first time, he was still alive.

It was a few days after the first child had gone missing. Bill invited his best friend, Shannon, over to his house. This was a frequent occurrence, especially during the summer. It seemed they were always at Bill's or her house.

When Shannon had arrived, they immediately went up to Bill's room, where they just laid around on his bed, talking about anything and everything. Usually, it ended up with them clutching their sides in laughter, or in thought after having a really deep conversation.

Georgie had joined them after an hour, and they played monopoly, which was the younger Denbrough's favorite board game. Shannon won with the most money when they decided to quit, but she slipped some of it into Georgie's pile, so he had more than her. He was overjoyed when he found out that he won, and he didn't even know about Shannon adding money into his stash.

The three had all fallen asleep in Bill's room, Georgie on the bed while Bill and Shannon were sprawled across the floor. Neither of them on the ground heard Georgie leave in the middle of the night.

When Bill woke up, he had panicked. He yelled loud enough to wake up Shannon, who helped him look in every corner of the house. They checked every closet, every cabinet, but no sigh of Georgie. Bill was hyperventilating.

"Calm down, Bill," Shannon had said, grabbing his shoulders and looking deep into his eyes. "It's all gonna be okay. Just stay calm. We'll find him. I promise."

Just those last two words had Bill calmed in a second. He evened his breathing and controlled his thoughts. He nodded, and they decided to search around the outside of the house.

Shannon had suggested they check the woods behind the Denbrough house. After all, the last child had gone missing in the words. They called his name over and over again, cupping their hands and shouting into the barely new day as they walked deeper into the woods.

"Georgie!" Shannon had yelled one last time before she coughed roughly. Her voice went raspy, and her throat hurt. "Georgie!" She struggled to say his name again.

A rustle of leaves made the pair turn and scan the forest. "G-Georgie?" Bill whispered, his voice having a slight lace of fear to it. "Is th-that you?" No answer. "G-G-Georgie?" he tried again. "It's B-Bill and Sh-Sh-Shannon."

The boy had stepped out from behind a tall tree, a sad look on his face. Shannon and Bill ran over to him, embracing him. "I'm sorry Billy," he said quietly. "I didn't mean to scare you and Shannon."

Shannon had pulled away slightly, "It's okay, Georgie. We were just worried about you. We didn't know where you went. Why did you leave?" she asked him.

Georgie had let a small smile appear on his lips. "He told me to," he answered.

"Who told you to?" Bill's eyes had been wide, and he glanced at Shannon, who's face was filled with concern.

"I don't know," the younger boy had replied. "I couldn't see him, but he called my name and told me to follow his voice outside. He led me to the woods, but I got lost." He frowned, disappointed in himself. "I just wandered around, but it was dark, so I didn't know where I was going."

Shannon had hugged the boy again, while mouthing to Bill, "Sleepwalking." Bill nodded, and they led Georgie home, where they fed him and warmed him up. He was freezing after all of the walking in the forest.

Little did they know, it wasn't sleepwalking that led Georgie to the forest. No. It was something else. Something sinister. Something terrible. Something evil.

No one expected it. The first child to go missing, had been the only child. Until October. One that rainy day when Bill was sick and couldn't watch Georgie. When Georgie went out on his own with that paper boat. When Georgie disappeared in front of the sewers.

That something else got him. Everyone told Bill that he went missing in the sewers and died. He didn't believe them. Everyone told him that Georgie was gone. But, they never found the body. Not in the sewers. Not in the woods. Nowhere. He was just gone.

Bill tried. He tried to cope. But, it didn't work. He was miserable. Everything was different in the worst ways. He had hope when no one else did. He believed Georgie could still be alive when no one else did. But, it was too much for him. He gave up. He lost hope. His brother was dead.

Georgie had gone missing again. It wasn't the first time, because the first time, he came back. The first time, he walked out from the trees, telling a story of a voice. The first time, he was back inside their home, warm and safe. The first time, he was still alive. The first time, he survived. The first time, Bill believed Shannon with his whole heart. The first time, Shannon promised that everything would be okay, and it was.

But this time, Georgie didn't come back to Bill. This time, there was no story to tell. This time, the house was emptier, lonelier, colder, sadder. This time, he wasn't still alive. This time, he didn't survive. This time, Bill couldn't believe Shannon. This time, her promise wasn't a promise.

This time, it was a lie.

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