14. obsessed - richie tozier

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @Mckenna004
No: []

Song?: No

Outgoing. That adjective can describe two different people. Outgoing could point to someone who is sweet to everyone, who is friends with everyone, who isn't afraid to be herself, and who everyone knows, in a good way. Someone like McKenna. Outgoing could also describe someone who is outspoken, who makes his presence known, who makes himself stand out in a crowd, and who everyone knows, in a bad way. Someone like Richie Tozier.

McKenna was the girl everyone wanted to hang out with. She was popular after all. Not because she was the richest, or because she was the prettiest, though she was very pretty. Everyone wanted to hang out with her, since she was the nicest person that had ever walked through Derry High School's halls. She was friends with everyone: the jocks, the band kids, the thespians, the chorus kids, the smart kids, and even the Bowers Gang liked her. She never hung out with a specific group; instead, she drifted between them all, carrying her backpack and ukulele through it all.

Richie Tozier, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. No one really hung out with him, and he never really hung out with anyone, except for his three friends: Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, and Stan Uris. He wasn't necessarily rich, and though he was good-looking, people tended to avoid him because of his attitude and all the things he said. He was known as "Trash-Mouth Tozier" by most of the school, considering he consistently spurted out cuss words and inappropriate phrases.

At one point, a member of the marching band asked McKenna if her and Richie were siblings. It wasn't hard to think that. Richie had dark brown curls and eyes to match under his glasses, and McKenna had wavy brown hair that fell to her shoulders and hazel eyes. While her popular friends laughed at the poor kid's questioned, McKenna only shook her head, and politely said "no".

McKenna had hung out with Richie and his crew, also known as "The Losers Club", several times, and didn't mind them too much. She thought they were quite funny, especially Richie himself. She wasn't too bothered by his sense of humor, and she enjoyed being around him and his friends. They were a breath of fresh air compared to her other friends, who turned their noses up at Richie.

McKenna entranced Richie and the Losers Club. Not only was she pretty, but she never treated them like the losers that others had dubbed them. She was nice to them. She didn't make any jokes when Bill had trouble stuttering. She always regarded Eddie's germaphobia with a patient smile. She never mocked Stan for his religion or lifestyle. And she always laughed at Richie's suggestive jokes. She was perfect in their eyes. And they always told each other about her.

Bill mentioned how she encouraged him to speak up more in history class, because she liked hearing his insight on the topics. Eddie brought up when she passed him her packet of tissues when the other kids stole his during math class. Stan let them know about how she said she liked how much he knew about science after he had rambled on for ten minutes about something or another. But, by far, Richie spoke the most about her. He never seemed to talk about anything else. He always explained anything she did, whether it be to him, or to someone else. He was obsessed with her.

As weird as it may sound, this did not appall McKenna. She knew of course, how could she not. Her friends mentioned to her that they heard him blabber on about her during class and lunch. She thought it was cute, unlike some.

The football players asked her if she wanted them to kick his butt during gym. She said no, with a roll of her eyes, knowing Richie kicked his own butt during gym. The band kids asked her if she wanted them to burst his eardrums with their trumpets. She said no, with a laugh. The thespians asked her if she wanted them to write a play about a stalker and direct it towards him, while the chorus kids asked her the same, except in song form. She said no to both. The smart kids asked if she wanted them to make him fail in all his classes. She said no, though she knew he already was failing. Henry Bowers asked if she wanted his gang to beat him up for her. She said no, frantically shaking her head.

Why everyone was concerned about it made no sense to McKenna. She didn't need them to stop Richie. She kinda liked that he thought she was interesting enough to talk about. Sure, she was popular. Sure, she was pretty. Sure, she played ukulele and wrote songs. Why did that make her different than anyone else. She knew that if someone was obsessed with Beverly Marsh like Richie was with her, they wouldn't be so concerned.

She decided she would speak to Richie about it. The next day at school, clutching her ukulele case like she did every day, she walked up to Richie at his locker. Tapping his shoulder, he swiveled around quickly with a panicked look on his face. When he saw it was her, he sighed heavily. "Jesus, you scared the shit outta me!"

"Sorry," McKenna laughed. "Think it was Bowers coming after you, huh Tozier? What'd you do this time?"

Richie rolled his eyes. "Nothing. I'm perfectly innocent." McKenna snorted. "I am! I haven't done a single thing to that dumbass and his even dumber-ass friends."

McKenna shook her head with a smile. "I just wanna ask you a question, Richie." He raised an eyebrow, but nodded coolly. He leaned against the lockers, arms crossed and trying to act calm, but inside he was dying. "Why do you always talk about me?"

Richie had a coughing fit. He wasn't expecting that. Once he controlled it, he spoke, "What are you talking about?" his voice cracked.

McKenna rolled her eyes, "People say you always talk about me. I'm not mad or anything. I was just curious. I mean, out of everyone in this whole school, why me?"

Richie's mouth fell open. "Why you? Why you? Oh my God, have you seen yourself?" he cried, and McKenna raised an eyebrow at the outburst. "I mean, you're so pretty and talented and you're popular and fucking everyone wants to be your friend! And you're so nice to everyone and that's the problem! it makes me so fucking mad that you are because everyone in the whole fucking school likes you and out of everyone, why would you like me? I mean, you could never like someone like me as much as I like you!"

"You like me?" McKenna questioned, making the boy turned red. He started to speak up again to defend what he said, but she stopped him. "Don't take it back. I like you too. And out of everyone in this whole school, would you like to go get dinner sometime?" McKenna smirked.

Richie smiled at the girl and nodded. "Yeah." And he didn't have anything else to say, because words can't describe how happy he was at that moment.

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