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I visited Grace's house the next day, and the day after that, and the days after that. Every time I knocked I was told she wasn't home. I didn't question it, although it did seem like she was hiding.

Grace's POV

The day I left Jon's I headed down to a little cafe with the money I had left over from the night before. In this cafe I met a guy. Clearly gay, but he was sweet and kind to me, even payed for my drink. I found myself talking to him and we quickly became friends. The next 2 days I spent with him bonding. His name was Isaac. He almost completely brushed Jon of my mind. I knew I needed to call him so he knew I wasn't mad, but I just hadn't found the time.

Isaac and I had got back to mine and immediately headed into the kitchen to see my mom. After greeting her she almost immediately pulled me aside out of earshot from Isaac.

"Sweetie, you should probably go look up stairs."


She didn't answer, just walked off to talk to Harrison, who apparently was also here.

I opened my bedroom door and there sat Jon playing with my bedsheets.

"How long have you been here?"

"Half hour." He shrugged.

"Listen, I'm not mad about what happened at your parent house. I did mean to call you but I've been busy."

"Yeah, where have you been? I've called in the last few days but you were always out."

"I've been out with a friend." I positioned myself next to him.

"Who? I'm pretty sure you haven't met any new friends since you've been here, no offence darlin'. Only because you ain't been here long."

"I met him the day I left yours."

"What's his name?"

"Isaac." Jon raised his eyebrows at me. "Don't look at me like that, I'm pretty sure he's gay." Jon chuckled and embraced me in his arms. We kissed and once I reopened my eyes I looked to see him smiling down to me.

"God Darlin' I've missed you."

We made our way downstairs and into the kitchen. Jon hugged me from behind and whispered "I didn't realise he was here." I just smiled. Mom made him a drink and we all sat at the breakfast bar to talk. Jon sitting next to me, continuously stealing kisses, making me blush and helping me do things I had difficulty with due to injuries. Isaac has begun to start a conversation with Jon, asking loads of questions about me and our relationship. Dare I say it, I think Jon likes him now, or at least is sure that Isaac isn't a threat.

It was about 2 in the afternoon, after we wasted time watching television. Jon sighed and slapped my thigh, making me raise my head off his shoulder.

"I need to go Darlin' "

"Whyyy?" I pouted.

"The boys are coming over."

"For a rehearsal?"

"Nah we're just chilling, you're welcome to come, I think Richie's bringing over a chick and Lema too."

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