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----Next Day----
I woke up and took a quick shower before chucking on some black leggings and the same orange jumper from yesterday. Today I was going to surprise Jon at his house just by turning up. I hadn't been over there before but when we hacked through the village, I remembered him pointing it out.

I would like to say I ran downstairs, but I can't. My body wearily heaved itself down each step, until I got to the bottom, then I went over to the kitchen to eat an apple for my breakfast. I also took some pain killers to ease the pain that was radiating though my body. Joey also appeared in the kitchen so I managed to persuade him to drive me to a 'friends house'. We left the house, then the drive and began making our way through the village.

"So who's house are you going to?" Joey looked at me.

"Why do you wanna know?" I smiled back at him.

"It's Jon isn't it."

"Yeah, so?"

"Nothing, just seems suspicious the amount of time you're spending together."

"Well he's the only friend I've made. I don't know anybody else."

"Fair. Fair." I gave Joey the final directions and when we pulled up at the house I told him I would ring home when I wanted to be picked up. The house was ever so slightly smaller than ours, and didn't have land due to it being quite central in the village.

I knocked on the door with my knuckles and waited until someone came to answer. I took in the flower beds arranged neatly around me, and the motorbike just peeking out of the garage.

"Oh hello dear!" I turned back to the door to see Jon's mum stood there, opening her arms for a hug. I leaned in and hugged her before asking if Jon was home. She told me he was in the basement practicing his music as she led me to the door, then left me to greet him on my own.

I opened the door and began hobbling down each step, listening to the sounds of guitars, drums crashing with the sound of laughter all around. The further I got down the wooden steps the more I could see. In the middle of the room there were two sofas facing each other with probably around 5 feet in between them. I could see two men strumming guitars, both had a sofa to themselves. Then to the left of the sofas was a drum kit facing the gap in between the sofas. There was a curly haired man sat, hitting each part of the kit with Jon stood beside him laughing, and another man with long, dark hair stood in front of the drum kit, trying to spit out words through his laughter. Far too soon I was spotted by the guitarist sat facing over towards the staircase.

"Hey, Jon man I didn't realise you had invited company." You could hear the smirk in his voice. All the other pairs of eyes snapped up to look at me, and everything stopped all at once. I looked at the man who had pointed me out and he was looking me up and down, I don't know why, I was hardly dressed 'attractively '.

"Grace.." Jon breathed out as he raced over to the staircase and began making his way up it. "Want any help?"

"Nope I'm good." I put on a strained smile to show Jon.

"No you're not, lemme carry you.."

"Fine but if you drop me I'll kill you." I winked at him as he picked me up bridal style and carried me down the rest of the steps, which came with a prize of wolf whistles. He walked over to the now empty sofa that was facing the man that pointed me out, and placed me down so my feet were up and I was facing the drum kit. I began thanking him but I was interrupted.

" So , Jonny-boy, aren't you going to introduce us?" The man had placed his guitar on the floor and leaned forward, with his arms propped up on his legs. I looked up at Jon who then began talking.

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