30. stolen books - eddie kaspbrak

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @AstralAllie
No: []

Song?: No

"Jesus, Megan, you've taken forever!" Gabriella, better known as GG, groaned at her friend. She took off her glasses, rubbing her eyes, before placing back in front of her eyes. She was embarrassed of having to wear them, but she decided that it was better to see than be blind all day without them.

The short blonde girl, rolled her eyes, laughing at the black-haired girl's complaining. "It has not been forever, you idiot," she replied, closing her locker. "And besides, I'm done."

As the two walked down the hall, anyone could see the strange pair. They were so different from each other, in behavior and looks. Megan had blonde hair and bright blue eyes, which matched her fair complexion nicely. GG, on the other hand, had darker coloring, though she was still as gorgeous as her friend: tan skin, long black hair, and extremely dark brown eyes.

Megan was quiet and sweet, and she didn't really make herself known in a crowd. GG, however, was known to everyone. She was known as the female version of Henry Bowers. She didn't necessarily cut people or torment them for fun. She just had the habit of getting into fights, mostly to stand up for what she thought was right, and she usually won. What people didn't know is that GG was actually a genuinely nice person, just very passionate about certain things, which usually is what ended up in a fight with anyone who disagreed with it.

They continued down the hallways of Derry High School, and several students stepped out of the way, afraid of getting on the bad side of GG. She threw open the double doors of the school dramatically, exiting with a smile. "Finally," she said, breathing in deeply.

"You're so weird," Megan chuckled, shaking her head. GG nudged her lightly, laughing along with the girl. As they walked toward the front of the school, a crowd of students had gathered on the sidewalk leading up to the doors. "What's going on?"

GG shrugged. "I have no idea," she answered. They headed towards the crowd, hoping to figure out what was happening. When they reached the outskirts of the circle, she tapped on some boy's shoulder. He turned, eyes slightly widening at GG, but didn't back away. "What's happening?"

The boy looked back toward the center. "Bowers got some kid. He's giving him a pretty good beating. I feel bad for the guy. He hasn't laid one hit on Bowers. The other three are holding back his friends, so he's on his own. I think it's that germ freak kid, Eddie. Eddie Kaspbrak. You know, the one who always carries around two fanny-packs."

GG felt anger bubble up inside of her stomach. "You've got to be kidding me." What usually caused her fights was Bowers, or anyone really, picking on innocent kids. Since she never wanted the victim to feel embarrassed or helpless, she usually made up some bullshit lie about why she was mad at the tormenter. It would pull their attention off whoever they were teasing or bullying, so it was a good plan to her.

"GG," Megan started, "please don't do anything really dumb."

GG glanced at her friend. "When have I ever done something really dumb?" Megan sighed and rolled her eyes, her idea giving the girl permission to do whatever she planned on doing. "Okay!" GG shouted, catching the closest students' attention. "Everyone move outta the way!"

A path immediately was opened for her to walk through, straight to the center of the circle. She stops when she enters, tapping her foot impatiently while she watches Bowers throw another punch at Eddie. "What are you doing?" Patrick Hocksetter, who was holding Bill Denbrough's arms, asked.

Henry stopped, turning his gaze to GG, eyes narrowed. "What do you want?" he spat at her, still in a fighting position with his fists clenched and knees bent slightly.

"Bowers!" she yelled. "You destroyed my locker!" The boy was obviously not expecting that, because his shoulders dropped, and he stood straight up. "Where are all my books, you asshole!"

Henry glared at her. "I don't know where your fucking books are!"

GG persisted. "You're such a liar! All my books are gone, and there was note saying that their somewhere at the barrens! And it was signed 'BG'! B! G! Bowers Gang! I am not going down to the barrens, so you and your goons can go get my books!" She pointed at Patrick, Belch, Victor, then at Henry. "Go get my books, you shitheads!"

"Like hell I am!" Henry shouted. "We didn't take your books, so go fucking find them yourself! And stop acting like such a fucking bitch!"

That made the girl lose it. She slapped Henry hard in the face with her hand, then shoved him toward the edge of the center. He glared at her, coming towards her to hit her, but she dodged it, smacking him with her fist in the gut. He doubled over, and she grabbed him by him mullet, pulling his face up to meet her eyes. "Go get my books," she whispered in a deadly tone, pushing him away from her.

"Alright! Alright fine!" he snarled. "Come on, let's go!" He grabbed his friends, and Eddie's friends were released. The Bowers Gang stomped off, trying to figure out which of the four had stolen GG's books.

GG turned her head to look at Eddie, but she gasped. He was bloody and beaten up pretty bad, but he was wheezing and coughing, struggling to breathe while he laid on the ground. His friends surrounded him, trying to calm him down, but it wasn't helping. She spotted his fanny-pack and ran over to him. "Get outta the way," she told the other three boys. They backed up reluctantly, and GG grabbed Eddie's inhaler from the pack. "Here," she handed it to him, and he took a puff from it.

After a few more puffs, he pulled it away from his mouth, and he looked at GG. "Thanks," he said quietly, even though most of the crowd had left after Henry. "For the inhaler and for Bowers."

"No problem," she answered, standing up from her kneeling position. She offered the boy a hand, and he took it, pulling himself up off the ground. "I'll tell you a secret. My books aren't missing." Eddie's eyes widened, and GG laughed. "I made it up. Bowers is gonna be pissed, but he'll be out there for a long time, looking for nothing." She glanced back over to where Megan stood waiting. "I gotta go. See you later, Eddie." She waved at him, running back over to her friend, and he returned the gesture.

Megan smiled. "That was impressive."

GG shrugged with a smile. "I do try, you know. Besides, he didn't do anything," she paused, then chuckled to herself, "and he's kinda cute," she added in a whisper that Megan didn't hear.


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