42. chicken - richie tozier

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a/n: sorry for not updating in like a long time. i've been going through some stuff and really thinking on what i want to do with my account and stuff. idk if y'all care about it or not but if you want a further explanation on why I've been gone, then I'll do one, but if not, then I won't. So sorry again, but I hope y'all enjoy this imagine.

Alexa grimaced in disgust as she watched her friends spit over the side of the small cliff into the water below. Well, most of them anyways. Eddie kind of missed. And if that wasn't bad enough, the five boys began arguing over who won. "Oh my God, are you done yet?" she exclaimed in exasperation.

"You're just mad because we didn't let you play it with us," Richie sneered at her.

The brunette shook her head, "No way did I want to play. I don't find spitting wads of mucus over a cliff at alarming distances very entertaining, believe it or not," she responded. Richie rolled his eyes, before rejoining the boys, who started arguing over who was going to jump first.

"I'll go," a voice said, making everyone turn around. Beverly Marsh stood a few feet away, dropping her bike next to everyone else's. "Coming, Alexa?"

Alexa smiled and quickly kicked off her shorts and pulled off her tee shirt, while Beverly unbuttoned her dress and stepped out of it. The two girls ran past the boy and jumped off together, hitting the water right after Richie cried, "What the fuck!"

They resurfaced, and all the boys followed them down, one by one, starting with Bill. "Nice move," Alexa told the red-haired girl who was beside her.

"I try," Beverly replied, making the two girls burst out in giggles while the boys looked at them in confusion. When Beverly noticed their staring, she said, "Who wants to play chicken?"

The group agreed immediately, liking the idea of playfighting in the water. Beverly climbed on top of Bill's shoulders while Richie scrambled up Ben. After a good fight, Beverly got knocked off, while Richie raised his arms, cheering for himself.

"Good effort, Bev," Alexa told her as she stood back up in the water. She shrugged, giving Bill a small smile. "Better than I could do, anyways."

Richie heard this snippet of the conversation and joined in. "Why don't you hop on my shoulders and see," he placed an arm on her shoulder. "Or would you rather hop onto something else of mine?" he added suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows.

Shoving his arm off of her, Alexa answered, "You wish, Richie," she responded.

"Don't be like that, Lexy," he nudged her playfully.

Alexa rolled her eyes, "Don't call me that. You know I hate that nickname," she told him. That was a lie, she actually didn't mind the nickname, well, when it came from him anyways.

"One chicken fight, please," he pleaded, and it was so endearing to see the Richie Tozier beg for one fight, so she agreed to go against Beverly and Bill.

Richie helped her onto his shoulders, and he wrapped his arms around her legs, holding her securely. Beverly and Bill approached them slowly, the water rippling as they walked. Alexa grabbed Beverly's shoulders and pushed as hard as she could, trying to knock her off. However, Richie's arms slipped slightly, and the redhead was able to push her off.

"Damnit," she muttered, giving the trashmouth a dirty look. "I want a rematch," she stated, making Beverly laugh. "But, I think it should be the boys on our shoulders," she smirked.

This made Beverly smile and agree almost instantly, while the boys looked much more hesitant. After a few minutes of convincing, Alexa sunk deeper underwater as Richie climbed onto her shoulders. "Don't drop me, Lexy," he warned her.

"Don't count on it, trashmouth," she replied, tilting her head to look up at him.

He chuckled, shaking his head slightly, before shifting on her shoulders. The girl gripped his legs, her arms going under his knees. "If I knock Bill off, do I get a prize?" he asked her.

"What kind of prize do you want?" she questioned suspiciously. Richie pretended to think for a moment, before wiggling his eyebrows. "Don't make me throw you off of me," she told him sternly, as she picked up what he was implying.

"I'm joking, I'm joking," he quickly replied. "But, I was thinking, maybe a kiss?" At this point, everyone else had swam over to watch the fight, so they heard this exchange quite clearly. All eyes were wide as they waited for a response from Alexa. "So, what do you say?"

Alexa bit her lip in thought. She did like Richie after all, despite some of his inappropriate remarks. "Whatever, fine," she said, keeping a calm composure. "Not like you're gonna be able to knock Bill off anyways."

Richie smirked, and they began to inch towards Beverly and Bill. Alexa dug her hands into Richie's knees, trying to keep him still while she walked. Beverly smiled at the brunette knowingly, as she and Bill heard the conversation as well. Alexa only rolled her eyes.

Finally, Richie and Bill began to push at each other's shoulders. Bill gave a harsh shove, and Richie almost toppled off, but Alexa backed up some, allowing the boy to regain his balance. Beverly and Bill lunged forward some, in attempt to take out Richie, but Alexa dodged it, allowing Richie to shove Bill off of Beverly's shoulders.

"Oh my God!" Alexa exclaimed, throwing Richie off of her shoulders and into the water. The boy resurfaced, a nasty look on his face, but she ignored it. She grabbed his shoulders and shook him slightly. "I can't believe you actually won!"

Richie rolled his eyes, while everyone else laughed. "I know, I'm pretty great," he said egotistically.

"Yeah, that was amazing!" Alexa cried, not even an inch of sarcasm in her voice. Richie raised his eyebrows at the compliment, then gave her a genuine smile, with nothing suggestive in it. Without even thinking, Alexa leaned forward and pressed her lips to Richie's, who stood frozen for a moment before kissing her back.

Everyone else stood smirking and whispering comments, and when the two broke apart, they turned bright red at the sight of all their friends staring at them. After a few teasing comments and kissing faces, the group began to head toward the cliff, back to the bank of the water.

"You know, I asked for the kiss because I like you," Richie told Alexa, rubbing the back of his neck. Alexa didn't say anything in response. Instead, she brought her lips to his once more.

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