Part 9

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Zachs pov:
We arrived at the house and the police were there they broke down the door and tacked the two men that broke in. I was then looking all over for Amanda. "AMANDA!?" I scream. I'm crying at this point as we all are yelling for her. I then run down stairs as fast as I can and I go into the little cubby hole thing and there she was.
I fall to the floor screaming. I then put pressure on her wounds to try and stop the bleeding. Corbyn ran up stairs to tell the police. "Come on Amanda wake up baby...wake up!" I say while crying my eyes out! "WAKE UP GOD DANM IT!" I scream. The police then come in and take her and they rap her up to try and stop the bleeding. "There's still a pulse but it's not strong we need to go now!" The police said. I then fall to the floor balling my eyes out I am covered all in her blood but I honestly could care less. They boys get me up and put me in the ambulance I am now next to Amanda while the nurse is trying to save her. We get outta the ambulance and they rush her in but block me from going through the door as she was rushed into surgery.
I then sat down in the lobby and balled my eyes out. The boys were on there way to the hospital now. I then realize that Logan and Jake still don't know what happened and what is going on. So I called Logan.
"H-hey Logan" I say while still crying so much. "Hey Zach...what's up? U ok? Did u and Amanda break up?" He asked. "N-no" I said but can't help it I start sobbing into the phone. "Yo dude calm down what's wrong?" He said getting worried. "I-it's Am-Amanda" I said as I try to say her name. "What's wrong with her?! Is she ok???!!!!" He asked getting scared. "N-no...t-there was a break in at our house...a-and she texted me and by the time we g-got back s-she...she was stabbed 4 times." I say barely even able to speak. "WHAT WHERE ARE U NOW? IS SHE OK?!" He yelled into the phone. "We're at the hospital and she's in surgery rn" I say quietly into the phone "omg omg omg ZACH! WHY WERENT U THERE?!" He yelled and now that I think about it this would of never happened if I never left if I would of just woke her up and told her to come with us. "I-I was out with the boys....we drove as fast as we could but it was to late" I said. "Ok I'm coming right now!" Logan said
    20min later Logan showed up at the hospital. He wouldn't even talk to me then he noticed that Jake wasn't here and to be honest I forgot to even call him.
    "Where's Jake" Logan asked. "Oh um I forgot to call him" I said. "Omg zach urg! I'll go and call him" Logan said but for some reason Logan hasn't cried yet...he's probs trying to act all strong and stuff. He then walked outta the waiting room and into the Hall way.

Logan's pov:
I walked into the hallway to go and call Jake. I am heart broken and I start to cry as I hear the phone ring. Idk why I am being so meanm to Zach ig I just need someone to let all my anger out on and I let it all out on zach. We all need to be here for one another right now. We can't be thinking about ourselves we have to be thinking about Amanda.

"Hey dude what's up?" Jake says over the phone. "Yo-you need to come to the hospital" I say trying not to sob but I end up sobbing into the phone. "Dude is everything ok?! What's going on?!" Jake asked very worried. "It's Amanda...u need to get here now!" I said.
"What happened to her?! Is the baby ok?!" Jake said. "We don't know yet she had to get rushed into surgery...there was a break in and she got stabbed" I said and continued to cry.
"Omg I-I'm on my way" Jake said with his voice cracking I can hear he was about to cry.

I go back into the waiting room and I am all stuffy from crying. Zach was sitting in the chair balling his eyes out and blaming everything on him self.

The guys were all around him trying to make him feel better and saying that it's not his fault. When I come back I walk over to zach and the boys move away. I sit down next to him.

"What now? Ik I should of been their for her. I'm a horrible boyfriend! Urg why do I always mess up?" Zach said as he cry's even more. "Ur not a horrible boyfriend. You couldn't of known that this was going to happen...I'm sorry for letting all of my anger out on you." I said as I give Zach a hug. We both sob into each other's shoulders then Jake runs into the door.
    "WHERE IS SHE?!" Jake screamed. "Shhh bro she's still in surgery" I said. "Omg omg omg our baby sis can die" Jake said. I turn to Zach and he's just sitting in the chair crying his eyes out. Jake starts to cry and so do the boys.

    Then the doctor comes out. He says that only her family can come into the room. We told them that me and Jake were her brother and even though Zach is her boyfriend we told them that he was her husband so he could be allowed in. Before we walk in the doctor talks to us and we all were wondering the same two things.
    "Ok I just have two questions before you she ok and is the baby ok?" Zach asked. "Oh um...." the doctor said.

To be continued...I have a suprise for the next imagine! Sorry I haven't posted lately school has just been a pain in the butt and it is so bad and life is just so hard.

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now