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----Jon's POV----
Once we were finished -errrr - getting busy, we both showered and got dressed, then made our way into the living room. We hadn't really said much to each other, although we decided to have MTV on in the background whilst we decorated the tree. We had carried the decorations down with us after our shower.

"Would it be easier if I moved the tree forward a little bit?" Grace questioned as her head turned to face me.

"Probably, don't worry darlin'" the last iut rushed out of my mouth and I grabbed her wrist. "I'll do it, you try and find the lights.." I smiled and she replied with a half smile.

Grace found the lights and I had moved the tree forward and made us coffee which was currently placed on the coffee table.

"Jon please can you hold this end." Grace began, not making eye contact whilst she spoke and handed me the plug. She worked her way from the opposite end and untangled the lights. Meanwhile I had gotten bored of just holding the plug so instead I plugged it in and turned them on and went through checking all the bulbs worked. Although MTV was playing Christmas records in the background the silence between Grace and I was becoming unbearable...

"Grace..." I started and she snapped her head up to look at me yet avoiding my eyes. "Are you ok? Look I'm really sorry if what happ-" I was cut off my the front door opening and we both turned around to face the door and was greeted by Grace's family arriving home.

"Jonny! How have you been?" Susan's voice was just below a shout as she made her way over and embraced me in a hug.

"I'm fine thank you Mrs Brooks." She released me from the hug.

"Honestly you can call me Susan, I don't enjoy all that formal stuff." We both let out a laugh

"Mr. Brooks" I nodded over to him as a greeting which he acknowledged but before he could talk Susan's voice filled the room.

"And you can call him William, even if he says otherwise, which I doubt he will" her voice slowly draining away as she made her way into the kitchen.

"Decorating the tree I see" William nodded towards the decorations on the coffee table.

"Uhhh yeah..." I redirected my attention to the lights still in my hand and saw that Grace had untangled them completely. "Ready to put them on the tree?" I questioned towards Grace. All of a sudden I could hear someone running and soon realised Joey was next to me.

"You guys are not starting without me." Joey stated.

"'Course not." Grace replied rather lazily.

"Good!" Joey clapped his hands together. "Let's get started."

Eventually, we had decorated the tree and we stood back to admire our hand work. I mean it took a lot of effort due to it being fairly big to fit the house. The lights were white, then there was some kind of fake berry plant thing which Grace and Joey placed on. Accompanying this, there were red, pink, blue and green baubles and other decorations scattered about among the branches. I think we did a pretty good job. I noticed Joey had plonked himself on the sofa and was flicking through the channels and Grace was curled up in an armchair so I went to sit next to Joey. We watched a bit of Moonraker that was being played on television.

I stayed for dinner after much persuasion from Susan and throughout that time Grace made eye contact once and quickly looked away. Susan organised when me and Grace could ride again, and I went back home to the parents house. I guess I would be seeing her in 6 days then.


Hey sorry this chapter isn't that good :/ I've been working on another story called Sweet Caress! It's got 5 chapters published so feel free to read what I've posted so far! (Go to my page @runaway1983 and it should be there!)

The next chapter will be better I promise!

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