13. cookies and cuddles - beverly marsh

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @trashmouthtoizier
No: []

Song?: No

Running a comb through her short blonde hair, Cody gave a look at herself in the mirror. Satisfied, she walked out of the bathroom, dressed in her pajama shorts and an oversized sweatshirt. She crawled into her bed, deciding to get an early night and flicking the lamp on her nightstand off. Her head wasn't on her pillow long before a tapping sound came from her curtained window. She disregarded it as the wind, as crazy as it sounded, but when she heard someone talk, she sat up.

"Cody?" the voice called, and the girl recognized it instantly. "Cody! Hurry it's freezing out here!"  She darted out of bed, pulling the fabric aside and seeing her girlfriend Beverly Marsh. The redhead gave a smile as the blonde girl unlocked the window and opened it wide for her to climb in.

Shutting the window to avoid letting cold air in, Cody turned to Beverly. "What are you doing here?" she asked. When Beverly gave her a strange look, she continued, walking over and flipping a light on. "I don't mean it like that, Bev. I didn't know you were coming over."

Beverly sighed and looked down, tugging at her long-sleeved shirt. "Dad, he, he got drunk and I didn't want to be around him," she whispered sadly, "I knew your parents were outta town, so I came here."

"Bev, you can come anytime, even if my parents are here," Cody answered, pulling the girl into a hug. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"No," she shook her head. "Never got the chance too. He passed out on the couch, but he's a nightmare when he wakes up with a hangover. Takes it out on me."

Cody sighed. "I'm sorry, Bev." The redhead shrugged. "Wanna bake cookies and then watch some movies?" Beverly's face lit up, and she nodded excitedly. "Okay, c'mon," Cody motioned to the girl to follow her into the kitchen.

Within fifteen minutes, the girls had a perfect cookie dough made, and they were placing lumps of it onto a baking sheet. They managed to get that far with minimal mess, except for a little flour on their clothes. What's baking without a small food fight anyways?

Once all the cookies were in the oven, they started to eat the raw dough. "We could get salmonella, you know," Beverly said as she licked a piece off her finger.

"Eddie would never be within twenty feet of us again," Cody laughed.

Beverly picked up another piece, "Hey Cody," she smirked. When the blonde girl turned, Beverly rubbed it onto her cheek. She giggled, watching as the girl's glasses slipped down her nose as she wiped it off.

"Jerk," Cody muttered playfully. "I hate you." Beverly laughed and kissed the tip of Cody's nose, making it crinkle as she smiled. "I'm supposed to be mad at you!"

Beverly shrugged. "Don't care. You could never be mad at me, anyways. You love me," she teased. Cody rolled her eyes and shoved the redhead jokingly. "Hey!"

"I'm just kidding," Cody replied. The red-haired girl leaned in and kissed Cody on the lips. Cody wrapped her arms around Beverly's neck and deepened the kiss, and the two tasted the sweet cookie dough on each other's lips. The sound of the oven broke them apart with red cheeks and goofy smiles.

Once the cookies had cooled some, they brought a plate into the living room and sat on the couch in front of the television. They had decided on "Sixteen Candles" only because Cody liked to tease Beverly for looking like Molly Ringwald.

After the cookies had been eaten and the movie had been playing for about thirty minutes, they still sat shoulder to shoulder on the couch. Cody glanced at Beverly, and when the redhead looked over, she placed her lips on hers. It shocked Beverly at first, but she kissed back immediately.

Beverly grabbed Cody's waist and pulled her into her lap, holding their bodies close as the kiss deepened. Cody ran her hands into the short red hair of Beverly, who gripped the other girl's waist. Their lips danced in sync as they sat on the couch, kissing each other as if they would never see each other again.

Since their relationship was considered wrong by everyone, it had to be kept secret, and they never got the chance to kiss and act like girlfriends together. They savored the moments when they could do those things.

Beverly broke the kiss, reluctantly, and they gasped for breath. Cody's cheeks were flushed, and Beverly's hair was messy, but they didn't care. They smiled at each other and leaned their foreheads together and laughed.

They scooted into more comfortable positions, which was Cody laying on her back and Beverly curled up between her legs with her head lying on the blonde girl's chest. Cody played with the short strands of Beverly's hair, running her fingers through it and wrapping it lightly around her finger.

Cody looked down at Beverly, who, in response, glanced up. The redhead smiled, and Cody kissed a freckle on the tip of her nose. Beverly pushed Cody's glasses up on her nose, since they had slipped off some.

When the movie ended, Beverly was half-asleep on Cody, and the blonde girl maneuvered her way out from under her. "Bev, c'mon. Let's get to bed," she whispered to the sleepy girl. Beverly nodded with barely open eyes, and Cody helped her off the couch. Cody let the girl lean on her as they walked to her bedroom.

Guiding her to the bed, Cody helped her lay down, then pulled the blankets up on her. She kissed the girl's forehead, and moved a few strands of red hair from it. The bed wasn't big enough for two, so Cody grabbed and extra pillow and blanket, before laying on the ground beside the bed.

Cody took off her glasses and placed them on the nightstand, before whispering, "Goodnight, Bev. I love you." Beverly didn't hear her though, since she had fallen asleep. Listening to Beverly's quiet breathing, Cody slipped into a peaceful sleep on the floor. Even if she had to sleep on the ground, as long as Beverly was nearby, she was happy.

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