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"I need a shower, is that ok?" I began.

"Uh yeah that's fine, mind if I wait in your room?"

"No, not at all. Let's go." I allowed the words to dribble out of my mouth, although I found the request a little strange.

"Sorry Darlin', it's just because if your family come home it might look a bit strange if I'm sat in your house alone." Darlin'... no stop it. Stay focused.

"Understandable." We walked in through the door and I immediately went to gather a change of clothes and Jon plonked himself on to my bed.

"I won't be long." I stated before exiting the room, not waiting for a reply.

----Jon's POV----

Grace had gone for a shower and my attention had been diverted from her to her room. It was all wooden and clean, kind of like you see in the movies. It suited her, both were a stunning sight to see that made you feel at home. Wait what... Never mind. My mind wondered as did my feet. I found myself looking over her makeup table at all the neatly arranged items, then wondering over to her window seat thing. I didn't have one of these, it was cool. I placed myself down and looked back at Graces room, my mind immediately went back to her. I mean she was gorgeous, how could my mind not go back to her. I think we may have a connection, I don't know if she feels it but I think I do. I mean, she's not like any other girls I've dated in the past... she seemed somewhat innocent... so what was attracting me to her? I've told you she's gorgeous, stunning even. We share the same sense in humour and her sarcasm is somewhat sexy... ok so that's two more reasons as to why I like her.... Oh, she has a great ass and boobs.. I'll get back to you on the rest of the list.

----Grace's POV----
Shit. I thought to myself. After completing my shower and brushing my short blond hair I noticed I had forgotten to get underwear. Great. I wrapped the towel around my body hoping Jon wouldn't think too much of it.

I opened my bedroom door to see Jon sat in the window. His head snapped towards my direction as he took in what I was wearing.

"Sorry, I forgot to bring underwear..." I was a little embarrassed.

"It's alright Darlin', nice room by the way."

"Thank you." I turned around to get my underwear out of my chest of drawers.

----Jon's POV----

Grace just walked in wearing a towel, I don't think she's ever looked better. Once she turned around my eyes traveled to her ass. Wrong I know, I just couldn't help it. Before I knew what I was doing I was walking up behind her.

"You should know you're really beautiful.." I whispered into her ear.

"Yeah? I bet you say that to all the girls." She didn't look up from her underwear drawer, making my gaze go from her impeccable face to the drawer. Needless to say I was surprised by the amount of thongs in there...

"Surprisingly I don't. Usually they come onto me." She closed the drawer, her didn't dare move her eyes.

"So you want me for sex?" She almost whispered.

"Depends on what you want. Have you even had sex before?" No answer. "I'll take that as a no then?" Still no answer. "Ok look I'm sorry, I don't want to see you upset..." she looked me in the eyes. "I'm not going to do anything that you don't want me to do." She still hadn't broken eye contact and neither had I.

"You're right I'm a virgin" she let out, only just loud enough for me to hear. Her breath was all shaky, as if I was making her nervous. "I want you to take me." I must've been dreaming.

"Are you sure?" I asked uncertain.

"I'm sure." Her voice still only just load enough to hear with a shaky breath. Her blue eyes seemed adventurous.

I took her hand and lead her over to the bed and made her drop her towel. I'll leave it to your imagination for what happened next. Maybe we played scrabble, who knows? Not you.

Once we were finished, I laid down on the bed next to her. Watching her as she stared up at the ceiling, her lips slightly apart and her chest rising and falling.

"Are you ok?" I asked. I didn't usually get this reaction.

"Yeah, just a little sore." She let out a weak smile.

"Ok, most people are after their first time."

"That's reassuring."

"Ok... so... how was it? I mean did you like it?" She turned to look at me.

"You know what, I never thought I would say this but I did. I enjoyed every moment of it." I chuckled.

"Good Darlin, and dear god, you're body is a masterpiece." My eyes slowly dropping down to her chest, the rest of her body was covered by the sheets.

"Really you think so?"

"Absolutely Darlin', my god what did I do to deserve you?" I began leaving love bites on her neck.

"Y'know we're going to have to do something about you calling me Darlin', Darlin'."

"Oh?" At this point I was very confused, did she not like it? " And why is that?" My eyes looking into her big blue orbs.

" It's going to have to stop, because, it only makes me want you more." She stated, blushing a little.

"I believe I've turned you into a bad girl now Darlin'." I smirked.

"Why don't you prove it to me?, cowboy?" She smirked too.

"Oh is that how we're playing?" I must admit it turned me on a little. "Well, I'd never stop a lady from getting what she pleases Darlin'."

She placed her lips on mine and then we went again. I just prayed to God her family wouldn't come home.

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