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------two days later ------

So today was the day I was going to teach Jon how to ride! Do I feel nervous? Exited? I don't know... I had woke up at 5:30, which was earlier than usual but I had to be ready by 6.

I decided to wear my cream jodhpurs along with a pink polo shirt. I tied my hair back into a low ponytail and grabbed my boots and chaps from my wardrobe and headed downstairs. I was raiding the cupboards for something to eat for breakfast when there was a knock at the door. I walked over and greeted Jon. He was wearing jeans with Wellies with a jacket covering his top half. "Ouch" I thought to myself as I looked at his outfit. Those clothes were bound to make him a bit uncomfortable whilst riding, but never mind.

"Sorry Darlin', I'm a bit early." He spoke softly.

"Don't worry it's fine, can you help me carry a couple apples over?"

"Sure thing Darlin'" he smiled at me as we walked into the kitchen.

He grabbed a couple apples as I got my hoodie and fetched the remaining 4 apples. We left the house and started walking down the track. Still hungry, I decided to eat and apple.

"Do you mind if I...?" Jon nodded towards the apples.

"Course not, help yourself."

"Cheers Darlin'" he grinned.

I opened the barn door and we immediately set to work sharing out the apples. Once they had been evenly distributed, we went and made the horses breakfast. Then after deciding that a wheelbarrow would be most effective for moving the food buckets, we made our way back to the barn and gave out their brekkie.  Then we made our way to the tack room. As I opened the door, Jon stood a little taken back by the smell of leather and cleaner. I couldn't help but giggle at the look on his face as he took in the never ending arrangement of saddles, bridles, brushes, buckets, etc. We entered and I showed him where the head collars, saddles, bridles and leading ropes were kept, each organised by horse. He grabbed Major's head collar, which was a shade of blue, as I grabbed Valkyrie's and we decided it would be easier to return for the rest of the tack. Once we had entered the barn, Jon followed me into Major's stable. At first he seemed a little weary of being enclosed with a horse, then eased up a little when he saw that Major remained calm.

"He's not going to bite!" I joked noticing he was still keeping his distance.

"I know, he's a lot bigger than I thought he would be." Jon said staring at the beast in front of him.

I laughed and called Jon over to my side. I showed him how to put on a head collar, which took a bit of practice. I laughed as he continuously managed to get it into so many unique positions I didn't know could be possible. Once he had gotten it correct a couple times, I let him lead Major out the stable and round to the ring of bailertwine to the left of the door. Then I proceeded to teach him how to tie a safety knot, this took a bit longer, but he eventually got it. Then he watched as I went and tied up Valks. We headed back into the tack room, then returned to the barn with the saddles and bridles.

"Just place the saddle on the door and hang the bridle from the spare hook, we may need to go and quickly brush them off" I laughed noticing the state their coats were in after being in the lorry.

"Yeah sure thing Darlin'" he also said noticing what mess they were in.

After quickly brushing off bits of hay and straw, we decided to finally tack them up. We started with the saddle. I watched as Jon placed it on backwards...

"It goes the other way round, idiot!" I laughed at him.

He shot a dirty look at me then started laughing.

"I was thinking it looked a bit uncomfortable..." he continued laughing.

He replaced it facing the other way.

"That better, boss?" He played.

"Better." I informed, trying to act professional. It didn't work.

Jon laughed at me as I walked over to try and explain how the girth worked as I was already done. He didn't really understand so I did it up for him. We moved into the bridle. I demonstrated on Valkyrie first, slipping off his head collar and explaining where things like the brow band and bit went, holding it against his head, the putting it on properly and doing up the buckles.

"What are these for?" Jon asked grabbing the reins.

"That's what you hold onto, it gives you control over the horse." I explained.

"Aha, I see." He said watching as I took the reins from him and swung them over Valks head.

It was now his turn. He managed to slip off the head collar fine, just wasn't too great putting on the bridle, but he did manage to get it on the right way round, I'm proud of him for that. After numerous attempts he managed to fit it correctly, I just had to fiddle around with the ears a bit so they weren't trapped. I lead Valk out into the yard and Jon followed. We walked over to the mounting block where our hats were and we put them on. Now came mounting the horses. I suggested Jon used the mounting block as it was his first attempt. He stood proudly waiting as I brung Maj round in line.

"Okay so put your left foot in the stirrup." I started "and bring your right leg round to his side avoiding contact with his bum."

"Mmmm okayyyy..."

He leaped into the saddle with ease.

"Like that?" He asked

"Amazing!" I said adjusting his stirrups to the correct length for his legs, they were much longer than mine!

I started putting my left foot in the stirrup. I didn't bother using the mounting block, I just hurled myself into the saddle.

"How do you do that?!" Jon exclaimed

"With a lot of practice!" I laughed.

I rode over to Jon and showed him how to hold the reins, he couldn't quite get his hands into position so I had to help him, but once he got it he found it easy.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

Jon turned and shot a smile at me. "Ready!" He said with excitement.


Sorry if you think these are a bit short, let me know if you want longer pages. At the moment I'm trying to do roughly 1000 words per page.

Byeeeee x

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