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----The Next Day----

It was Christmas Eve and we had managed to bring the tree into the front room, to the right of the tv. We had also managed to find the decorations and place them on the coffee table. Yet we had somehow failed to manage taking them off the coffee table and onto the actual tree. Why? I couldn't possibly tell you.

I was currently home alone making breakfast, everyone had gone out to do some last minute shopping. It wasn't early, around 9:30 am, but the horses had taken up more time than I had planned.

There was a distant sound of a car pulling up in the drive, which I assumed was either dad or Joey, they always did shopping stupidly quickly. I knew I was wrong when I heard the door knock.

"It's open, come in." I looked up to see Jon.

"Oh hey." I greeted him with.

"Hey Darlin' , whatcha making?"

"A cake."

"May I ask why sausages are involved with this cake?"

"Dumbo I'm making a sausage sandwich, want one?"

"If you don't mind."

"So... what brings you here?"

"I was ermmm... well, I was wondering if I could ride again?" He mumbled looking down into his lap, then bringing is eyes which were full of hope up to meet mine.

"Yes! Of course you can! You can ride whenever you like y'know."

"Thank you Darlin'. I ummm also bought you a present." He revealed a small wrapped package and placed it on the counter.

"I'm guessing you wrapped it?" I laughed as I poked the wrapping paper that was in a state, at least he tried.

"Yeah." He laughed out. "But don't open it now, you have to wait until tomorrow!"

"Alright cowboy." I nodded. "Speaking of tomorrow... once we get back from riding would you like to help me decorate the tree?"

"You mean you still haven't done it?" He questioned, trying to look for the tree that was currently hidden by the staircase.

"Yeah well, I need to go get changed and you need to eat that." I pointed at his untouched sandwich. "I'll be right back."

"Alright Darlin' " god.... that word!

I returned changed and made my way over to Jon who looked me up and down.

"Ready to go?" I question. He just nodded and we made small talk until we reached the yard. After having experience from last time, he kind of knew what he was doing. I made him ride Starbuck whilst I rode Indy.

"Starbuck feels different." Jon commented as we rode into the school. We couldn't ride outside due to the amount of snow that had fallen. Once inside, I set up 3 jumps for me to use and some trotting poles for Jon. I made Indy warm up by walking and trotting in a figure of eight whereas Jon pretty much went straight in with the trotting poles, knocking a few. He swung his leg over and reset them.

" how the hell do you get back on him?" Jon asked.

"Want me to fetch the mountain block?"

"Please Darlin' if you wouldn't mind?"

"Here, hold Indy" I passed Jon the reins, he looked a bit startled. I just laughed "you'll be fine, it's only for a minute." As soon as the words left my mouth Indy started nibbling on Jon hair.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow." Jon squeaked as he tried to pry Indy off, I remained laughing before walking off to get the mountain block. When I returned I saw Jon had let go of both horses and they were head butting the jumps, making the poles fall off. I placed the block as quietly as I could whilst watching Jon try and calmly grab Starbuck's reins.

"Shit" I heard him mumble as Starbuck veered away. I ran up and caught them both.

"Having trouble?" I asked whilst passing the reins over.

"A little Darlin', a little" he said before leading Starbuck over to the block. I hauled myself onto Indy and proceeded to jump the jumps. We knocked the second jump and tapped the third but it didn't fall. Jon was still trying to get hold of her trotting poles, constantly getting on and off Starbuck.

After about 30 minutes, we decided it was time to go back into the house so we put away the horses and made our way back.

"Dear lord it's freezing!" Jon shivered whilst clutching his coat closer to him.

"Well duh." I kicked a piece of snow at him.

"I don't like the cold."

"Is that so?" A grabbed a handful of snow and rubbed it in his hair.

"Oh you're gonna get it now!" Jon ran after me whilst I attempted not to trip over the snow.

*thud* *thud*

I opened my eyes to see me on the floor and Jon on top. Then before I could do anything, he started tickling me. I hate being tickled, it feels funny afterwards.

"Jon stop , stop!" I breathed out whilst squirming underneath his grip. Giggling, Jon stopped. We continued our trip back to the house.

"Did you know I am in a band?" Jon blurted out from nowhere.

"Uhhhh no, you never brung that up."

"Oh well, we have currently only released one song but are working on an album."

"Sounds interesting, sing a bit for me?"

"Ok uhhh
Ooohh she's a little runaway
Daddy's girl learned fast, all the things she couldn't say
Ooohh she's a little runaway
Daddy's girl learned fast, now she works the night away" Jon turned to look at me with expectant eyes.

" I'm not even going to lie, I swear I've heard that before."

"Ummm yeah it's been played on a few radio stations."

"That's so cool! I've become friends with a future rockstar!" I winked.

"Don't get your hopes up."

"Why the hell not? I mean it's a great song from what i can remember, you seem to be a talented writer with a hella talented band. If that's not good enough for the world then the world can fuck off."

Jon remained silent until we got into the house.

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