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We had gotten back into the house and the boys had decided they were gonna stay over to - and I quote "make sure Grace and I wouldn't get into trouble". We had dragged Grace's King-size mattress downstairs, along with any duvets, pillows, cushions and blankets we could find. Basically the entirety of the living room was a big blankety mess.  I had lit the fire and we were all settling down to watch another movie, but first we had to wait for Alec and David. We'd sent them to go get clothes for the boys and I to sleep in.

Once they had returned we all got changed into pyjamas and collected our snacks before taking our seats. Grace and I had her mattress, the boys had spread themselves across the sofas, and Joey and Harrison had set up an arrangement of cushions to the side of the mattress. We had pushed the coffee table that was holding all the snacks and drink up against the stairs, so it looked like a proper snack bar.

We watched 'The French Connection' and towards the start of the movie both of the parents came home to get ready so we always paused to greet them. Afterwards, everyone but Joey went outside for a cigarette, apparently he doesn't smoke. When we came back in we saw the 'snack bar' had been restocked and Grace's parents were making their way down the stairs. They announced they were off and wouldn't be back until late, so we thanked them for letting us stay and let them on their way.

"I wanna play a game." Grace pouted.

"Yeahhhh!!!" Alec screeched over-enthusiastically, making Richie kick him on the sofa. In all honesty I was wondering why he was still here if he 'didn't like Grace'.

"Yeah well I'm going to bed, I'm up at 5." Joey stated before making his way up the stairs, we all said goodnight as he eventually left our view.

"Ok so what game?" I asked rubbing my hands together, a mischievous smile on my face.

"Truth or dare..?" David asked.

"OOH Drinking truth or dare!" Alec declared.

"I can't drink." Grace stated.

"Right so we can't do that one then, what about just normal truth or dare?" I spoke all though I was ignored because of Alec.

"Why can't you drink?" He was sat upside down on the sofa, with his head hanging off, looking at Grace.

"Because of my medication." She shrugged. "Sucks I know."

"So, normal truth or dare?" My voice became a bit stronger, which made them listen this time.

"Let's do it!" Lema clapped his hands together. MTV was playing in the background with the volume down so our voices could be heard over the top.

"Richie, truth or dare." Jon said.

"Truth." He sat up.

"Have your parents ever walked in on you with a chick?" Alec questioned.

"No, but they hate me bringing them home."

"Well duh, every moms worst fear is their son bringing home a new chick every week." Tico joined in with a laugh.

"Grace." I looked up to see Richie yet again giving me a death stare. "Truth or dare."


"I can hear the shower running so go wait under that persons covers until they get out, then scare them." We all went upstairs, the boys piled into the spare room across the hall where Harrison is staying and I went and hid under Joeys covers. After about 5 minutes the shower went off and you could hear a door being opened followed by footsteps. When I was sure that he was in the room I threw the covers off me and screamed. Joey just stared back at me with a blank expression, it didn't scare him at all. Just past Joeys shoulder I could see Harrison creeping up behind him... then he screamed and smacked Joey, which make Joey shriek like a little girl. I high-fived him on the way out.

Once everyone returned downstairs and we had refilled on food and drinks, it was my turn.

"Tico truth or dare?"


"Would you say there is a dark side to you? You seem to innocent..." Tico didn't seem fazed by my question.

"I wouldn't necessarily say a dark side... but I have my moments."

"Give an example."

"David and I were trying to compose music for a new song and I lost my shit with him because the way he wanted it was far too slow."

I nodded and the game continued, with breaks to sing along to songs we loved that came on MTV. Grace fell asleep, with her head resting on my leg. After looking down at her, with her hair falling all over the place, I realised I was feeling quite drowsy too. I don't remember hearing the parents come back in, after settling in, I fell asleep pretty quickly too.


I'm sorry.

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