27. a little too late - stan uris

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @oleff_wyatt
No: []

Song?: No

Stan Uris stood out from his friends, the Losers Club. Unlike Bill for having a stutter, or Eddie for being a germaphobe, or Richie for just being a dickhead in general, Stan was only an outcast because he was Jewish. He didn't necessarily stand out in the school, and he was a good student, as well as a good kid in general. He wasn't very interesting, but he was very interested in someone.

Her name was Julia. She was in his English class. She sat in the row next to Stan, but one seat up. This was fine by him, since he could admire her without her noticing. No one noticed, actually. Everyone was wrapped up in their own little worlds to notice Stan Uris look at Julia.

No one could blame him, however, for liking the girl. She was very beautiful with long black hair and bright blue eyes, which stood out against her pale skin. That wasn't the only reason Stan liked her. He did think she was pretty, but he admired her personality. She never judged anyone, she never said anything mean about anyone, and she always gave everyone a chance. She had spoken with Stan many time, and they've paired up for projects. He enjoyed talking to her, which was about things other girls wouldn't want to talk about.

Even though Stan had never told Julia how he felt about her, he always became jealous whenever some other guy talked to her. Whether it be Richie acting like an idiot, or the new kid, Ben Hanscom, asking for notes that he missed, it made Stan upset. He knew that someone like her would never choose someone like him.

However, it was worth a shot. Waiting for third period to roll around was like watching grass grow. It felt like forever. When the bell rang, signaling the end of his second class, Stan raced out of the room. Stopping by his locker so he wouldn't be the first into the classroom, he slowly walked into English.

Julia sat quietly at her desk, flipping through her notebook to find where she had left off. The class was almost full, only a few faces missing from the class. Taking a deep breath, Stan approached the girl. "Hey, Julia," he started nervously. Her eyes flicked up to him and she gave a smile. Stan went to continue, clutching his books to his chest, but someone interrupted.

"Julia, I wanna ask you something," it was Patrick Hockstetter, who sat in front of Julia. He was notorious for being a part of the Bowers Gang and having a weird obsession with fire and dead animals. Julia held up one finger to Stan, apologizing with her eyes, before turning to the black-haired boy. "Would you wanna go on a date, you know, with me today?"

Julia's eyes widened, and Stan's did the same. He could not believe what he was hearing. Patrick Hocksetter beat him in asking Julia on a date. Stan sighed, though, knowing the she would never agree to a date with Patrick. "Sure," Julia gave a small smile. "Why not?"

Stan's mouth fell open, while Patrick smirked cockily. "Great, we can go right after school. I'll meet you at your locker" Julia nodded, and Patrick turned back around in his seat.

"Stan?" Julia asked, causing the boy's eyes to snap to her. He hadn't realized that he was staring at Patrick. "Was there something you needed to tell me?"

Stan licked his lips nervously, glancing back at the black-haired boy in front of Julia. "Yeah," he started, running his hand through his hair. "I was just wondering if there was homework for this class yesterday."

Julia shook her head. "No," she replied. "No homework." Stan nodded then thanked her, quietly walking to his seat and sitting down. He glanced at the girl one last time before opening his notebook and staring at a blank page.

After school ended, Stan saw Patrick meet Julia at her locker, and they left. Stan walked out of the school, without his friends. He unlocked his bike and pedaled off home, feeling devastated and let down. That feeling in his stomach never left, even after he fell asleep that night. It was there when he woke up the next morning, and it was there when he left to go back to school.

When he arrived at the building, he met up with his friends, who asked where he had gone and why he left without them. He didn't give them an answer, but instead went to his first class. He couldn't pay attention to the teacher, and his eyes were focused on the desktop, which had random pencil markings and eraser shavings on it.

The second class followed the same as the first, but Stan didn't feel any better than before. It felt as if his heart had been ripped out of his chest and put in the untrustworthy hands of Patrick Hocksetter, who would, no doubt, crush and hurt it. When he walked to third period, he couldn't help but to let his shoulders drop and his feet drag on the floor.

Julia was there already, sitting in her seat with an unreadable expression on her face. Stan didn't even bother trying to talk to her. Instead, he walked to his desk, sitting down instantly. He dropped his backpack on the floor next to him, and he allowed his eyes to flick over to Julia.

The bell rang, but the teacher hadn't shown up. There was no substitute either, so the students began talking to one another, somewhat quietly so no one would find out there was no teacher. Stan's head was held up by his hand, and he looked over to Julia, instantly frowning.

Patrick was turned towards her, and he wasn't being quiet about what he was saying. "So, we on again sometime soon, babe?" he asked, and Stan rolled his eyes. "I was thinking today, or maybe, right now?" The boy gave a suggestive wink to the girl.

"Actually," Julia began, closing her notebook and meeting the boy's eyes with a somewhat frightened expression. "I don't think another date would work out."

Patrick looked offended and leaned closer to her, gritting his teeth. "Why not? Didn't you have fun yesterday?" His eyes were glaring at her, obviously not liking her answer.

Julia stood up. "Fun!? What part of that date was supposed to be fun?!" she cried, making everyone's eyes fall upon her. "Was it when you took me into the woods and tired to set a squirrel on fire? Or was it when you tried to force yourself on me?"

Patrick's eyes became darker, anger clouding his mind. He stood up and towered over the girl. He reached out to grab her arm, and that was when shy Stan burst from his seat. "Don't touch her!" he raced to her, placing her body behind his. Patrick snickered at the boy, coming closer to him, but stopped laughing when Stan punched him in the nose.

"Shit!" Patrick exclaimed. Stan threw another punch into Patrick's gut, making him bend over in pain. Stan shoved him, and the boy fell over onto the ground. "Fuck this! You can have the bitch if you want her!" Patrick scrambled to his feet, and he ran from the room.

Several people in the room applauded Stan, but the boy turned to Julia. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Stan," she answered. "Are you okay? I mean, I've never seen you act like that before. You were like a completely different person." Stan's face fell, thinking that he scared her. "No, not like that. I mean, it was like you weren't scared of anything."

Stan rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his shy self returning as everyone's attention fell away from the two. "Well," he spoke quietly, "I guess seeing someone you care about in danger will really make you brave." Julia's eyes widened, and Stan turned bright red, not realizing what he had said. "I mean, uh, um, well, I was, well, I, um," he began stuttering, sounding like Bill.

Julia took a step toward him, placing her hand on his cheek. "It's okay, Stan. Don't be embarrassed," she whispered. "That's really," she paused with a small smile, "sweet that you care about me."

"Would you want to, uh, go on a, um, date with me?" Stan asked, before adding, "I totally get it if you don't want to though. I just thought I'd ask, but feel free to say no."

"I'd love to go on a date with you," Julia replied, and Stan smiled, blushing bright red. The girl embraced the boy, wrapping her arms around his neck. Julia leaned into his ear and whispered, "I care about you too, Stanley Uris."

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