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I hadn't seen Jon in a while. Probably around a week. But he was one of the last things I was thinking about right now. It's 3 days till Christmas and I can't contain my excitement!! Snowflakes were falling like twinkling lights dancing gracefully to a sweet romantic ballad. We hadn't put our tree up yet, I guess we hadn't found the time to, but that was the plan for today! It's one of my favourite things about Christmas you know...

The day progressed and my mind began to wonder about how my school and social lives were going to change. About how I was going to make new friends... how I would cope with the next set of changes my life would have to come face to face with.

I decided to go pick up a tree. I remembered seeing something about a Christmas tree farm whilst out on my ride with Jon. Now all I needed to do was try and remember where it was. I scooped up the pick up trucks keys from the dish and set off.

I had been driving for about 5 minutes when I saw the sign for Christmas trees in front of me. I turned into a little lane that the sign was pointing to. Eventually I saw the Christmas trees and turned right into the car park.

As I got out my car a guy who looked around 20 came up to me.

"Hey, how you doin'? The names Jamie." He spoke as he held his hand out for me to shake.

"Im called Grace, and I'm good thanks." I smiled.

"Right well if you want to follow me to the Christmas trees, that is why I assume you're here."

"It is indeed."

"Well then follow me, if you will."

I followed Jamie through the car park and through a gateway a little further up the hill. That was when I came face to face with the trees. There was what appeared to be thousands of them, all different sizes and colours. Some were a lush dark green, and some were green with a snowy white at the ends of the pines.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to continue going around and helping my customers. If you need me just come and find me, is that ok Hun?"

I couldn't speak. I just nodded. And with that Jamie went back to the rest of the customers.

I stared at the trees, not knowing what I was looking for.

I decided to set off into a row of dark green trees. I needed a fairly large one. I knew that much. Who knew this could be so hard?

After strolling through the aisle of trees for a few minutes, I decided on a dark green tree. Not a specific tree, just the type.

I slowly began to lose interest and started paying attention to the voices in the other rows. There was no one else in my row as far as I could see.

There was sounds of little children desperately trying to convince their parents that every other tree was the best tree. And sounds of young lovers kissing as they agreed on a tree. Then there was a voice of a man saying "yeah alright man, I'll get you when I'm ready." I recognised it. I knew that much. I just couldn't put a name to it. Was it Jamie? Was it someone from back home? I headed towards the end of my row to look around and see who the voice belonged to. I was just turning the comer when...


I fell back onto the snow covered ground and was immediately squashed by another body landing on top of me.

"I'm so sorry!" The familiar voice rushed and he hurried and struggled to get his body off mine.

I opened my eyes to see Jon kneeling beside me.

"Grace! Are you ok?! I'm so sorry!" Jon gasped.

"Don't worry I'm fine!" I sat up as a smile appeared on my face.

"Oh few!" Jon pretended to wipe sweat off his forehead.

Jon helped me stand and I wiped the snow off me.

"So, have you found a tree you fancy yet?" I ask as Jon and I are walking slowly among the trees.

"I want one with a snowy look to it but I can't decide which." Jon explained.

"Right... what about this one?" I said walking up to a snowy-looking tree.

"Maybe a bit bigger? I want to try and fill the gap we created in the front room."

"Okay... I don't know how big the gap is...?"

"Well, its bigger than the space that that tree would've taken up." He turned around to point back at the tree I suggested.

"Wow Jon. That was a great help." I spoke with a sense of sarcasm in my voice. "Eh but I'll try my best.

"Thank you Darlin'." Jon's voice went deep and sexy as he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

Unsure what to do I carried on walking down the row, with Jon following behind like a lost puppy.

"... so what kind of tree are you looking for?" Jon said after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Ummmm, honesty, I'm not sure... but I like that look of the dark green ones over there." I said pointing.

"Well then, let's forget about me and go find you the Christmas tree of your dreams!" He sang as he grabbed my hand and began skipping across to some more rows.

"Jo-, Jon!" I tried to spit out through fits of laughter. I'm not sure what made me laugh, whether it was the way he acted like a Disney character, or the way his long hair bounced as he skipped, but I obviously found it funny.

We made it over to the greener trees and decided to stop skipping. Walking hand in hand, we 'danced' our way through the first aisle.

"So, see any you liked?" Jon started.

"Not just then, but, I think I've found one that will do just fine..." I spoke as my voice gradually turned into a murmur, with my eyes staring off into the distance. Jon met my gaze and followed it over to the tree.

"This one?" Jon shouted walking up to it.

"Yeah." I approached the tree and looked up. "Not to big and not too small, it's great."

"So we should probably go and get Jamie."

"Yeah. Number 427."

"Gotcha." Jon said, timing it perfectly with grabbing my hand. And we walked back out the field.


hope you all have a great Christmas and a happy new year!

Bon Jovi tickets are hopefully going on sale soon and I can't wait!!


I thought I posted this before Christmas *face palm*

Anyway hope it was all good :))

Byeeeeeeee x

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