Part 3

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Zachs pov: at the wdw House

    Amanda told me about what was going on with her life but she won't tell me what happened to her back in Ohio. We then went down stairs and we watched a movie I put my arm around her and she got up and ran to the bathroom I chased after her and she said that she wad tied and she wanted to go to bed. 

    Once she came out of the bathroom I could tell that she was crying again. I then gave her a huge and I brought her up to her room. 

    She looked like she needed some alone time so I left the room. But before I could leave she said one last thing to me "thank you zach for being there for me" I then smiled and I left.

Amanda's pov: in the guest room

    Omg don't get me wrong I love being here with the wdw boys but I can't wait to get out of here. I just feel so uncomfortable and feel like something bad is gonna happen. 

    I texted Jake to see if he can come and get me first thing in the morning. He texted back and said yeah he will come and pick me up at 7:00 am. I then turned off my phone and went to bed. I didn't get much sleep last night bc I kept in thinking about the wdw boys and Zach.

~next morning~

    I got up and out of bed and I got a text from Jake that he was here. I then ran out of the house trying not to wake anyone up and I texted Zach telling him jake came and picked me up. 

    Jake then took me to his place and I hung there for a while and then Logan was on his way to come pick me up to hang w him.

Zachs pov: at the wdw boys house

    I woke up to a text from Amanda she said that Jake came to pick her up but yesterday she said that Logan was picking her up at noon. I decided to text Logan to see what was wrong w her bc she was acting strange last night.

~Logan and zachs texts~
Z: what's wrong with Amanda?
L: nothing y?
Z: she was acting werid last night and then she had Jake come and pick her up supper early this morning.
L: oh no...
Z: what's wrong? Is everything ok?
L: yeah it's just that...we're u and Amanda getting close? Like bf gf close or just even friendly close? Or were any of the other guys being like friendly to her?
Z: I mean yeah we all want to be her friend. And I put my arm around her and she ran away.
L: that's what I was afraid of...also zach stay away from my bb sis😂
Z: lol...but afraid of what what's wrong w her?
L: she has this thing where when she gets close to someone she kinda just shuts down and shuts them out of her life for a while. It's about something bad that happened in Ohio she doesn't like to talk ab it.
Z: what happened in Ohio?
L: I can't say it brings tears to my eyes rn just seeing my bb sis...nvm forget that forget all about what I told u...she will come around in like 2 days just let her calm down.
Z: ok
I wonder what is going on with Amanda so I desired to text her.
Z: hey u ok?
Z: hey y did u leave me on red?
Z: plz Amanda talk to me ur scaring me...Logan said that u don't like to be attached to ppl but me and the boys are diffrent I want to be that one person u can trust plz?
A: that's what the last one said😭
Z: Amanda u ok?
Z I didn't mean to make u sad
Z: just tell me what's wrong plz u can tell me?
Z: Amanda?
Amanda's pov: in the car with Logan
L: hey u ok zach was texting me all worried...who keeps on texting u?
I look at him crying
A: zach...I'm powering down my phone
L: just talk to the boys...there diffrent than other ppl
A: I just need time
L: ok
When we got home I powered back on my phone I had 178 miss texts from zach 86 miss phone calls,45 miss texts from jack and 13 miss phone calls, 37 miss texts from Jonah and 56 miss calls, 67 miss texts from Corbyn and 20 miss phone calls, and 62 miss texts from Daniel and 54 miss phone calls. I desiddd to text a group chat that I made called WDW+Amanda!
A: guys I'm ok u can stop calling me...
C: omg thx god
Jack: I had to stop him from going into the car
Dan: thx god ur ok
Jonah: zach feels rlly bad for scaring u off
Z:^^^ when are u coming back
A: guys plz...I need time
Z: u can always talk to me
I then read all the texts and I listened to a couple of the phone calls...zach left me one voice call he said "Amanda plz pick up I'm so worried ab u bye" he must of thought he hung up but he didn't... then Daniel goes "zach u should just tell her u like her" and Zach goes "I don't just like her...I love her"

    I then sat in my room and I cried and I cried my self to sleep in my sleep I had flash backs of Ohio...I saw was all my fault...i then woke up and I heard singing. I was crying from my dream and walked out side. 

    I saw WDW I than sat on the couch trying to hide the fact that u was crying. Zach then came over to me and asked me if I was ok...he then said "we need to talk" I shook my head yes and followed him into the bed room. I shut the door and we sat on the bed.

Z: what's going on? Plz talk to me...tell me about Ohio? Plz I won't tell anyone. I really care about you and I don't want u to run off again.
A: ...Zach...promise u won't hate me after?
Z: I promise I won't
A: pinky?
A: all happened 1 year a-ago...(I said stuttering)
A: I started dating this guy. He was the best thing that had ever happened to friend was not happy that I was dating him. So after we were dating for 4 months she told me he cheated on me. She showed me a pic of a guy kissing a girl and she told me that it was him. I was ferrous I loved this boy and he just cheated on me. I then went to a party that night with my friend and I started making out with his best friend. My friend got it on video and sent it to my boyfriend. He got very pissed off at me. He texted me saying "WTH AMANDA Y WERE U KIDSING JAKE?!" And I said "Y WERE U KISSING THAT GIRL" "WHAT GIRL" and then I said "UK WHAT WERE OVER" I then cried and went hime.
Z; that's it?
Amanda: no there's more...
Amanda: I went home and cried my self to sleep. The next morning I woke up to a text from his mom saying "Thank you Amanda 😭thx to u my baby boy just killed him self...he left a note...this is all ur fault I never want to see ur face again!" The note said "dear Amanda idk what happened with us but I hate it and with out u in my like I relived that there is nothing else to live for. I would say plz move on but I can see u already did. I will miss you...ily"I was so sad and depressed I locked my self in my room for months and I started to cut and I tried to kill my self and then my mom and I agreed for me to move here to LA to put all that In the past but it's hard to let new ppl into ur life when they can just leave like THAT. That's y zach I ran away. I ran away from you bc I didn't want to have feeling for u but it was to late I already started having feelings and I couldn't stop them. I rlly do like u zach but u probs hate me after what just happened.
Zach just just sitting there looking into my eyes
Z: I don't hate u...I'm the total opposite
He then leaned in and kissed me . And I kissed back. We then layed down on the bed and Zach got on top of me.

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now