Part 2

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Amanda's pov: (at the grove)

    We were still at the grove and me and Brendan were talking while Logan talks to the wdw boys. I kept on feeling like someone was looking at me and I swear that when I turned my head zach kinda jumped. Then Logan got a call and he did not look happy. "What's wrong" I asked him

"Oh's no big deal but me and Brendan gotta go" he said but I could tell he was lying to me. 

"Oh hey boys could you watch Amanda for me I don't want her wondering around by herself in Hollywood on her first day here?!" Logan then told them
"Yeah sure we will be happy to!" Jack then replied

"Is it also cool if she stays over night w u guys? Bc me and Brendan are gonna be gone all day and we don't have time to come and pick her up and then drive her all the way to jakes house" Logan said
"Yeah its all cool with us!" Said zach

They all started to get a little excited and then Logan goes "hey y are u all getting so excited? If I knew any better u all had a crush on my baby sister?!"
There faces then turned red besides Corbyn and then Corbyn said "not me I have a gf" 

"Well what ab the rest of u huh? Y are ur faces so red?" Logan said teasing them
"Ok that enough Logan😂" I said laughing 

Then Logan said he rlly needed to go and then I was left alone with the most handsome boys in the world! They then took me around and they wanted to get some shopping done and I go "wow I have never meet any boys who actually want to go shopping😂" 

"Well that's just us" Jonah said
We all then started laughing and then we went to there car after shopping and we all piled in. Daniel was driving and Corbyn was in shotgun then jack was in the middle next to Jonah and then in the back it was me and sitting next to me was Zach.

   They said that it was like a 40 min drive back to there place. I then started to get tired and I fell asleep....ON ZACHS SHOLDER BY ACCIDENT!!! And apparently ZACH TOOK A PICTURE!

     I hope no one from my old school sees it or even worse I hope that Logan doesn't see it! Then Zach woke me up and I was so embarrassed for falling asleep on his sholder and I apologize and he said there was nothing to say sorry for.

     We then got into the house and at the time I didn't k that Zach posted the pic on his sc bc back in Ohio I deleted all my social media accounts.

     Then we walked in side and I was amazed at there house. Jack and Jonah gave me a tour while Corbyn and daniel and Zach set up my room. I then walked into the guest bed room where they had me sleeping in. It was huge then I remembered "oh dang it I left all my cloths and makeup back at jakes House!" 

    Then zach said "Well u can use some of my cloths like my wdw merch" and Corbyn said "yeha we also have some makeup u can use" then I replied with "thank you but why do u have makeup?" Then Jonah said "u don't even wanna know but let's just say it was a very dark day and we didn't have any makeup wipes" I then started laughing my head off. 

    Then they gave me the makeup and cloths and let me settle in. I laid down in the bed and I got a text from Logan saying "hey, I'm trying to be nice but u k that u came to LA to put all that stuff behind u and then I looked on snap chat and I see u sleeping on zachs shoulder! Amanda u k how protective me and Jake are of u...u don't want another accident like what happened in Ohio. I'm just trying to look out for you"

     I then said "ik I'm sorry I was just so tired and I accidentally fell asleep on his sholder Plz don't be mad it was a accident" I then started to cry bc I did leave all that stuff back in Ohio but ig it's just hard.

He then replied with "it's ok I'm not mad but Zach is a very nice boy"  and I said "LOGAN IM NOT LOOKING TO DATE" he then said "ik but I saw the way u looked at the boys and the way they looked at u" I Then was very annoyed and my face was so red from me crying and my eyes were all red. Then I heard a knock at the door and I wiped away my tears and opened it.

"Hey we're watching a mo- what's wrong Amanda? Why are u crying? Are u ok? U can talk to me" zach said
"Um yeha im ok" I said back but I was lying right to his face
"Amanda don't lie to me Plz tell me I hate to see you all sad... I won't tell anyone I pinky promise" zach said he rlly is a sweet boy.

   I then had him come into the room and he sat on the bed and so did I. I then just cried I haven't cried since what happened in Ohio. Zach just hugged me like he knew what was going on but he didn't. I cried and cried and cried on his sholder.

    Logan was right he was a very nice boy! I then pulled my self together and I tried to tell him what happened with out telling him what happned in Ohio. "I'm sorry." I said "it's don't have to tell me if you dont want to" he then replied "no it's ok I want to tell you." 

    I then told him "it all started way back in Ohio when something happened to me. It was the worst. Then my mom and I despised that it would be better for me if I came and lived with Logan and Jake here in LA! Today is my second day here and we'll let's just say that Logan reminded me of what happened back in Ohio bc I started to make the same mistake here that I made in Ohio. 

    It all just reminded me about what had happened in Ohio and I don't wanna make that same mistake." He then asked me "what happened in ohio?" I then said "I would rather not say."

     He then gave me a hug but I didn't like getting close to him...I didn't even like getting close to any of them in fear I would make the same mistake I made in Ohio. 

    Then Zach said that they were gonna watch a movie and he invited me down stairs and I said yea. We then watched "12 feet deep" I sat on the floor while everyone elce sat on the couch or chair. Then Zach had me sit next to him. During the movie he put his arm around me. 

    I then started to freak out bc I liked Zach even though I only known him for 1 day but I also like everyone elce and I just couldn't make the same mistake again as I did in Ohio. 

    I then got up and ran to the bathroom and Zach ran after me. He knocked on the door "Amanda are u ok?! I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" "you didn't scare me it's j-just I needed to pee and I'm gonna go to bed bc I'm tired" I lied to him again😭 what am I doing?

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now