Part 23

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Daniels P.O.V:

  We were on our way to the hospital. I feel so bad for A. Me and all the guys were being very quiet on the way there and we were all just thinking about how we are going to tell her. 

  We finally get there and we all still have not said a single word. We all feel so bad for her. We slowly walk to her room and we slowly open the door and walk in. She is sleeping right now so we all just sat down and waited for her to wake up.

  About 20 min later she woke up and she was so happy that we were here and she was looking around and I can tell she was looking for. 

  "So what did you guys wanna tell me?" She asked. "A we are soooo sorry but Zach is cheating on you" I said.

   "What?! No no no he wouldn't" She said. "He did A" Jonah said. "That day that he wouldn't get off his phone and we sent him to get you ice-cream I looked at his phone and he was getting a bunch of texts from this girl. I ran after him and confronted him and he didn't think that he was doing anything wrong even though they were flirting so I sent him away." I told her as she now was in tears.

   "Are you serious?" She asked completely balling her eyes out. "Yes" Jack said. "W-will you please tell him to come here please" She said still crying.

   "Are you sure you want him to be here?" Jonah asked. "Yes...will you please force him to come here" I said. "Ok" I said. "Also can you guys please leave?" I need some alone time.

"Ok well text us if you need us. We will try and bring him as soon as possible" Corb said. And with that we left.

Zachs P.O.V:

  I was at Alexias house and we were cuddling on the couch. We still haven't kissed yet bc I am still dating A but I am starting to move on for the time as to when she dies. (This might not make sense but it did in my head lol) 

   I then got a text from the guys and they did not seam happy what so ever and they kept on spamming me so I picked up my phone.


Noodles: Zach!!!


Dani Boi: Get you a$$ over here!


Zach: What


Zach: Ok fine...

Jonah: You better fix things with her

Zach: Or I can just end things.

Cornbean: What do you mean?

Zach: I mean she's gonna die anyways so whats the point? Its better if I had moved on and If I broke up with her then I wont get broken and I will already have another gf

Noodles: You are messed up

Dani Boi: What the actual freak? 

Zach: What its the truth

Jonah: Zach you dont wanna know what I want to do to you right now or what I think of you.

Zach: Idc

Dani Boi: Zach what Is wrong with you?

Zach: nothing.

Noodles: Clean your act up

Cornbean: Yeah now you are going to loose A

Zach: Better now than later

Jonah: Just go zach

Jonah: And we better not hear that you stood her up again.

Zach: Ok im leaving Alexias house now

Dani Boi: Of corse you are there

Zach: Bye guys...



I have a lot of home work this week so I   think that I will be posting a lot this week. Also when ever I talk about A I just think about A from pretty little liars bc I just started watching it last week and im already on season 3!

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