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After my shower I returned back to my room and noticed Jon's jacket was still hung on my wardrobe door. "Shitttt" I thought to myself. I'll just give it back to him next time I see him. I don't really have much of a choice, it's not mine and I may look a bit crazy keeping it.

I got dressed into a grey hoodie that was far to big for me and black leggings. I put my hair up into a high ponytail, with little bits falling out and surrounding my face, but you couldn't really notice it...

I headed downstairs to find my mum making lunch.

"Where's dad?" I asked, not really caring too much.

"He's got a business meeting at the office, he will be back around 2" Mum told me.

"Ah okay, want any help?"

"No thanks, I'm good honey." She said cheerily. "Where did you go off to this morning?" She asked with great interest.

"Me and Jon went riding..." I tried to avoid eye contact with her, not knowing what her reaction would be.

"What?!" Mum exclaimed! "Honey that's brilliant!"


"I knew you too would get on!" She said squealing.

"Ummm ok, can I have my lunch now, I'm going to go back to the yard."

"You can have your lunch now, but remember you need to do that paperwork your father left you."

"Ah yeah." I spoke slightly annoyed.

"Here you go!" Mum said sliding me a sandwich across the bar.

"Cheers Ma" I said taking a bite.

After my sandwich I returned back upstairs, collected the paperwork from my makeup table, then retreated to the front room. I placed the mounds of paper onto the coffee table and let out a sigh before picking up a pen and getting to work.

After about 2 hours I had finished and leant back onto the sofa when I heard the front door swing open.

"Hi honey!" Mum shouted from the kitchen.

"Hi daddy." I said from the front room.

"Look at my two beautiful girls!" He exclaimed.

My mother laughed and went up to give him a kiss. I turned away and went over to the tv to see what was on. My parents were sweet, but sometimes you just don't really need to see that.

For the next 4 and a half hours I watched tv and concentrated on my coursework that I would need after Christmas for when I started my new college. It was Sunday so mum had cooked a roast. In case you can't tell, I love roasts! We had one every Sunday. Dinner lasted till about 8 then we all went to watch the tv until around 9, then I decided to go to bed. I didn't bother showering, I just put on some pjs and threw myself into bed.

----- The Next Day-----

I woke up at 6, put on some blue skinny jeans and a hoodie and went downstairs. I was greeted by the sight of my course work and paperwork still scattered over the coffe table. I continued walking down the steps when I heard a crash from the kitchen. I spun round to see Joey making himself breakfast, still half asleep.

"You going college? I asked.


"Why? Isn't there only like two weeks left before Christmas holidays?"

"Yeah, unlike you I fancy getting as much revision in as possible."

I started my make myself a coffee.

"Want one?" I asked Joey.

"No need, already got mine." He said

I didn't bother responding. I hadn't had my coffee yet. No one messes with me before I've had my coffee. I poured my coffee than sat at the bar, soon to be joined by Joey who still hadn't properly woken up even after downing a whole mug of the stuff. He quickly ate what had actually turned out to be breakfast not just a mess, then went upstairs to retrieve his college stuff. He came back downstairs with a backpack on to go with his blue jeans and checked blue top, all accompanied by his messy raven coloured hair.

"Going?" I called as I walked up to him.

"Yeah, wish me luck!" He said speeding out the front door.

"Good luck! Break a leg!" I yelled from the porch as he chucked his bags into his car.

"Oi oi!" He yelled as he clambered into the drivers seat.

We both laughed and waved as he started the engine and drove off down the drive. Once he had passed the gates I spun around into my dad, who was leaving the house.

"Sorry daddy."

"Don't worry baby, I've got to go, see you later!"

"Bye daddy!" I shouted as he sped out the front door and into his car.

I didn't bother to wait for him to drive off before heading inside and closing the door. It was freezing out there!

The rest of the day was spent with the horses and the tv. Then around 6 I made everyone dinner, they had cod with chips and peas, but I don't eat fish so I had steak pie with chips and peas.

The next 4 days leading up to Saturday all went pretty much the same way. All involving the same routine, apart from making dinner. That was a one off. For anyone wondering, my mum did have a job, she was a housing estate agent. I don't really know a lot about it but I never really cared about that kind of stuff. I like to get my hands dirty. I'm very handy with my hands, as is Joey. He studies agricultural engineering, for anyone who doesn't know that means he studies fixing farming machinery. It's far more fun than it sounds, trust me. I don't know why our interests were so different than our parents but that's just the way it is I guess. It's not like they hated that kind of thing, but they would never consider it for a job.


Didn't really know what to write, but here ya go!

Going to go to sleep now....

Byeeeee x

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