35. accidental - richie tozier

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @FinnGrazersWifey
No: []

Song: No

"Hey, Rich!" Michelle greeted her boyfriend, as she opened the door. "Mom! I'm leaving!" she called inside, before walking out. "Ready?"

Richie nodded, "Of course." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, holding her close to his side. He looked down and met her brown eyes with his own. He chuckled quietly, before pushing Michelle's glasses up her nose, where they had slipped down slightly.

They walked down the street, towards Bill's house, where they were having their sleepover with the Losers Club. It was the end of summer, and the group wanted to go out with a bang. Michelle's parents were hesitant to let her stay the night with all the boys, but she assured them that Beverly would be there too, so they gave in.

Richie and Michelle had one problem though. Their friends didn't know they were dating. They had wanted to keep it a secret. They didn't want the others to feel weird about it, or if they broke up, they didn't want their friends to have to pick side.

The boy stopped right before they turned down Bill's street. "Richie, what are you doing?" Michelle asked, looking at the boy with a raised eyebrow. He didn't answer, instead he just pressed his lips to her own. Her hands found their way onto his shoulders, and he tangled his hands in her brown hair. When he pulled away, she asked, "What was that for?"

"Since I can't do that while we're at Bill's," he answered, a twinkled catching his eyes as he smiled. Michelle blushed slightly before playfully rolling her eyes.

Richie was known for having a trash-mouth and not really caring what people had to say. That was true. However, he wasn't the carefree and self-absorbed kid some people assumed him to be. For every minute they had been dating, he had been nothing but sweet and caring to Michelle. He had shown his true colors, which included him being a hopeless romantic. There was more to him than they thought.

"Come on, we're gonna be late," Michelle grabbed his hand and pulled him along. They walked up to Bill's house, and they released each other's hands.

Richie knocked on the door, and Bill answered. "H-Hey guys," he smiled and moved out of the doorway, so the two could walk in. "Everyone else is al-already h-h-here. Th-They're in the living r-room. Michelle, you c-c-can put your stuff uh-upstairs in, uh, G-Georgie's room," Bill said quietly.

Michelle nodded and quickly climbed the stairs. She placed her bag in the room, and she knew that this must be hard for Bill. After finding out Georgie was gone in the sewers, he had started coping, but he wasn't completely okay yet. Michelle thought it was big step for him to let Beverly and her sleep in Georgie's room while the boys slept in Bill's.

The girl joined the rest of her friends in the living room, and she gave Beverly a hug. Bill's parents had bought pizza for all of them, and they were happily eating the cheesy goodness. Michelle only ate two slices, and though she could've eaten more, the sight of Richie and Eddie having a competition to see who could eat more made her sick. Richie won with four slices, Eddie giving up after three.

The group talked, like they usually did, and they played random games. However, as usual, someone had to bring up truth or dare. Bill made promise not to do anything too crazy because his parents, who were out to dinner at the moment, would freak out.

The game had gone by without any major hiccups, besides Eddie flipping out when Richie had jokingly told him to eat another slice of pizza as a dare. Mike had just drunk a spoonful of vinegar, when he turned to Michelle. "Truth or dare?" he asked.

"Truth," she answered, playing it safe.

"Have you ever had a crush on someone in the group?" Mike asked, getting words of approval from some of the others.

Michelle glanced at Richie for a split second out of the corner of her eye. "Yes," she stated simply. They pressed her for who, but she shook her head. "That wasn't part of the question."

She moved on to Bill, and the game continued until it got to Stan, who admitted to having a light on in his room after the Pennywise incident, but who could blame him? "Richie, truth or dare?"

"Dare. I'm not a wimp," he puffed out his chest with a smirk, while everyone rolled their eyes at him. He was too much sometimes.

Stan thought for a minute, before his eyes flicked over Michelle. "Kiss Michelle," he told him. Everyone else's eyes widened, watching intently.

"Gladly," Richie smirked. He turned to the girl next to him, grabbing her face lightly in his hands. He pressed his lips to hers, indulging in it, before pulling away. Forgetting that they were in front of their friends, he said, "Guess I did get to kiss you again tonight after all."

The room went silent. "Richie!" Michelle hissed, smacking his arm. "You're an idiot sometimes." Michelle gave a small smile, which wasn't very convincing. All eyes were wide on them. Richie realized what he said, and he started scratching the back of his neck nervously with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Would someone care to explain what is going on?" Beverly asked, her eyebrow arched, as she looked from Michelle to Richie. Ben nodded in agreement to what she said.

Richie sighed, then laughed. "Might as well not hide it anymore," he slung his arm over Michelle's shoulder. "We're dating. Have been for a few months. Keep your hands off her or you will be dealing with me personally, got it?"

Michelle shook her head, burying her face in her hands. Stan spoke up, "Why didn't you guys tell us?" he asked. Richie explained a bit dramatically, all while Michelle nodded and rolled her eyes at some points. "Oh. You know, we would've been fine with it, right?"

Richie shrugged. "Well, we weren't sure. We didn't want things to be weird between everyone. We wanted everything to stay the same as it is now." He laughed, "It will stay the same, right?"

"Yeah," Eddie answered. "But that means no PDA. There wasn't PDA before, and personally, I don't want to see you eating each other's faces all the time." Everyone laughed, before deciding to end the game and watch a movie. Everything was still the same after that, and that was fine with them.

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