Twenty One

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Today was Valentine's Day. I last heard from Jon 2 days ago. I came downstairs for breakfast to find the house empty. After getting a bowl down I realised a note was sat on the breakfast bar. It read:


Wear comfortable - but striking- clothes, that's all that's needed.
Meet me in the stables once you're ready.

Weird to say the least. I knew it was Jon, mom was at work, and no one else would want to meet me in the barn. I made my breakfast and took it upstairs to eat whilst I hurriedly got ready, I had no idea how long he had been down there and didn't want to keep him waiting.

I put on a red and black checkered dress with a black demon jacket over the top with white converse on my feet. It wasn't really warm yet but I figured I'd be fine.

After entering the barn I saw Jon stood in the middle of the stables surrounded by the horses eating their hay.

"Hi" I breathed out. Jon smiled as I approached him and he held out the bouquet of roses for me to take. "How long have you been in here?" We kissed briefly.

"Not too long, don't worry. You look gorgeous as always." As Jon spoke I took a chance to look down at his outfit. He was wearing light blue denim jeans with a slightly darker blue vest and light blue denim jacket along with white trainers. "You ready for today?"

"Sure but where are we going?"

"You'll find out shortly." We linked arms and headed out of the barn and into his car.

We drove to his house, put the roses in some water and left again. The next car journey took about an hour as we headed up the country. I shortly noticed we were entering New York.

"Grace what's the time?"

"About 11."

We pulled up along a curb and took a 15 minute stroll through centre Manhattan before stopping.

"Grace, love, I present to you Rockefeller Centre." We began to walk past shops and eventually entered a few that caught my eye.

After roughly an hour Jon dragged me into a restaurant. Jon said his name and a waiter guided us to our table and told us he would be back shortly to take our order.


"Yeah?" He looked up when I didn't continue. "Darlin'...?"

"Do you want me to pay?" I looked across, I didn't want to be making him mad by talking about money, we both knew his family's money was tight and him treating me wasn't fair on any of them.

"Darlin' it's fine." His voice was stern but I could tell he was trying to sound calm. I let him pay and avoided bringing up money for the rest of the conversation. When he went to the toilet I slipped 20 dollars into his wallet.

After a somewhat romantic meal we explored Manhattan . Looking out over the water from Manhattan Bridge was possibly my favourite part, water calms me.

Around 4 we decided to head back to New Jersey which meant spending another hour in the car. I had bought a Polaroid camera in one of the shops that we visited. I had it on my lap, then I decided to take a picture of Jon. I picked up the camera and swivelled to face him as he was singing along to a Led Zeppelin tape that was coming through the radio. Seeing him like this made me happy. I raised the camera.

"What are you doing?" His eyes remained on the road but he was smiling. I took the shot then lowered the camera and turned back to face the front. "You're gonna have to let me see that when it comes through."

We continued driving for no longer than a minute before Jon pulled into a gas station.

"Let me see." He leaned over and tried to take it from me and I just laughed. "Come on let me see." He leaned over the gearstick and continued his attempt to take the photo from me. I laughed as he distracted me by kissing me and he swiftly took the photo from my grasp. He thumped back into his seat and took one look at the photo. He shook his head and pulled out his wallet and tucked the photo inside before getting out the vehicle.

"Hey what you doing?" I pouted once I rolled my window down.

"Stay right there Darlin' ." Jon walked into the store and reappeared a few minutes later bearing snacks and drinks in his arms.

"What's all this, you trying to make me put on weight?" I laughed as it was chucked onto my lap.

Jon kissed me before putting the keys in the ignition. "No Darlin', just treating ya..." we pulled out the gas station and headed back to New Jersey.

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