Part 11

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Zachs P.O.V:

    Once Alissa walked in Jake looked right at her and looked very mad. Logan came in right after her and he looked at Jake with a I'm sorry face. I didn't care that she was their. Her and Amanda are pretty close but they haven't seen each other in a long time they only text because Jake won't let her see her.

    "Get the hell outta here" Jake said. "Woahhhh woahh woahh Jake relax" Logan said. "I can't relax she's here" Jake said pointing at Alissa. "Idc if you and Alissa had had beef in the past who cares! Right now we only need to worry about Amanda and what Amanda wants and needs. And right now I think that she would want Alissa to be here!" Logan said.

    Jake then went and sat down in the chair and chance and Anthony went out of the room. Alissa then came and gave me a hug and sat next to Amanda.

Alissas P.O.V:

    Me and Banks were sitting down in my bed watching a movie on Netflix. Then I got a call from Logan. I haven't heard from him in a long time so I answered it. 

    He sounded like he was crying and he could barley speak. "You need to get to the hospital now!" he said. "Why whats wrong is everything ok?!" I asked scared that something bad had happened. "No...There was a accident...Amanda was stabbed and she just got out of surgery." he said. "OMG is she ok?!" I asked getting outta bed. "We don't know...She lost both of her babies she's also she's in a coma" he said. My heart then dropped. "Im on my way!" I said.

    Me and banks then got into the car and drove off. My heart was broken. Omg I could only imagine what Zach was feeling right now. 

    We get to the hospital and I see Logan. I then go and give him a big hug. I asked him if I could see her and he said yes. He then took me to her room. I opened the door and there stood Jake...Jake Paul. He yelled at me to get out but Logan handled it. I then sat down next to Amanda.

     She looked so life less. She almost looked dead. I then started to talk to her. "Amanda...Its me Alissa. I don't know if you can hear me right now but please wake up...I need you. I don't know what I would do with out you. Please" I then held onto her hand and I cried. And cried. And cried. Then the doctor came into the room and he told me and Zach to go and wait in the waiting room.

Zachs P.O.V:

    The doctor told me and Alissa to go and wait in the waiting room. I still cant believe that this is happening. The love of my life is in a coma.

    After a hour of just waiting around team ten and Alissa and banks decided to leave because it was getting late and then 30 min later Jonah, jack, corbyn, and Daniel decided to leave. 

    Now it is just me Jake and Logan. I think that they said that they were going to stay the night at the hospital and I know for a fact that I will not leave this hospital until Amanda is back.

~The next day~

    I wake up and I am in a waiting room...Damn it I thought it was a dream. I then get up and look around for Logan and Jake but I cant find them. I then go into Amandas room and I see Jake and Logan. They are saying good bye to her because they are about to leave. They then give me a hug and leave. I then go to talk to Amanda again.

    "Hey baby girl...I really need you to wake up now. I love you so much and I need you. I don't know what I would do with out you. Please. I need you." I said.

~One month later~

     I still haven't left the hospital. I talk to Amanda every single day for at least one hour straight. Alissa comes here everyday for like 20min. Tessa Brooks comes every day too for 30 min because her and Amanda are very close. Team ten comes twice a week to come and talk to Amanda. Logan and Jake come every day for 2-4 hours. The boys come every day and say some things to Amanda and then they try and take me outta the hospital and try and enjoy life. But I cant enjoy life with out Amanda.


Omg ok for Christmas I got a Mac book and this is what I used to type this imagine. 

Then next imagine will have Amandas P.O.V!!!!

Also sorry that this was short I just started watching a new series on Netflix and I'm watching it right now while typing this. 

It is called "The Flash" it is really really really good.

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now