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I woke up with Grace still in my arms, her head leant back on my shoulder a little. I didn't dare move, I didn't want to wake her. I heard a car drive off, a sign that the rest of the family were awake and heading out. There were footsteps across the landing, I could hear them. Then came the sound of the door handle turning. I watched intently to see who was at the door, nerves sickening me as no one was really supposed to know about us yet and I had gone against the families wishes by sleeping in Grace's bed. The door opened a little and Susan entered, looking at Grace and I, closing the door a little, then making her way across. She didn't look mad, just happy as she watched her resting daughter.

"Don't worry I'm not going to tell William." She sat on the edge of the bed. "Have you just woken up?"

"Yeah." My voice raspy. Unlike Susan's soft one.

"Ok well you're welcome to help yourself to breakfast, like usual Will and I are going to be out for most the day, I'm not sure about Joey." I just nodded, my messy hair in view as my head moved. "Thank you for taking care of her, she's never injured herself this badly before."

"It's alright y'know. I have nothing else to be doing and I like spending time with her." Susan smile grew into a toothy one.

"I can tell. If you don't mind me asking, are you two going out?" I let my breath out, making a noise, contemplating whether or not I should tell her. I mean I couldn't lie to my girlfriends mom but I don't know whether it's the right time. "Sorry I know it's non of my business, it's just I found you in her bed."

"Umm yeah we're dating. We weren't planning on telling anyone for a little while but I couldn't lie to you." I avoided looking at her and focused on the sheets.

"Don't worry you're secret is safe with me. Just as long as you're making each other happy then I'm fine with it."

"Thank you" I smiled "and thank you for not telling William about finding me in her bed."

"No problem, I have to leave to go to work but I've done the horses and everything so tell her not to worry." Susan smiled before leaving the room, closing the door completely behind her.

Shorty after hearing Susan leave, Grace woke. We kissed then she declared that we both needed a shower. We stank, I didn't disagree. We went over to the bathroom and she stood in the shower as I took the shower head and ran it over her body before cleansing her with soap then again after. She needed the help because she couldn't get her cast wet. I avoided putting too much pressure on the bruises and cuts that laced her elegant body and once I was finished I kissed her belly, just above her belly button, which made her giggle.

"Ok now it's your turn."

We switched places and I put the shower head back. I washed myself as Grace sorted herself out in the mirror. Then once we were both dry and dressed we went down to the kitchen, ate then went over to the living room.

"Wanna listen to some music? I have some records to listen to."

"Yeah, play anything rock." I sat on the sofa, leaning back. I watched her as she strode around retrieving a record and placing it on the turntable, being careful as she moved the needle onto the groove of the disk. She walked over as the sound of Steven Tyler's voice filled the room. "Aerosmith fan huh?"

"Who doesn't love a gold old bit of Steven's voice accompanied by Joe's kick ass guitar solos?" She raised her eyebrows as she crossed in front of me so she could sit on my right.

"I couldn't tell you a name." I mumbled as I pulled her body close to mine. Toys In The Attic filled the room and I heard Grace singing along. "Oh yeah! Sing for me Darlin'!" She sang louder, looking at me, then laughing, making me grin uncontrollably. "What's your favourite song from the record?"

"Sweet Emotion.. oh or Uncle Salty." She shrugged.

"Very nice." I watched her as she settled back down leaning onto the right hand side of my body. "You're mom walked in while you were sleepin, she saw me in bed with you and she wasn't mad but she did ask whether we're dating.."

"What did you say?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I told her yes. I can't lie to your mom."

"What was her reaction to that?"

"She said she's cool with it as long as we're making each other happy. Oh and she won't tell anyone. Oh and she's not going to tell your dad that she found me in your bed."

"Oh thank god." She breathed out."I don't really mind mom knowing, just dad will get pissy until he knows you."

"Well I guess we're going to have to keep it under wraps a little longer.

Susan came home around 2:30, went out and rode, then made another appearance and us 3 decided to start cooking dinner, Mexican Quinoa Tacos. I don't cook so I let the women boss me around and I followed their instructions. I did keep stopping to steal kisses from Grace knowing her mom wouldn't mind. Who would mine though was her father, who accounted his arrival whilst we were mid-kiss, I'm almost completely positive he didn't see us. We ate our dinner seated at the table, I was drawn into every conversation, the majority being embarrassing stories of Grace when she was younger. After dinner Grace and I had some alone time, packed my things and off I went, back to my parents house.

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