17. two lies, one truth - stan uris

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Smoothing out her shoulder length brown hair, Amber knocked three times on the door. She heard shuffling and voices inside, and Richie himself pulled the door open. "It's about time you got here," he told her.

"Sorry," she answered, stepping inside the house after picking up her pillow and backpack. "My mom wouldn't let me leave until I had finished cleaning up around the house." The Losers Club (Bill, Richie, Eddie, Mike, Stan, Ben, Beverly, and Amber) had decided to come together and have a sleepover at Richie's house, since his parents were never around anyways. The girl and Richie entered the living room. She waved, "Am I the last one here?"

Mike shook his head. "Stan still isn't here," he responded, making the girl nod. Stan was the closest to Amber out of the whole group. And she'd be lying if she didn't say that she had a little crush on him.

Beverly waved her over. "C'mon next to me Amber," she patted the spot next to her, and Amber carefully maneuvered her way over to the redhead. "Have you eaten yet?" Amber shook her head. "Good, because Richie ordered pizza."

"Really?" Amber turned and raised an eyebrow at the boy.

Richie nodded, holding up a few folded bills. "As long as we don't destroy the house, we can do whatever the fuck we want. My parents won't give a shit." Amber shrugged and set her pillow on the ground, sitting down next to Beverly.

The group sat in a circle and talked, drinking soda and eating chips. Eddie and Richie were fighting, as usual, when the doorbell rang. "Pizza?" Eddie shouted hopefully.

"Probably," Richie stood and opened the door. "False fucking alarm guys. Fucking Stan pretending to be the pizza," Richie muttered, followed by a somewhat disturbed Stan.

Stan gave a small wave, as much as one as he could with his pillow and bag in hand. "Hey, sorry I'm late." He looked over at Richie. "I stopped to pick up this." He reached into his bag and pulled out a bag of candy.

Richie snatched it from him. "You're forgiven."

"Stan, there's room over here beside Amber," Beverly called, glancing over at the brown-eyed girl next to her. Stan nodded and walked over. Amber glared at Beverly, since the redhead knew of her small crush.

Fifteen more minutes of constant chatter and goofing around later, as well as some colorful words from Richie, the pizza arrived, and the group was indulging in it. After finishing the pizzas and most of the candy, the group was hyped on sugar and had way too much energy. "I'm bored," whined Eddie, rocking back and forth.

"I have an idea," Mike started, making all eyes turn to him. "How about we play two lies, one truth. We go around and say two things that are lies and one that's true, and the others have to guess which is the truth."

The group agreed to play, starting with Richie, because his house, according to him. "Okay. One, I've shaved off only one my eyebrows as a dare. Two, I kissed Greta," he said, making Beverly curl her nose in disgust. "Three, I once licked Eddie while he was sleeping over."

"What!" Eddie cried, rubbing his cheek. "That's disgusting. You're such a dick!"

Mike, Bill, and Eddie chose the first; Beverly and Amber picked the second; and Stan and Ben chose the third. "The correct answer was," Richie paused. "Number two. I have lip-locked with Greta," he wiggled his eyebrows.

"When?" Bill asked, while Eddie sighed relieved.

Richie shrugged. "I don't know. Like in fucking fourth grade or something. She got real ugly though," he laughed, making Beverly roll her eyes.

It was Beverly's turn next. "I once sent Henry Bowers a letter saying nothing but, 'Fuck you'. I sold three cigarettes to the senior valedictorian who told me not to tell anyone, whoops. And, I hitchhiked twenty miles just because I wanted to, then hitchhiked back with a different person." Bill and Richie said they believed the first to be true, while everyone else said the third, since it sounded like a Beverly thing to do. "Bill and Richie were right. Dumbass never found out either," she chuckled.

The game continued, until it finally fell on Stan, who seemed to be a bit nervous. "I slept on the roof only to be attacked by some very angry squirrels. I chased what I thought was a rare animal through the woods, but it turned out to be my neighbor's. And, I've had a crush on someone in this room."

The last one shocked everyone, and then Stan seemed shocked that he said that himself. By his facial expression, it was obvious he didn't mean to. "Uh, ok?" Eddie said, breaking the silence, and everyone cast a vote.

Ben, Richie, Mike, and Eddie thought the first was true; Amber and Bill said the second; and Beverly alone chose the third. "Uh," Stan blushed bright red, and he knew that he had made a mistake. "It was the third."

Everyone's jaws dropped. "What?" That question seemed to come out in unison, then after Mike asked, "A crush on who?"

Richie looked over at the two girls. "Is it Bev or Amber?" Stan didn't answer, so Richie continued, "Was it on one of us guys?"

"No!" Stan exclaimed. "Sorry, uh, I mean," he stuttered, frantically looking around for a way out of this. Once he saw there was no point in attempting escape. "It's, uh, well, it's Amber," he mumbled, but everyone heard it just the same.

"Aw, Stanley," Richie said, drawing out the last syllable. "That's so cute!" he changed his voice to sound like a girl as he gushed, and the other guys joined in on teasing him, playfully of course.

Stan was bright red, and Amber looked over at him. She was happy, no, ecstatic that Stan liked her too, and seeing him like this made her upset. So, she turned, grabbed his face, and kissed him. In front of everyone. It stopped the teasing, but Stan continued to be red. Even now, he scolds his girlfriend for doing that, but he really doesn't mind. Oh, yeah, they definitely started dating almost immediately.

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