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As we walked over to the table, our parents were chatting about when they were in high school. We placed the food on the table and sat down. As the evening carried on the subject of conversation shifted. Everyone managed to get on well with each other and when the parents told a funny story from their childhood everyone else would either laugh their heads off, or become embarrassed. It was all fun though.

After dinner Joey went upstairs to finish some course work that he needed for college. My mum and dad decided to show around Jon's parents (Mr & Mrs Bongiovi) outside, so I decided I would show Jon around inside, then outside. There was no need to show him around downstairs, so immediately headed towards the staircase.

As we started mounting the steps I started to make an attempt at making conversation.

"So are you an only child?" I asked.


"Doesn't that ever get lonely?"

"Can do darlin', but if I did have a sibling, I wouldn't know what to do with it to be fair."

"What about growing up? What did you do?"

"Always went out with friends, finding some way to get us into trouble."


As I lead the way up the staircase I could feel his eyes watching my ass. I didnt really know what to do so I just brushed it off. Maybe he wasn't. Maybe I just wanted him too so bad that I'm telling myself he is.

We started at the bathroom and worked our way from right to left. The bathroom, Joey's room, my parents room, spare room, my room. My room was the only one that was somewhat messy. It still had suitcases all over the floor, just waiting to trip someone up. "Sorry" I squealed as I rushed in to make an attempt at putting them away.

"Haha, don't you worry Darlin' you only got here yesterday." He said leaning against the doorframe with a mischievous glimmer in his eye.

"I'm still sorry, I should've put them away as we were expecting guests." I said sheepishly.

"Nah honestly Darlin', you're too sweet." He smiled at me as we exited my room and made our way downstairs.

We went out the front door and it was pretty dark, but you could still see, just about. We turned and walked towards the yard. I very shortly realised that I should've brought a coat with me. It was freezing. I tried not to let it show, but Jon soon noticed. I noticed him slipping off his suit jacket and he slipped it around my shoulders "Here ya go Darlin'" he whispered softly in my ear.

"Thank you" I smiled. Why was he being so nice to me? Is he always like this? Is it all just an act? I want to know.

We approached the yard and I slid open the barn door. We were greeted by several neighs and 7 faces that were half asleep. I walked over to Valkyrie and gave him a quick peck on the nose. "This is Valkyrie." I said. "That's Major, Rolo, Indy, Starbuck, Penny and Monty." I said listing the names from right to left. "Valk, Major, Indy and Starbuck belong to me, Rolo, Penny and Monty belong to my mum." I watched as Jon took in the view around him.

"Wow." He spoke cautiously. "You mind if I stroke one?"

"No problem, come and see Major, he's very sweet and he's wide awake now anyway."

"Heyyy bud. You ok?" He whispered as he softly played with Majors fetlock.

Major let out a little neigh as if to say yes which at first took Jon by surprise then he started to chuckle a little.

"You ever had horses?" I asked.

"Nah, never have been around them. This is the first time I've seen one in person, let alone stroke one."

"Are you being serious?!"

"I'm afraid so Darlin'" he chuckled.

"Well it looks like Major likes your company. You should come ride him sometime."

"Really?! Nah I'm sure he's not that impressed with me"

"Seriously. Day after next come to mine at 6 and we can go on a hack. I'll teach you how to ride."

"Are you sure?"

"Yepp, it will be a fun experience!"

"Ok sure, but any broken bones and I'll sue!" He said jokingly.

I let out a laugh and softly punched him in the arm. We walked back towards the house, not bothering to go around looking at the land anymore. It was cold and dark and we both seemed pretty tired by that point.

As we made our way in through the front door someone said "We were wondering if you too would ever come back." "Haha." I was too tired to recognise the voice but just giggled along with Jon.

"We best be going" Jons dad said.

"Thank you so much for having us, it was good catching up!" Said his mum.

We all said our goodbyes. Although he was busy thanking my parents I could feel him watching me. Smiling at me. I was too distracted saying goodbye to take much notice. Eventually everyone was done thanking and saying goodbye. We stood on the porch steps as we watched the car lead off down the drive in the snow.

I went back up to my room and looked in the mirror at myself, when I realised I still had Jons jacket. "Never mind" I sighed. I hung the jacket along with my dress and placed my shoes in my wardrobe. Chucked on some more Christmassy PJs ( they were probably the same ones from the night before but I was too tired to take much notice) , took off my makeup, hopped into bed, with the duvet actually covering me this time. But instead of falling asleep my mind kept drifting to Jon. He was such a beautiful human being, I feel as if it's just an act though, it's not everyday I'm greeted with a gentleman. It was well after midnight when I fell asleep.


Soo didn't really know what to do towards the end... but hey.

I'm going to go to sleep now..

Nighttt x

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