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I was sat in the kitchen with Joey and our cousin Harrison had come over. He had arrived before we got back, and we had now been home about five minutes. We had just started having a catch up on everything we had missed since the last time we saw him. Very shortly, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. Joey went over and answered whilst Harrison and I continued to talk. Quickly my attention had drifted over to the door due to words being exchanged such as 'if you hurt her, I'll kill you' and 'just let us in'. Joey caved in and Jon's band all bundled together, came in through the doorway.

Harrison and I exchanged looks before looking back over to the boys. They looked uncomfortable as a few scratched their heads and others just stood with their hands in their pockets. Richie, however, just looked pissed off. This only lasted a few moments because Jon began making his way to the kitchen.

"Well then Gracie, your lover boy's here and that our queue to take off. We'll be back though, to make you're you're not in trouble." Harrison slid off the stood and gave me a wink. In return I gave him a playful shove. Jon took his place and watched until Harrison and Joey were out of sight.

"Who's he?" Jon questioned.

"Harrison, he's my cousin."

"Ah right." I could tell he was anxious, I don't think the boys were helping.  "Why'd you leave?" He turned and looked me in the eyes. I turned my eyes over towards the boys.

"Richie was being bitchy. Why would I stay if I wasn't happy?" I raised my eyebrows waiting for an answer. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alec thump Richie on the shoulder.

"Richie, quit being a bitch. She's literally done nothing to you." Jon shouted over to him, although the shouting wasn't needed.

"Yeah Richie." Alec did a high pitched squeal to take the mick. I stood up from the stall and walked over to the apple basket on the counter.

"Whatcha doin' Grace?" David, who had now walked over to Jon and was leaning on the counter, questioned.

"Going down to the yard with Harrison. I have nothing better to do."

"Why don't we watch a film instead, bond a little bit?" Tico suggested.

"I like that idea." Jon said, the rest of the boys agreeing,and as always Rich stood still giving me death glares. Jon came up behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders and 'drove' me to the living room, making sure not to hurt me. I sat on the right hand side of the sofa, with Jon next to me and Tico sat on the left. The rest of the boys scattered themselves out. Jon, gently, pulled my legs up onto the sofa, across him and Tico. I'm not going to lie it was actually very comfortable.

- 30 minutes later -
Jon's POV

Half way through the movie Tico nudged me and gestured using his head towards Grace. It was only then that I began to notice the light snores coming from her. Her head was rested on the arm of the sofa with her mouth slightly open, letting out silent breaths. Seeing this made me smile, then I became aware that Tico was probably watching so I stopped and looked up.

"Man you like her don't you.." He spoke with his voice barely above a whisper so the others wouldn't hear.

This made me blush, but other than the fairly dim lights on the Christmas tree slightly illuminating the room, it was dark so hopefully Tico couldn't see my face. I let out an almost non existent sigh. "Man.. I don't know."

"Take my advice you do. It's clear, I've never seen you act towards a woman this way. Ask her out, what's stopping you? If it's Richie he can piss off, it's your life not his." Tico murmured with his eyes drawn to the TV so it looked like he was paying attention.

"It's just.. y'know.... like what if it doesn't work out, I couldn't loose her."

"Maybe that's a risk worth taking, you never know."

"That's what I'm afraid of." I breathed out. Our conversation halted because it would soon gain the boys attention.

Eventually the movie came to an end. I can't say it was the best, I didn't like it enough to even remember what it was called. The boys began to stretch and move around. Tico and I didn't dare to move a muscle, I couldn't bare the thought of hurting her and I'm sure something similar was running through Tico's mind. They all noticed Grace was sleeping and remained quiet, other than David whispering where the toilet was and Alec whispering if he could help himself to snacks.

Tico's words kept pounding in my mind like a drum beat, constantly banging on and on and on. Maybe I should take a shot. Maybe it would be for the best. I feel like when people see the boys and I together they underestimate Tico a lot because he's so quiet. They shouldn't, he's wise and understanding and has loads of these amazing qualities on such a high level that I'm surprised he even hangs with us. I mean you should hear some of the one-to-one's he has with people, it's truly inspiring...


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