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I gave Valks a little kick in the sides and asked him to walk, I circled as I watched Jon do the same. He was so taken back by the first step he nearly fell off!

"Woah.." he said startled.

"Don't worry it's fine, you're fine." I spoke whilst trying not to laugh.

We decided to hack through the village because I still didn't know my way around. We left my house gates and started plodding down the road.

"Wow their feet are definitely a lot louder on the tarmac!" Jon spoke slightly shocked.

"Well yeah, they also have metal horse shoes on which probably isn't helping." I pointed out.

Jon directed me down the road and pointed out where things like church and the little post office shops were. We decided to return after about 20 mins and go out into the fields. Can I just say, on the way back I realised Jon was actually pretty skilled at riding, I was a little surprised.

Once we were out in the field I decided to firstly teach Jon to trott, then practice going over trotting poles.

"Okay so to get him to trott, you need to start Of with a walk." I said while demonstrating. Once I was about to turn the corner I carried on. "Then to move it into a faster pace you need to ask him to trott for you. You do this by saying 'Trott On', then giving his sides a nudge with your heel.". I leant down and whispered into Valks ear "Trott On boy". And immediately he sprung into action, going up and down. We went down about halfway and met with Jon in the centre of the field.

"Also notice when he's going up and down, I use my legs to move my body with his. It's called rise and fall."

"Aha.." Jon said only slightly listening as he was attempting to get Major to stop nibbling Valkyrie's bridle. I laughed and lead Valk away, then told Jon it was his turn. I watched as he turned the corner and instructed Maj just like I had done and he started to trott.

"RISE AND FALL!!" I shouted across he field. Jon heard and made an attempt at rising and falling.

"Not bad Mr. Bongiovi."

"Eh you're not too shabby yourself Darlin'" Jon winked.

"You keep practicing rise and fall, I just noticed hunt jumps and I want to go tackle one. It's been a while since I last did."

"Right, sure thing." Jon said as he set to work.

I walked Valks a bit, then brought him into a trott as we turned the corner, then almost immediately into a canter. As we were flying down the field we passed Jon and approached the hedge. "Ready boy..?" I whispered into his ear, then once a couple of moments passed, he took off, flying through the air and clearing the jump. We cantered in a loop then went back across the jump. Wow that felt good. Fantastic even. Cleared both times. I brought a Valks back down the a walk and Jon began wolf whistling..

"Woohoo!! Go dream team!!" He yelled across the field. "That was very impressive!"

"Your too kind!" I said laughing at him as he was bringing Major into a trott.

He had done quite well with the rise and fall, so I leapt off Valkyrie and grabbed 5 blue and white striped poles from the yard. When I got back I set them up in the centre of the field, all evenly spaced.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jon asked curiously.

"Setting up the Badminton Racecourse, what does it look like stupid?" I joked back.

"So they're the trotting poles..."


"How to they work?"

"Want me to give you a demo?"

"Yes please Darlin'."

Darlin'. Damn he needs to stop saying that! It's driving me crazy!! ( the good way) But he can't know that.

I hopped back onto Valk and brung him into a trott, then proceeded to trott over the poles, which he nailed! Didn't knock a single one! So proud of my boy! <3

"Ya see? It's easy." I said once we stopped.

"Uh huh. Lemme have a go." Jon insisted.

He brought Major into trott and went over the poles and knocked the 4th.

"The only reason you hit the 4th pole was because you fell out of time with rise and fall, but that's okay." I said whilst hopping back down from Valkyrie.

I went and replaced the 4th and 5th poles.

"Go again." I instructed.

He brought Maj into trott and went over, this time knocking 3rd, which knocked 4th, and the 5th.

"Great." Jon muttered.

"Don't worry, practice for another 5 mins then we should probably take them back to the barn." I said cheerfully.

"Okay, will do Darlin'." Jon assured me.

So, the 5 minutes passed and Jon was improving, he just didn't know it.

" Time to go in." I told Jon, whilst swinging Valks reins over his head and holding them in my hand to lead him back to the barn.

"You not riding?" Jon questioned.

"Nah, you still can if you want to though."

Jon nodded and stayed upon Major as we walked back. Jon decided he wanted to trott for a little bit, so that left me to run alongside Valks to bring him into trott to keep up with Jon. Jon laughed as he saw my ponytail slipping out. I didn't bother fixing it.

We got back to the barn and hosed off the horses, because they (especially Valk) had gotten a bit sweaty. We placed them back into the stables and I allowed Jon to go fill up their haynets as I put on their rugs.

Once we were done we began to head back to the house. Jon laughed as I tried to untangle my hair from th hairtie.

"Here let me." He said reaching over.

His hands were gentle as they fiddled with my hair until it freed itself.

"Thank you." I said gratefully.

"No problemo."

We approached the front door.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked full of hope.

" Ummm, it's probably best if I go back to my folks, they're probably wondering where I've gone too so early." He said with a soft laugh at the end.

"Okay. Bye." I spoke with a little bit of sadness, but I tried not to let it show.

"Speak soon?"


He gave me a quick hug before turning around and walking down the drive. I walked into my house and immediately went upstairs and showered, thinking about today.


I may carry on later, on maybe tomorrow, not sure yet!

Byeeee x

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