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----JONS POV----

The boys had all disappeared off into the kitchen whilst I stared at Grace deep in thought. Eventually though I needed to pee, which meant waking her up.

"Grace.." I whispered, bending down to get as close to her ear as possible, which was difficult. Eventually she woke and went to join the boys in the kitchen whilst I went and pissed.

I came back downstairs and looked over the right hand side of the stair banister to see Grace wasn't in there, so I whipped my head around to my left and my eyes were greeted by her sitting on the couch eating an apple. I went over and joined her.

"How come you aren't with the boys?" I watched her face as I spoke, taking in the smoothness of her skin and the tiniest traces of acne scarring along her jawline.

"Dunno." She shrugged and continued to eat.


"Mmm?" Her eyes kept their focus on the speckled green apple.

"Urgh fucks sake.." I muttered under my breath as I pushed my locks of hair back with my hand. "Will you go out with me?" She turned to look at me as she continued chewing, her face held a confused expression which her eyebrows made clear.

"You what?" She replied after swallowing, and nearly choking on, her apple.

"Please?" I realised I was probably giving her the puppy dog eyes, but didn't refrain, hopefully it would convince her to say yes.

"Why?" Her voice was quiet and soft.

"Because you're amazing." I tucked a strand of hair that had come loose from her bun back behind her ear.

"Jon, I haven't known you a long time an- no wait fuck it, the answers yes." She grinned. I leaned in and kissed her, funnily enough her soft lips tasted like cigarettes and a slightly sour apple. We broke apart and stared into each other's eyes, cliché, I know. "I really really want pancakes right now." She sighed, her eyes glittered from the reflection of the Christmas tree lights.

"Let's go make them then." I grabbed her hand and helped her find her feet. After a few steps of me trailing closely behind her, I scooped her up and began carrying her like she was a bride.

"What's that for?" She giggled as we made over way over to the kitchen.

"You looked like you were in pain." I smiled down at her.

"Yeah so? I would've coped. And look where you're going, not at me. If you drop me I'll kill you."

"Oh really?" I set her down on a bar stool. "Well although you would've coped, I'm not allowing you to lift a finger, due to the new circumstances." I winked.

"Ok well be careful, I may get too used to it." She smirked.

"Hold on what new circumstances?" David, who was sat next to Grace, chimed in, looking between us with his eyebrows raised.

"I got myself a loverrr." I sang as I searched through the cupboards looking for flour.

"Wow that was really classy Jon." Grace smirked through the wolf whistles and cheering coming from the boys, which I guaranteed made her blush.

"You know me babe." I winked at her over my shoulder. I had never made pancakes before so Grace gave me a few pointers whilst Tico and I cooked. Eventually though, they were ready.

We all sat at the breakfast bar to eat our pancakes, although it was probably about 3:30 pm. But hey, to Grace it probably felt like the morning. The six of us sat with 3 on each side: Richie and David facing each other; Tico and Grace; then Alec and I.

"So Grace, have you made any new friends?" Tico started a conversation once taking his seat opposite her.

"Other than Jon, no. I haven't really been here long and I haven't done anything particularly social since I've got here so.." she turned to face me "Hey baby can you get me the strawberries and blueberries out the fridge?" As she spoke she subtly out her hand on my upper thigh, which took me by surprise.

"Awww, baby" Alec giggled to himself whilst looking at his stack of pancakes, so Grace ripped a bit of hers and threw it at him.

"Now, now, kiddies we don't wanna start a food fight." David chimed in with a slight laugh. I took my seat back at the table.

"Thanks baby." she began dragging the packets across the counter towards her but I grabbed her jawline bringing her lips up to meet mine, earning more wolf whistles and giggles from the boys. I could feel her smile as we kissed and once we pulled away I could see a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Tell you what.. if they carry on I'm going to loose my fucking appetite." Richie mumbled to Tico. I just prayed that Alec's "get a roooooom" was loud enough to block Richie, which I doubt because she was closer to him than I was. I grabbed her hand under the surface and shit her a smile, then she leaned in towards my ear.

"Babe, I know you're trying to be romantic but I only have one arm..."

"Oh shit yeah sorry." She giggled at me.

Within 5 minutes we heard the door open and everyone halted their conversation and looked at who had came in. Susan, Joey and Harrison were the sight we saw who were looking back at us with slightly confused expressions.

"Hey, mom." Grace smiled a little.

"Grace, honey" Susan acknowledged her "Jon nice to meet you again." She wondered over and smiled before embracing us both in a light hug.

"Nice to see you too Susan. These guys are my band mates, I hope you don't mind us being here."

"No, not at all, help yourself to anything guys." She smiled and began walking away. "Oh and Grace.."

"Mmm?" She looked up with her mouth stuffed with a strawberry.

"Your father and I are going out tonight, and I believe Harrison is staying over." Grace just put her thumb up as a reply.

We finished our pancakes and washed up before Grace realised she needed to attend to the horses. Funnily enough, the boys wanted to come with us too. So, we all grabbed an apple and headed down to the barn.

Once we were down there it became clear that only Tico and David were comfortable being around the horses, I'm just gonna assume it's because of their relatively calm nature. Grace led each of the other boys to a horse that's they could attend to, making them give the apple as a peace offering. Mindlessly, my legs carried me over to Major, the horse I had been riding before. After feeding him his apple, I noticed Grace and Tico petting Valkyrie.

"Heyyyoooo" I turned by head to see Joey and Harrison by the barn door. They stood out against the darkness that was now being cast across the sky.

"Joey, can you do the horses? I can do it whilst looking after this lot too."

"Urge sure, Harrison you're helping too." The look on Harrison's face showed he was not happy.

"Ummm I think the fuck not, I have better things to do."

"Like?" Joey raised his eyebrows.

"This blonde bitch and I need to set up for our sleepover." He strode over to Grace who was now beside me and wrapped his arm around her. I was a tad jealous, but he was family, so it shouldn't have mattered.

"Fine, you traitor."


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