Twenty Three

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As I opened one eye I raised my bed slightly to take in my surroundings. I was in Jon's bed. I moved my right arm across the bed behind me to see if he was there and groaned when I couldn't feel him. I rolled over to be sure I wasn't missing him, but I was only met with the sight of crumpled sheets. I checked the time on the alarm clock on Jon's side of the bed. 08:48. Jon's family would be having breakfast in 10 minutes. After taking up a few minutes to convince myself out of the warm embrace of the covers I chucked one of Jon's t-shirts over my underwear covered body. I couldn't find any short or pyjama bottoms so I decided his underwear would do. I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey Dar- are those my underwear?" Jon questioned whilst holding a plate of butter.

"They sure are. Your wardrobe is a mess, how do you ever find anything?" I walked over and kissed him as he placed the butter on the table.

"I keep telling him to sort it, the boy never listens."

"Good morning Carol." I replied giving her a smile.

"You're joining us for breakfast aren't you? We do have enough if you want some." Mrs B gestured to the food laid out on the counter.

"That would be lovely thank you."

"What do you want Darlin'?" Jon said picking up his plate of toast.

"Y'know what, toast doesn't seem like a bad idea." I made a move to go make some but Jon stopped me.

"I'll do it."

It took Jon 2 minutes to make my toast. As of now we we're all sat around the table eating.

"Baby what are you doing today?" I looked over at Jon who's hand was resting on my thigh as he tried to shovel bread down his throat.

"Nothing, you got anything you want help with?"

"All I need to do is ride. Leaving homework for tomorrow. We could sort out your wardrobe if you want."

"Really you have a spare day and you want to clean my wardrobe."


"Deal if I can come see you ride."

I thanked Carol for breakfast, John was at work. Jon plonked himself on the bed and I opened the wardrobe doors.

"Put on some music please." Jon followed my instructions and walked over to his box of records.

I began taking every last item of clothing out his wardrobe and set it on his bed, most of it wasn't even on hangers.

I started putting shirts on the hangers and Jon shortly began to follow my lead then told me there were more in his drawers, which I guess kind of made sense hence there were jeans in the wardrobe. I removed the shirts from his drawers and put them on the bed to be hanged too. As we were busy I noticed Jon sing along quietly to the T. Rex record playing in the background which made me smile.

We had sorted as many shirts and t-shirts into the wardrobe as possible and now I was stood at the foot of the bed folding up his jeans to put into his drawers. Out the corner of my eye I could see Jon leaning back against the headboard, shirtless, and watching me.

"Hey Darlin' "

"Mmh" I didn't look up from what I was doing.

"Why don't you leave space so you can leave some clothes here?" I looked up to see Jon with fear in his eyes but he was coming off as confident.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I smiled. It was a step forward for us.

"How about I take you shopping so you're not missing anything at home, you can have a completely separate wardrobe."

"Baby it's not fair for you to keep spending money on me." I walked to the drawer and now had my back to him.

"Well, technically, the clothes are staying at mine, so they're my clothes, you just wear them when you come over."

"Is that your way of convincing me to allow you to spend money on me?" I lifted my head and let out a laugh.

"Well did it convince you?"

"The only way you're going to do that is if I buy you a wardrobe to keep at mine."

"Deal. That's fair. Let's goo."

"Not yet. I need to shower." There was two rapid knocks at the door which was already slightly ajar and Carol stuck her head round the door. She announced she was leaving, would be back later, and that I could stay as long as I liked. I thanked her and we shared our goodbyes before she then disappeared again.

Jon left before I showered to go get me clothes from my house and he was back by the time I exited the bathroom. I changed into the blue jeans and black tee he retrieved for me and soon enough we were making our way to the mall.

Whilst we were there a few guys and girls, like only about 4, that recognised him from the increasing amount of live shows the boys were doing. It made me feel proud. There wasn't one person who said they disliked the music, but one guy didn't necessarily make it sound like he liked it.

After spending our limit of $50 on each other we returned to Jon's so I could his stuff away properly then we went back to my place.

I pushed all my clothes down to the right hand side of my wardrobe and hanged Jon's new clothes on the left, then I retrieved my riding clothes and began to change whilst Jon watched.

"You're so beautiful." He breathed out but did attempt to not make it sound too airy.

"You ain't to shabby yourself baby." I winked, making him chuckle, before heading out to the barn.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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