25. grounded - bill denbrough

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @Shannon1300
No: []

Song?: No

"Catch!" Shannon shouted, tossing a grape at her boyfriend, Bill's, face. He wasn't prepared, so the small red fruit bounced off his face and onto the front lawn. Shannon fell over on her back from her sitting position, laughing loudly. "Sorry."

Bill rolled his eyes, his face red. "It's oh-okay," he smiled at the girl's joyful expression. He picked another grape from the bowl, and held it toward her. "Your t-turn."

Shannon nodded, and he threw it up in the air. She caught it in her mouth, then stood up from the ground. "Thank you, thank you," she bowed while Bill clapped, laughing at her.

The front door opened, and the two turned around. Georgie, Bill's younger brother, carefully walked down the steps and over to them with a smile on his face, hands holding a multitude of objects. "Hey, Billy," he greeted.

"Hey, G-Georgie," Bill replied, and Shannon gave a small wave. Georgie only looked at her; he didn't respond or wave back. "Wuh-What's up?"

The younger boy handed his brother the supplies that he held, making Bill raise his eyebrows. "Can you fold me a paper boat?" he asked. The pile of items now made sense: markers, construction paper, a ruler to use as a straightedge, and scissors, for no reason at all.

Bill sighed. "N-Not right n-now, G-G-Georgie," Bill answered. Georgie questioned further, asking why. Bill let out a huff, obviously getting annoyed with his brother. "Be-Because I'm huh-hanging out with Sh-Shannon. Be-Be-Besides, it's not even r-raining."

Georgie's lips curled into a sad pout. "But, but, but it could, Billy." He glanced between his brother and Shannon, eyes looking watery.

"L-Look at the sk-sk-sky, G-Georgie!" Bill exclaimed, irritated. The younger boy tilted his head up and observed the cloudless blue sky. "It's n-not guh-gonna rain!"

"But," Georgie started.

Bill threw his hands up. "No buh-buts, G-Georgie!" Georgie took a step back, frown appearing on his round face. "J-Just leave us alone!" Tears began to roll down Georgie's cheeks, and Bill sighed annoyedly. The younger boy turned and ran inside the house. "Sh-Shit!" Bill rolled his eyes, anger still pouring off him in waves, scrambling from the ground to chase after the boy, and Shannon followed in behind him.

When the two entered, they were immediately met with an unhappy Mrs. Denbrough. Her arms were crossed, and eyebrows were raised. "What did you do to your brother, young man?" she inquired with an authoritative tone.

"Mom," Bill started to defend himself. "He was buh-buh-bugging us, and he wuh-wanted a puh-paper boat made. It's not even r-r-raining!"

"You made your brother cry, Bill!" Mrs. Denbrough exclaimed. She composed herself. "Just," she let out a huff, "Just go to your room. You're grounded for a week."

Bill's mouth dropped open. "What!" He looked around, shocked, while Shannon stood behind awkwardly. "Mom! You've guh-got to be j-joking!"

Shannon gave Bill a pat on the shoulder and excused herself from the house. She felt extremely uncomfortable in that situation. The last thing she heard as she walked on the sidewalk was a loud upstairs door slam, and then she walked home.

Shannon was only at her house for about two hours before her phone rang. She darted over to it, picking it up. "Hello?"

"Shannon?" the voice asked. "It's Mrs. Denbrough." Shannon nodded, then rolled her eyes at herself, since Mrs. Denbrough couldn't see her. "I know that Bill is grounded for the week, but," she sighed, "I don't know why, but he's really upset over what happened with Georgie. Could you come back over and talk to him? You might be able to calm him down and think logically."

"Of course, Mrs. Denbrough," Shannon responded. "I'll be over in a few minutes." The woman thanked her, and she hung up. Grabbing her jacket, Shannon left the house and arrived at Bill's in five minutes. Mrs. Denbrough let her in, gesturing towards the staircase.

When she reached the top, she stopped at Bill's door, knocking three times. "Guh-Go away!" his voice sounded strained and choked up.

"Bill?" she called. "It's Shannon. Please, open the door." She heard shuffling inside, and it swung open, revealing Bill. His eyes were puffy and red, and his nose sniffled a bit. His cheeks were streaked with tear stains. "Oh, Bill," she whispered.

Bill engulfed her in a hug, holding her tightly against his body. She couldn't hear it, but she knew he was crying. "I'm s-sorry, Sh-Sh-Shannon. I'm s-so s-s-sorry."

She pulled away and cupped his face in her hands. "Why are you apologizing to me?" she asked, her own eyes tearing up.

"You m-must th-th-think I'm the buh-biggest asshole ever," he answered quietly. Shannon shook her head, muttering 'no' under her breath repeatedly and she buried her face in his neck. His hand instinctively went to her hair, holding her against his shoulder. "You don't?"

Shannon sighed. "No," she whispered. "No, I don't. I wouldn't ever think that, ever." Bill hugged her tighter, before pulling away. She held his face again, leaning up and kissing him on the lips. He deepened the kiss for a moment before pressing his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes.

A light tug came on Shannon's jacket. Georgie stood, eyes puffed up and nose red. Shannon felt a little embarrassed at the fact that he saw them kiss, but she pushed that feeling away. "Billy," he started quietly, "Are you mad at me still?"

Bill's shoulders dropped, and he got onto his knees to be eyelevel with Georgie. "No, I'm not m-mad at you," he answered. "I'm s-sorry, G-Georgie for m-making you uh-upset. I was n-never m-m-mad at you. I cuh-couldn't ever be m-mad at you." Georgie grinned, and jumped into his brother's arms. Shannon looked upon the scene with a small smile, before joining into the hug.

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