5. tutor - henry bowers

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a/n: FinnGrazersWifey

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class period, to which all the students bolted for the door as quickly as possible to go to lunch. [Y/N] [L/N] gathered her books and dashed for the door along with her friends: Bill, Richie, Eddie, and Stan. "Miss [L/N], could I speak with you for a moment?" her math teacher, Mr. Tennyson, called.

"Oh, [Y/N], you're in trouble," Richie taunted like a preschooler. "Have you been a bad girl?"

While Mr. Tennyson was looking at a paper on his desk, [Y/N] flipped the boy off behind her back. Their other friends laughed and shoved Richie playfully as they headed towards the lunchroom. "You needed me, Mr. Tennyson?" the girl asked.

The teacher glanced up and sat on top of his desk. "Yes, [Y/N], I had a favor to ask," he told her, and she nodded for him to continue. "Well, you see, you are one of my top students in any class I've had." [Y/N] resisted the urge to beam. "I was wondering, would you be able to tutor one of my students? Despite him being a year older, he struggles with any concept of math. Whether it's him not paying attention, or him just not understanding the course, would you be willing to help? You would receive extra credit, of course, not that you need it, though."

[Y/N] raised an eyebrow. "Sure, I guess. When?"

"Could you start today after school in the library? I've already told him that if he doesn't show up, I will be notifying his parents and the principal. What do you say?" Mr. Tennyson folded his hands in his lap.

[Y/N] nodded. "Yeah, sure. After school in the library, got it." The girl gave her teacher a wave as she left the classroom and headed towards lunch. She pushed through the double doors and bought her food, before sitting down with her friends.

Bill smiled at her. "Wuh-what did Mr. Tuh-Tennyson want?" he asked, his stutter not very prominent now.

Taking a bite of her apple, [Y/N] shrugged. "He just wanted me to tutor some dumbass kid in the grade above us," she replied. Richie pretended to shove his glasses up the bridge of his nose like a nerd, and [Y/N] glared at him. "Shut it, Tozier."

"I think that it's a good thing," Stan spoke up. "It looks good on college resumes to be a tutor." Richie rolled his eyes and picked at the food on his lunch tray. The five friends chatted casually like they usually do, before the bell rang again, and they went separate ways.

[Y/N] was in the library right as school ended, with her textbook, notes, and three freshly sharpened pencils. She brushed off the table right as someone slumped into the seat across from her. When she looked up, her eyes widened. It was none other than Henry Bowers.

The mullet-sporting boy narrowed his eyes at her expression. "What?" he snarled.

"Listen," [Y/N] started, folding her hands on the table, "as much as I'd love to sit here with you," she continued sarcastically, "I have to tutor, so get away, Bowers." Contrary to her friends, [Y/N] was not scared of Henry. She could stick up for herself.

The older boy glared at her. "Well, I know you have to tutor, otherwise I wouldn't be here," he snapped. "Let's get this over as fast as possible. I don't wanna spend my afternoon learning fucking math."

[Y/N] laughed, actually laughed out loud. "You're the one I'm tutoring?" she asked, chuckling still. When the boy's stone-cold face never changed, she stopped. "Oh right, sorry, um, yeah let's start."

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