28. one on four - bill denbrough

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @Shannon1300
No: []

Song?: No

"Shannon! There's someone at the door for you!" her father called her from the front entrance. The man looked to the staircase where Shannon should be coming down.

The girl opened her bedroom door and peeked out, but not seeing far enough to the door, she responded, "Who is it?"

Shannon rolled her eyes as she heard her father whisper, not so quietly, asking the visitor what their name was again. "It's a young man named Bill, Shannon. Now please come down."

Realizing who it was, Shannon dashed down the stairs. She ran to the front door, and her father moved out of the way. "Hey," she gave the boy a smile, to which he returned. "Ready to go?" He nodded, and Shannon waved goodbye to her father.

"Wait, wait, wait," the man raised an eyebrow, making the girl sigh. "Where are you two going? And why haven't I met this boy before, Shannon?"

Shannon gave an apologetic look to Bill, who looked a bit uncomfortable and awkward. "We're going to Richie's house, Dad," she answered. "And it's usually Mom who's here because you're working. She's met Bill plenty of times."

The man nodded and seemed to be thinking over it for a moment. "Okay, be back before seven, please." The girl agreed, saying that she promised she would. "Stay outta trouble."

"Yes, Dad," Shannon sighed, grabbing Bill by the wrist and tugging him away from the entrance. She shut the door behind her, and the two stepped down the steps. "Sorry about him," she motioned to the house.

Bill shrugged, but his ears were still slightly red. "It's oh-oh-okay. No b-big deal." The boy smiled at the girl, and she returned it.

The two walked down the sidewalk, arms occasionally brushing up against each other. Every time that would happen, both of them would blush but they never looked over at each other. They both knew the other liked them, since it wasn't hard to see. It was admitting it that made them nervous. There was that slight thought in their heads whispering, What if I'm wrong? What if they don't like me back?

They never let that effect their friendship, however. Bill and Shannon were the best of friends, and no one, not even their own secret crushes, could get in between that. Sure, they were friends with the others in the Losers Club, but they relied on each other more. They always turned to each other for anything. Their friendship was one that everyone always hoped to have.

Shannon nudged Bill with her shoulder, making the boy glance over at her. "It's Bowers," she whispered, flicking her eyes to the blue car driving towards them. "Just keep walking."

"Oh-Okay," Bill answered, and his eyes fell to the ground. Belch Huggins' car drove right past them, and the kids let out a breath. That didn't last long, when they heard the car's loud engine stop, and doors open. "Sh-Shit." They continued to walk, hoping that the Bowers Gang was just paying a friendly visit to one the houses they just past, but, of course, they both knew wasn't true. The footsteps of the Bowers Gang grew louder behind them, and someone roughly grabbed Shannon by the shoulder.

"Let me go!" she shouted at Henry Bowers, who was holding her tightly now by the arms. Patrick had grabbed Bill, and he was holding his lighter extremely close to his face.

Henry smirked. "Now, why would I do that when I finally got you, hot stuff?" he asked her, tauntingly. The Bowers Gang had attempted to convince her to join them and leave the Losers Club several times, but she refused every time, because she liked the Losers way too much to ever do that. Plus, Henry was an asshole.

Shannon glared at him, "Suck a dick." She glanced back over at Bill, who was struggling against the taller boy. He looked in pain from Patrick's grip on his forearm, which would most likely leave a bruise.

Henry followed her gaze to Bill. "Maybe there's another way to persuade you," Henry grinned evilly, pushing her to Belch and Victor, who each held one of her arms. Henry yanked Bill away from Patrick, and before Bill could process what was going on, Henry threw a punch straight into Bill's eye.

Bill fell to the ground, letting out a groan of pain, but Henry dragged him up again. Patrick held both of Bill's arms behind his back, while Henry struck him right in the gut. Shannon strained against the two boys holding her back, angry tears running down her face. "Let him go, Bowers, you asshole!"

Henry glanced over at her, stopping his assault on Bill, who looked scared and was crying pained tears. "You know how to make me stop, darling," he raised an eyebrow at her. Shannon stayed quiet; she would never join the Bowers Gang. "Okay then." He turned and punched Bill again in the face.

"That's it," Shannon whispered. She took her left leg and kicked Belch right behind the kneecap. He stumbled, loosening his grip on her. She yanked her arm away from him and turned to Victor. She knocked his legs out from under him, and he landed on his back. Belch attempted to grab her again, but she kicked her leg up between his legs as hard as she could, and Belch fell over, groaning and holding his crotch.

Henry turned after the commotion, and Shannon met him with a furious glare. Before he could say anything, she slapped him hard, then kicked him in the gut with her foot. His breath was knocked out of him, and he stopped for a moment.

Patrick threw Bill, bloody and crying, to the side, coming after her instead. Shannon threw her fist into his jaw, which didn't faze him much. He raised his hand to hit her, but she ducked behind Henry, causing Patrick to strike him in the face. Patrick stood up straight, panic appearing on his face. Shannon took the opportunity to shove Henry into the taller boy, making them both fall onto the pavement.

Shannon grabbed Bill's hand, pulling him up and running down the sidewalk. They didn't stop running until they reached Richie's house. Shannon asked if he was okay, checking his eye and face. "I'm f-fine," he responded. "Are you? I mean, th-that was b-b-badass." Shannon blushed and nodded, saying she was fine too. "Th-Thank you," he told her.

"It was no big deal," Shannon answered. "You would've done it for me." Bill didn't say anything else. Instead, on Richie's front porch, he took a step forward and placed his lips on Shannon's. They never had to admit it to each other anymore. They both just knew.

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