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I woke up that morning at 6, as I do most mornings. I definitely felt more tired this morning, I had only gotten about 6 hours sleep. I rummaged through my bags for a good 10 minutes before I found my jodhpurs and polo shirts. I quickly put on a pair of cream jodhpurs and a black polo shirt before searching for my riding boots and chaps. Eventually I found my scruffy riding boots that I actually dropped white paint on whilst repainting the tack room about 2 years ago... I couldn't find my chaps, so I didn't bother. I grabbed a navy hoodie and ran downstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple apples. I realised there was a notepad by the microwave, so I flipped it open and wrote " gone to ride the horses, be back in 3 hours - Grace x" and left it on the counter.

It wasn't hard to find my way to the stables because there was a dirt track leading down and it was only a five minute walk. I approached the stables to find the hay and straw had been delivered last night. Great. At least they bothered to cover it with a plastic sheet to stop the snow from making it go bad. I slid open the large barn door to be greeted by 7 familiar faces. I went round giving the horses their apples and saved one for myself. I got to Valkyrie last and gave him a big kiss on the nose and he nibbled at the hoodie. I then remembered about the hay and straw. I walked round to the side of the barn and Valk came and stuck his head out the window to watch me move his food. I peeled back the plastic sheets and placed them in the tack room. Then one by one I carried the bales into the food storage room. I was nakered by the end of it. I sorted out the tack in the tack room and sorted out what was going to go where. As you may be able to imagine, I was pretty exhausted by this time and decided it would just be easier to take Valkyrie and Major out at the same time instead of separately.

After the ride I went home and made French toast. I was soon joined my mum and shortly afterwards we went and finished riding the other 5 horses and took care of any problems and orders arriving throughout the day.

It was around 4 by now. I decided to go home, unpack and shower, I didn't really fancy turning up to a dinner smelling like horses and sweat.

Unpacking was stressful. Especially when you have just moved in somewhere and nothing really has a set destination. But hey, after about an hour I had finished. What a relief! I decided to go shower because now I smelt sweater than ever!

After my shower I put on my soft fluffy white dressing gown that was slightly too big for me, I walked into my room and saw Joey had set up my dressing table! I made my way over and sat on the stool.

I opened the draws to reveal my makeup, it was sweet of James to help, but it was just a mess... i quickly tidied it up and started to apply it to my face, I kept it somewhat natural, then decided to move onto my hair. I decided to put my brown long locks in fairly large curls. I curled my hair then put it up in curlers. It was now 7 and dinner was at 8, so I only had an hour to get ready. I went over to my wardrobe and started to choose a dress, honestly I'm hopeless at choosing what to wear. I spend 10 minutes eyeing each dress then another 10 trying to figure out which went best with my makeup. I decided on a long black dress that was slightly tight towards the top and loosened around my legs, I put it with some black heels.

 I decided on a long black dress that was slightly tight towards the top and loosened around my legs, I put it with some black heels

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It was now 8:30 so I slipped on the dress and shoes and headed downstairs to help with the dinner, we were having a roast dinner

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It was now 8:30 so I slipped on the dress and shoes and headed downstairs to help with the dinner, we were having a roast dinner.

I had just finished laying the table when there was a knock on the door, I opened it and though I had never met them before I knew it was mum and dads friends, and their son. I greeted them and opened the door wider to allow them to come inside. Once the parents had passed me, I layed my eyes on their son. I knew from the first glance that he was going to be trouble, but I was attracted to him. He was wearing a blue suit. I looked up and said "Hi" giving him a friendly smile. He looked me in the eyes. My god he had beautiful eyes. They were a shade of blue. I couldn't think of the name of that particular shade so I'm going to call it Jersey Blue. It was a fairly unique colour, and my god they were beautiful! He greeted me with "Hey Darlin'". My god the way he says Darlin', it could drive any female wild! I'm telling you! He strolled in and waited for me as I closed the door, as I turned around he started talking to me in that amazingly sexy New Jersey accent. "My name's Jon" he started "... and what's yours Darlin'?" There it was. That word again. I couldn't help but smile a little. "My names Grace, it's nice to meet you." I said sweetly with a smile. We walked and placed ourselves down at the table with everyone else. I had just got a conversation going with Jon and his parents when my name was called from the kitchen. "Grace." My dad called. "Can you come help bring the food to the table. I stood up and much to my surprise so did Jon. "Here Darlin' let me help ya" he shot me a smile and I smiled back and we walked to the kitchen together and brought back out the food.

 "Here Darlin' let me help ya" he shot me a smile and I smiled back and we walked to the kitchen together and brought back out the food

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Sorry, I know it's a bit of a random place to leave the story but I'm going to carry on in an hour once I have got back from my own yard.

Byeeeee x

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