22. playdate - bill denbrough

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @Shannon1300
No: []

Song?: No

"Billy, when is," the young boy, Georgie, paused and looked behind his older brother, before shouting, "Shannon!" He ran over to the girl, and engulfed her in a huge hug.

Shannon laughed, wrapping her arms around the boy. "Hey, Georgie." When he let go, she ruffled his hair, making him frown. Bill smiled at the two from behind his girlfriend.

"I thought you were never coming," the young boy admitted, looking down at his shoes with a red tint on his cheeks.

"Aw, Georgie, I'll always come," Shannon replied, before giving her boyfriend a smirk. "I've actually been here for a while, but Bill's been hogging me," she leaned down and whispered to the boy.

Georgie's eyes widened, and he gasped at his brother. "Billy!" he cried, making Bill jump at the sudden exclamation. "Shannon's been here! And you didn't tell me!"

Bill rolled his eyes at his girlfriend, who was chuckling at the two. "S-She hasn't buh-buh-been here th-that long," he stated.

The younger boy narrowed his eyes, well, as much as he could. "I bet she'd rather spend time with me than you, Billy," he challenged, a playful tone in his voice. He turned to Shannon. "Right?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely," Shannon nodded her head to him, causing Bill to glare at her. "Go hide, and I'll find you," she told him, and he smiled. She watched as he ran and hid behind a tree in the Denbrough's backyard. She glanced to Bill. "Oh, Bill, I'm just joking."

Bill tried to look mad at her, but he broke out into a smile. "I kn-know." He wrapped his arms around the girl, kissing her temple. "We sh-should pr-pr-probably go guh-get G-Georgie." Shannon nodded, and they walked towards the tree.

"What is that?" Shannon asked suddenly, pointing to the tree where Georgie was. A large clown with tufts of orange hair was holding a red balloon and talking to the young boy. "Georgie!" she shouted, causing the clown to look up and Georgie to glance behind at them.

The clown seemed to smirk at them. "G-Georgie! Get aw-away from him!" Bill yelled, but not soon enough. The clown grabbed Georgie's arm and pulled him into the forest that was behind the house.

The two didn't have to say anything to each other. They both took off running after the clown. "Georgie!" Shannon shouted, trying to get some sort of reply from him. "Georgie!"

"I'll ch-check over h-here," Bill pointed to the left of where they were standing, and Shannon nodded. The girl started checking the ground for anything out of the ordinary, like a trail or footsteps, when Bill screamed. "Sh-Shannon!"

Shannon ran to see if he found Georgie, but instead she saw the clown dragging Bill away by his arms, both above his head as his legs struggled to kick himself free. "Shit!" she exclaimed, taking off after him.

She followed the trail that was left behind Bill and the clown, but it only led her deepen into the forest. Sighing, she ran her hands through her hair, continuing to walk to wherever the path would go. She caught her breath then ran again, taking turns and twists. It was as if the clown made this trail to taunt her.

Finally, her surroundings began to look familiar. "Where am I?" she wondered aloud. The trail led her to the river bank, where it ended at the water. She looked in front of her. The barrens across the river. "You've got to be shitting with me."

She sloshed through the river, the water seeping through her jeans and giving her chills. She rubbed her arms as she stepped out on the other side. The trail began again at the bank, then stopped once more at the entrance of the sewers.

She placed on foot inside, before gagging at the smell of the gray water. She stepped all the way in, her shoes sinking into the sludge. "I'm going to murder this fucking clown! This is disgusting!"

She walked forward, using her shirt to cover her nose and mouth. The cement walls were stained and dripping with the gray water, making her gag again. "Bill?" she called into the darkness before her. "Georgie? It's Shannon. Are you guys here?"

It was pitch black and she couldn't see two feet in front of her. Something splashed in the water in front of her. She froze, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," she mumbled under her breath. "Just a rat, it's just a rat. Please be a fucking rat."

She continued after the sound disappeared, before hearing another noise. Crying. Soft crying. She dropped her shirt and dashed in that direction. The sniffling stopped once she got closer. "Who's there?" a quiet voice asked, scared and timid.

"Georgie? Is that you?" Shannon replied. A quiet gasp was heard, and the young boy jumped into her arms, and she rubbed his back soothingly as he shook in fear. "It's okay, it's okay. You're fine, Georgie." The boy pulled away and wiped his tears away. "Where's Bill, Georgie?"

"I don't know," he answered. "The clown brought me here and then left, but I couldn't fin my way out." Shannon nodded, even though the boy couldn't see her. "We're gonna find him, right?"

Shannon put her hands on his shoulder. "Of course, Georgie. Come on, let's go find Bill." She took Georgie's hand and they began walking in the sewers.

They didn't get very far, before extremely splashing was heard behind them. It got closer and closer until a voice cried, "Run!" It was Bill!

"Come float with me, Bill. We all float down here," a demonic voice echoed behind the group as they ran, the clown following closely.

"This way!" Shannon shouted, seeing the light from the outside. They sprinted towards the entrance, and leaped out of the sewers panting. The clown was gone. No sign of him.

They caught their breath, heaving and gasping. Georgie hugged Shannon again. But he didn't let go this time. She wrapped her arms around him, before Bill joined. They all sunk into a sitting-kneeling position, comforting each other silently. Bill leaned his head on Shannon's shoulder, before whispering, "Thank you."

No one said anything else.

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