33. immature - bill denbrough & stan uris

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @haxeleyes
No: []

Song: No

"Richie, I swear on my life, if you say that joke about the guitar teacher again, I might smack you!" McKenna exclaimed as Richie frowns. He mumbled how she was no fun under his breath, shaking his head at her as he walked back towards the playground swings where Eddie and Stan were.

Leaning on a tree, Bill rolled his eyes, and the girl next to him did the same. He shifted slightly, his arm around her getting a bit tired. McKenna leaned forward so he could pull his arm away, and she gave an apologetic smile. "It's oh-okay," he told her.

McKenna chuckled, looking back at Richie, who was now tormenting Eddie and Stan with his jokes and impressions. She had known the trash-mouth her whole life, living next door to him for that time. He was her best friend, and nothing could change that. And, when the two of them met Bill, Eddie, and Stan in elementary school, they became their own little group.

Eddie was like McKenna's little brother, even though, technically he was older than her. He hated when she called him that anyways. Stan was the supportive one in the group. Whenever she has a problem, she knew she could go to Stan to get a mature and serious answer. She loved Richie and Eddie, but they weren't good for that sort of thing. Bill was the leader, per say. He was the one who kept them all on track. He had that sort of determination that they needed to cancel of Eddie and Richie's craziness. Something happened though.

At the end of winter break a few months ago, Bill had admitted his feelings to McKenna. He really liked her. For a long time. His stutter had gotten worse when he told her, and his face had been bright red. He wasn't just the leader anymore. He was her boyfriend, now for almost six months. The rest of them were fine with it, but it caused a lot of teasing, which wasn't anything new.

"Wh-What do you th-think R-R-Richie's s-s-saying to th-them?" Bill asked, gesturing to the other three, where Eddie and Stan looked annoyed beyond belief.

McKenna sat up straighter and put on her best English accent. "Cheerio, my good lads! We're off to see the governor and have tea with the queen. Then we'll get knackered and go home for quite a rest in our bedchambers. Tally-ho, my fine gentlemen!" McKenna impersonated Richie's English impression.

Bill started laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe, while Richie glared at her from across the swing set. "I heard you, you know!" he shouted. "I don't even sound like that!"

"Yes, you do!" McKenna yelled back, pushing her glasses back up, since they had slipped while she was laughing. She looked up away from the ground when she saw Richie's shoes in front of them. "Aw, Rich, I was only kidding around," she told him. "Don't be mad."

Richie rolled his eyes. "I'm not mad, but that didn't sound like me," he huffed. "Besides, I didn't come over here to argue it," he pointed to where Stan and Eddie were talking quietly. "They kicked me out, so they could talk 'privately'," he made air quotes while sounding annoyed.

Bill glanced at the two whispering, but the three paid no mind, until Eddie stood up and shouted something loud enough that parents at the playground with their kids turned and glared at them. "You have a crush on McKenna!"

Stan's face heated up and he smacked Eddie's arm hard, causing the boy to groan. Bill stood up, anger apparent on his face, and he stomped over to Stan. "Bill, stop!" McKenna scrambled up to follow him, trying to get him to stop.

The two boys were arguing, shouting at each other at the same time, and it was difficult to tell who was saying what. Then, the first punch came. Bill hit Stan in the nose, and the boy fell over. "Shit," Stan muttered, pushing himself back onto his feet.

McKenna placed herself between the two, while Richie grabbed Bill's arm and Eddie pulled at Stan's, which was balled into a fist. "Stop it!" McKenna cried. "Stop it both of you! You're acting like little kids! I'd expect this from those two," she motioned to Eddie and Richie, "but not from you guys! You're being so immature about this! Why did you resort to arguing and fighting and hitting each other! That's not going to solve anything!"

"M-McKenna," Bill started, feeling guilty and ashamed at his girlfriend's scolding. Stan mirrored his expression, except he was rubbing the back of his neck.

McKenna held up her hand to Bill, stopping him from continuing. "Bill, you can't do that just because someone says they like me. Stan obviously wanted to keep it a secret, so you wouldn't get mad. It was an accident. But, but, you freaked out." McKenna shook her head, brown hair falling into her hazel eyes. "We're done. I can't do this if this is what's going to happen."

The girl turned and ran off, leaving Bill and the rest of the boys by themselves. Bill narrowed his eyes at Stan, "Th-This is all your f-f-fault," he spat, poking him accusingly in the chest.

"My fault? My fault!" Stan exclaimed. "It's not my fault! I tried to keep it quiet!" He snapped his head towards Eddie. "This is all your fault! If you hadn't yelled it out, he wouldn't have found out!"

Eddie gasped. "Bullshit! I'm not the one to blame!" He pointed at Bill. "He's the one that went all crazy and punched you!"

"Guys! Shut up!" Richie yelled, causing their arguing to stop. "It's all of your faults. So, shut up and figure this shit out and stop fighting!"

Stan grabbed his backpack off the ground. "I'm not figuring anything out until he apologizes," Stan growled, looking directly at Bill. The other boy glared back at Stan, saying the same thing right back to him. They both grabbed their bikes and went in separate directions, leaving Eddie and Richie alone.

Bill and Stan didn't talk for two weeks. Eddie, Richie, and McKenna all hung out, but it was lonely without the other boys. So, they formed a plan to get them to talk. They asked both boys to come to the barrens, telling them that the other wouldn't be there.

That afternoon, Bill showed up first, dropping his bike on the ground. He looked tired and sad, after losing one of his best friends and his girlfriend all in one day. "H-Hi," he greeted cautiously.

Bill was only there for a few minutes before, "What is he doing here!?" Stan exclaimed. Bill turned around and glared at Stan. "I thought you said he wasn't gonna be here!"

"Th-That's wh-what th-they told me too," Bill replied.

McKenna looked at them. "We had to get you guys to talk somehow. I know you weren't going to forgive each other unless we did something about it." The two boys narrowed their eyes at the girl. "Don't look at me like that. We're not leaving until you two make up. I don't care if we have to stay here all night." Eddie did not seem thrilled at that thought, but Richie nudged him before he could speak up.

The two boys reluctantly started talking, after about half an hour of silence. Bill told Stan how he got angry because he thought Stan would try and break up him and McKenna, just so he could start dating her. Stan told Bill how he only wanted to tell Eddie, because he needed to tell someone, and that he never intended to try and break up McKenna and him.

Once they had apologized, Richie tried to get them to hug it out, but they settled on a handshake instead. "Don't push it, Rich," McKenna laughed.

There was a slight atmosphere of awkwardness at first, but it soon disappeared when Richie began annoying Eddie with accents and jokes about his mom. It felt normal again after that. McKenna watched the two boys bicker back and forth until Bill shuffled over to her. "H-Hey," he mumbled.

"Hey, Bill," she gave him a smile.

Bill sighed. "I know I m-messed up. B-Bad. B-But," he paused as if he was debating whether or not to continue. "Maybe, c-c-can we t-try again?" he asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

McKenna smiled. "Yeah," she answered. Bill immediately scooped her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. "Just please, don't punch anyone this time," she laughed. Bill looked down at her and shook his head with a small hint of a smile on his lips. "Okay, then."

She wrapped her arms around him again, hugging him close to her. They only pulled away when Eddie and Richie began making kissing noises behind them. Bill rolled his eyes, causing the two boys to laugh and cease their teasing. Not for long, though.

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