Twenty Two

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A week passed. Then another. And another. Jon had taken up a job at his uncles record company or something? I'm not sure, he spoke too fast for me to understand a word that came out his mouth but he seemed excited so I went along with it. I'm sure it was a cleaning job or something, not anything too important but I was happy for him... although, this did result in us seeing an ever decreasing amount of time together.

I had started a new college now Christmas was over. It kept me busy and had now formed a proper routine and actually showed up to all my classes each day. I had already missed a quarter of the year and didn't want to keep falling behind.

Today was Friday. My Friday's consists of: showering, feeding horses, college, riding, going to Jon's and watching the boys rehearse and write. In fact I was headed over there now.

I headed down into the basement, my arms full of drinks. The boys were mid song and Jon smiled at me as I made my way down the stairs and placed the drinks and myself on the sofa. Watching the boys I thought back to Valentine's Day in New York, how happy Jon and I were and the feeling of freedom and no concept of time. It made me smile. That's when I remembered the photo I took of Jon in the truck. I announced I was going to get some food and made my way back to the stairs but instead of heading to the kitchen my legs carried me up the second flight of stairs and into Jon's room. I saw Jon's wallet on the chest of drawers and sure enough found the picture tucked inside. I slipped it into my jean pocket and made my way back to the basement.

"Where's the food?" Alec raised an eyebrow at me as I came back down. They had stopped playing and were just kind of standing around.

"Couldn't find anything I fancied." I shrugged. I'm not the best liar but I can usually get away with it.

"Hey Darlin'." Jon walked over and pecked my cheek.


"Cheers for the drinks Gracie." David cut me off. I smiled as a chorus of 'thank you' 's went off around the room.

"Sorry doll, what were you saying?" Jon cracked open his can of soda and took a sip before offering it to me, despite me having my own unopened can.

"Can you stay the night tonight? Or I'll stay here?"

"Yeah sure, let's sort that out later."

----8:30 pm----

"I'm fucking starving. Tico if you make me play this bass riff one more time, I will lose my shit." Alec spat.

"Pizza?" Richie suggested.

We drove into town and went into a diner named 'Poppins'. We were allocated a booth. In order from the outside it went David, me, Jon. Then on the other Tico, Alec, Richie. We ordered a mixture of burgers, pizzas and colas. Jon and I both going for the cheeseburger and fries.

Whilst we waited David and I engaged in conversation which shortly broke off and I noticed Jon and Richie were talking with Jon sat almost sideways so his back was resting on the wall to the right of the booth. I turned myself into the same position and leant back against him, closing my eyes.

"You ok baby?" Jon questioned, I felt his head move to look down at me.

"It's been a long week." I mumbled back. In response he kissed my forehead and continued to talk to Richie.

I could feel myself slowly fall into a slumber when suddenly the guys shouted at me announcing the foods arrival. I opened my eyes to see Alec shaking and jumping with excitement as his margarita pizza was placed in front of him. I could hardly keep myself awake to eat but every time I gathered the energy to chew my mouth watered at the taste of the food. It was exceptional for a shitty looking diner. I saw Richie point at me then turn to Jon and say

"I guess this means no sex tonight then." Jon chuckled and I hid my face into his shoulder, making the others laugh. I've found I don't like discussing my sex life.

After food we walked back across the sidewalk that headed to the car park. Jon's arm was wrapped tightly around me to stop me from falling over or whatever else might happen whilst I'm on the verge of exhaustion. We piled back into the 2 cars. Jon and I were sat in the back of the car Richie was driving and Tico was in the passenger seat. The boys began talking as I lay across the back seats and sure enough I fell asleep.


Sorry this is shit x

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