7. oblivious - richie tozier

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Yes: [✔️] ; by  @istoneywrites
No: []

Song?: No

"Don't be such a baby, Imogen," Richie mocked as the girl stood a distance from the edge. Imogen and her friends of the Losers Club had decided to spend their summer day at the quarry. Everyone else had jumped off already, after being shown up by Beverly Marsh, but Richie and Imogen had stayed behind.

The girl's blue eyes narrowed at him. "Why don't you go then, asshat," she snapped, wrapping her arms around her body with a shiver. It was her first time at the quarry, since she had moved to Derry during the last winter from Britain.

Richie rolled his eyes at her. "I'm here so you won't chicken out," he replied, walking towards her. Imogen and Richie had an interesting relationship. At times, they were flirting back and forth, and other times, their friends thought they would start throwing punches at one another. "I'll go once you go. Just c'mon!" Richie gave the girl a slight shove.

Imogen shuffled to the edge, peering down at her friends below. They splashed water at each other and laughed, playing around with each other. She turned her head to the boy, pushing a strand of her long, dirty blonde hair from her eyes. "Can we jump together?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, I guess," Richie answered, stepping back over to her. "On three?" Imogen nodded, and she grabbed his hand, squeezing her eyes shut. "One, two, three!" The pair leapt off the cliff, falling into the water, still holding hands. "See that wasn't so bad, was it?" he taunted once they resurfaced.

Imogen glared at him. "Whatever," she mumbled. Her eyes fell to their hands, and she pulled hers away, blushing madly. "Thanks anyways."

Richie winked at her, only making her cheeks redder. "No problem, babe."

For an hour or so, the group sat in the water, playing games, and goofing around like they always did. When they got out, they continued to talk while the sun dried them off. Beverly laid out in the sun, and the boys couldn't help but stare at her. Imogen rolled her eyes at their childish behavior.

She stood up and stretched, causing Richie to look over at her. When she turned around, she caught him. "Enjoying the view, Tozier?"

Richie's face went red, before he smirked. "You know it," he answered. "I'd enjoy a front row seat though," he continued.

"I bet you would," Imogen replied, laughing before sitting down next to him. "Anything else you'd like?"

"A kiss?" he asked teasingly.

Imogen shoved his shoulder. "In your dreams," she told him, but she didn't mean it. On the inside, she secretly wished he was serious when he said that. Ever since she had moved, Imogen crushed on her friend. She loved his wild curls, his big glasses, his sense of humor, and she always got lost in his chocolate eyes. Her crush on him only grew and grew each day.

That was the problem though. She was madly in love with him, yet she never said anything to him, because she knew he didn't feel the same about her. It was driving her crazy. It got harder and harder to be around him when all she wanted to do was tell him everything. Sometimes, he would catch her staring at him, or daydreaming while looking into his eyes.

While Imogen had been thinking over all this, Richie had pulled Ben's folder from his backpack, and they were talking about Derry's strange history. Imogen joined in on their conversation, listening to the things she hadn't known about her new town. Ben mentioned that he had more at his house, and they decided that they should go see it.

They all threw their clothes back on, then hopped onto their bikes, heading to Ben's house. When they arrived, they saw his room covered in newspaper clippings and photos of Derry from a long time ago. Being the history nerd that he is, Ben started talking the photos and articles.

Imogen tried to listen to him, honestly, she did, but she found herself admiring Richie as he picked up different pictures and stared at different things pinned on the walls. She had to tell him. She had to, or else she might lose her mind.

The group decided to disperse, and when they went outside, Imogen grabbed Richie's arm. "Hey, Rich?" she asked. He turned to her. "Can I tell you something?"

Before he could answer, Eddie pulled Richie away, saying that he needed his help on something. Richie shrugged, apologizing to her, and telling her to tell him tomorrow. Imogen sighed, and walked home, heart tugging at her chest.

The next day, the group got an urgent call from Beverly, saying that they needed to come to her apartment as soon as they could. They all biked over, and she met them outside. She said that she needed to show them something, and they group left Imogen and Richie to keep watch.

"I've never really seen you with your hair like that," said Richie, motioning to the bun Imogen has thrown her hair into. She shrugged in response. "Looks good," he smirked with a wink.

Imogen covered her face with her hands. "Just stop, Richie."

The boy gave a confused look. "What?"

"Just stop," she repeated. "I can't do this anymore!"

"Do what?" he exclaimed. "Imogen, what the hell are you talking about?"

Imogen sighed and sat down on the sidewalk. "Us. I can't do us anymore." Richie sat down beside her. "What are we, Richie?" He shrugged, saying that he didn't know. "Exactly. Neither do I and it's driving me insane! You're driving me insane, and you don't even realize it."

Richie scooted closer. "Imogen, what are you on about?"

Imogen turned to him. "I don't get it. How can you not see what's right in front of your eyes?"

"See what!" he cried.

Imogen groaned. "That I like you!"

Richie looked taken back. "What?" he asked, quietly. "You like me?" Imogen nodded. "How? Why?" he blabbered out questions.

"I don't know. I really don't. I'm so confused, though. How could you not see? I mean, we flirt all the time, and we smile and laugh together. You make all these suggestive remarks to me, and you wink at me on purpose. But, you don't mean them, and it hurts, because I want you to mean them. But, how am I supposed to know if this is real? I can't control my feelings anymore, Rich. I've tried for a long time, believe me. It's hard being around you and not saying all the things I want you to hear. I'm trying my best to act casual, but all I can seem to do is get mesmerized by your eyes, and your voice, and your everything." Imogen blurted out everything she ever wanted to say to him.

He didn't say anything for a minute. They sat there in complete silence. "Why did you never tell me this?"

Imogen shrugged. "I didn't think you liked me back, and I didn't want to ruin our relationship, because I love you too much to lose you or to make things awkward between us. Seems like I failed that, though," she sighed.

"You didn't make it awkward," he answered. "You said what I've wanted to tell you for a long time." Imogen's eyes went wide as she looked at him. "I, I like you too, Imogen. I always have. I'm not good with my feelings, so I make those jokes, trying to hint to you. But, that's what you took them as: jokes."

She lowered her eyes. "That's what I thought they were."

Richie shook his head. "Looks like we're both oblivious, huh?" he chuckled. Imogen laughed and nodded her head. "So, about yesterday, when you asked me if there was anything else I'd like, do you think I could get that kiss?" he smirked.

Imogen rolled her eyes. "You really are something else, aren't you Tozier?" She didn't let him answer, however, before she leaned in and kissed him. The sound of footsteps made them pull away, and their friends returned from Beverly's apartment. They gave each other a knowing look, and they stood up, squeezing each other's hands lightly. It was impossible to keep the smiles off of their faces.

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