Part 22

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Amandas Insta:

Liked by Logan Paul, Jake Paul, SeaveyDaniel, 1,293,093 others

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Liked by Logan Paul, Jake Paul, SeaveyDaniel, 1,293,093 others

Amanda Paul: Where are you now that I need you?

Logan Paul: Do I need to beat him up?

User1: Who?

User2: are you talking ab zach?

Jake Paul: @LoganPaul Ill help

AlexiaGreg: Hey!

SeaveyDaniel: @AlexiaGregGet out

AmandaPaul: @SeaveyDaniel Who is that?

SeaveyDaniel: Ill tell you when I get to the hospital.

User3: Wheres Zach?

User4: @User3 I was wondering that tooo!

AlexiaGreg: @SeaveyDaniel Dont tell me what to do

SeaveyDaniel: @AlexiaGreg Ill do what ever I want and if it means protecting my friend then I will.

AmandaPaul: @AlexiaGreg Who are you?

SeaveyDaniel: @AlexiaGreg dont tell her...@AmandaPaul I will tell you later.

User1: Everyone spam @imzachherron so he can like and comment wth is going on here.

User1: Explain @imzachherron

User2: @imzachherron

User4: @imzachherron

User5: @imzachherron





User7: @imzachherron


Imzachherron: Why am I getting tagged?

User3: What did you do to Amanda? @imzachherron

imzachherron: Nothing

AmandaPaul: @imzachherron thats the problem you did nothing

User8: Drama?

AmandaPaul: @SeaveyDaniel Where are you guys?

SeaveyDaniel: On our way @AmandaPaul


A/N: Ill try and post more often but I am trying to end this book as soon as possible!

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now