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We found Jamie and told him what number Christmas trees we wanted. Turned out Jon had already found one he liked. Jamie directed us towards the café and told us we could wait in there whilst he chopped and wrapped our trees. Jon and I chose a table by the window with two wooden chairs opposite each other.

"Sit right here and I'll be right back." Jon instructed.

I did as he asked and sat down. By the time I looked back up Jon had disappeared. The café was fairly small and didn't have many people in but it created a warm and welcoming vibe. There was a smell of coffee and chocolate in the air. I just sat there with a smile plastered on my face as I watched the scene unravel in front of me.

I didn't realise I had zoned out until Jon tapped me on my shoulder.

"You ok?" He asked sounding slightly concerned.

"Yeah yeah, just thinking that's all" I breathed out.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Was just thinking about how each person in here has a completely different life to the next and how we'll never know what's happening inside their mind. We never know what experiences they've been through and we'll never know what's coming for them in life." I didn't look at Jon whilst I was talking, I kept my attention on the people.

"Wow. That was deep." That caught my attention. I turned my head to look at Jon, seeing the bewildered expression on his face made me think I've taken this a bit too deep. After a split second I looked down towards the wooden table.

"Sorry" I mumbled, my mouth being covered by my scarf.

"No don't be sorry, i didn't mean to say it like that. It's cool that you think like that. Until now I've always just taken it for granted that others lives are fine but you're absolutely right." I looked back up at Jon, making eye contact.

"Yeah. How'd you know I liked hot chocolate and brownies?"

"I guessed. You look like a hot chocolate and brownie type of girl, if you know what I mean." I saw the snow begin to fall out the corner of my eye, adding to the setting, making it seem more and more like a movie. It was sweet. "And besides..." Jon continued "if you didn't like it, I would've eaten it and went back and got you what you wanted." He smiled.

"Well, lucky guess. How much did this cost?" I reached for my purse, placed on the table.

"Nope!" Jon snatched away my purse.

"Hey but-"

"No. No buts. I'm paying."


"Come on. My treat?"

"If you insist. I'm going to pay you back, just whilst you're attentions not on me."

"Well in that case, I'm going to be looking after this." He noticeably tightened his grip on my purse and brought it closer to his body. I sipped on my hot chocolate. They hadn't gone too over the top with the whipped cream and sprinkles, which was good! It was simplistic. I noticed on the spoon there was a little chocolate frog.

"Aww that's cute." I said out loud.

"They taste good." Jon informed me. I looked up at him. "What?! I've already eaten mine." Jon smirked, looking at my lips that were curled in a smile. I let out a little giggle.

"You piggy!" I joked.

"That was cute." Jon spoke after a moment filled with eye contact.

"What was?"

"That giggle, it was cute."

"Oh stop it."

"What?" He asked innocently.

"It wasn't cute"

"It was!"

"Sure whatever you say cowboy." I winked at him. I wasn't usually the flirty type, but for some reason Jon had bought it out in me. If this is even considered 'flirting'. I pulled apart my brownie and placed a chunk in my mouth.

"Holy shitttt" I exclaimed once I had finished my mouthful.

"What? Not like it?"

"It's so good!!"

"Good. You had me worried there for a second."

I looked over to Jons plate and saw he had already finished his brownie.

"I see Mr. Piggy liked his brownie." I laughed gesturing at his plate.

"Yes. Mr. Piggy did enjoy his brownie." Jon laughed back.

We sat and finished our drinks, then continued to talk for a bit, then Jamie entered the café to tell us that our trees were ready. Jon, still clutching my purse, and I followed Jamie to our trees.

"How much for Grace's tree?"

"Jon. Stop. You're not paying for this as well."

"Fine." He opened my purse. "How much?"

"$55 please." Jamie replied.

"How much is a piece of mistletoe?" I chimed in, noticing the racks of it lined up against a stone wall.

"$1" Jamie shouted over to us as he got me a piece.

Jon produced another dollar, although I'm not sure if it came from my purse or his wallet. Jon gave Jamie the money for my things and then payed for his own stuff and he then proceeded to help my place the Christmas tree in my trailer and his went in the back of his pickup.

"So, this is where we part." I started.

"Yeah. I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"Definitely! You'll have to come back and see the horses. You know I think they took a liking to you."

"Of course! How could they not!" We laughed. Then said goodbye and made our way back home.

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