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As we pulled up outside our New Jersey home, I felt a strange sensation come over me. I spun on my heel to take a look at my surroundings then watched my brother Joey as he got out the car. How is it that we've owned a house in New Jersey for 20 years since before I was born and everyone in my family had come here but I hadn't?

It was December 1st and snow was falling, covering the dark green, bushy trees in a thick layer of pure white snow. I started making my way up the stone steps towards the porch when I heard Joey yell "Oi Grace come back here and help bring some bags in, ye filthy animal!" I laughed as I spun on my heel and skipped back towards the car. By this time mum and dad had started to make a move from the car, with mum giggling at some joke dad had just told. I wasn't really listening but the sound of laughter always made me laugh as well, I just couldn't help it...

I grabbed my bags from the rear of the car, ran up the stone steps, through the large pine archway and through the oak door leading into an attractive open space. To the left, there was the kitchen. It was a large square, shaped by a marble bar across one side, with an oven, cupboards and a microwave taking up another 2 sides, leaving one side open for an entrance and exit. Outside of the square, there was a dining table place opposite the bar, made of oak with oak chairs, but having a plastic-y leather cover to sit on, instead of the cold hard wood. To my right, there was the front room. Right down the end was a TV, with a sofa and chair opposite. Then back to back with the sofas was a two seated sofa with another facing it, separated by an oak coffee table. Then I looked directly in front of me, there was a large staircase leading to the second floor. I stood shocked at the sight in front of me, it was nothing like the house back in LA. It was a magnificent sight, the whole thing felt like a fairy tale.

Mum entered the house behind me and spoke softly in my ear " your room is first left." I squealed with excitement and sprinted towards the stairs, not bothering to bring my bags, leaving my family in hysterics as my little legs made an attempt at tackling the stairs. They weren't even steep, but never mind, it's just too much for my tiny legs to handle.

As I reached the landing, I headed straight for my room. I opened the door and looked at the space surrounding me. It was empty, yet somehow I was attracted to it, it was like I had been searching for it my whole life and never knew... I was particularly drawn towards the window seat overlooking the stables, I couldn't wait to get back in the saddle, but that was not really what was on my mind then... I wanted to explore. I walked towards the far end of my room, it had a balcony, on top the kitchen and overlooking the drive. I couldn't believe my eyes! What had I done to deserve such natural beauty?!

After a while I returned downstairs to collect my things, once I had managed to complete the journey downstairs and back 3 times to collect my supplies for the next 18 months, I layer the suitcases out on my floor, wondering where to start. Just in time to save me from stressing over where to put things, my parents called me into there room. Now I don't know about you but whenever my parents want to talk I feel awfully scared about what it's about and start listing down things that I could get into trouble for in my head. I quickly picked up courage to talk to my parents and entered their room. Their room was down the end of the corridor, with the windows overlooking the back garden. My mum walked me over to the bed and we sat down on the bouncy mattress. She briefly told me that we would be having over some of her and dads friends who have a son who's 3 years older than me, and to try and get on with them. I'm not very good at getting on with people, I'm not going to lie. But if mum and dad get on with them so should I, right??

I returned to my room and decided to make my bed. Once I had that task finished I decided to have a shower and go to bed as it was already 10pm. I didn't even bother eating dinner, which is unlike me. Even though I'm the skinniest person in the family, I eat like a horse and I'm barely ever not slightly hungry!! Anyway, after I showered I covered myself with a towel and made my way back across the hallway and into my room. I found the most fluffy Christmas PJs I owned and chucked them on. I layer down ontop my bed, and stared at the ceiling. Before drifting off I decided that I would ride Valkyrie and Major first thing that morning, and ride Rolo and Indy at lunch, shortly after I fell asleep. About half an hour after I went to sleep I was woken by a knocking on my door, turned out it was Joey coming to say goodnight. A little frustrated, I grabbed a cushion from the end of my bed and chucked it rather lazily towards him, he dodged and it hit the door with a slight thud, followed by another thud as it hit the floor. Joey laughed as he tried to spit out the words night, I laughed with him and said goodnight. He closed my bedroom door, and I drifted asleep, again.


So that was my first attempt at opening a fan fiction!

I promise to introduce the lads in the next chapter!

Byeeeee x

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