Part 6

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Amanda's pov: phone call from Zach
Zach: hey babe...
A: hey what's up?
Z: well um...can we talk tomorrow?
A:yeah about wha-bullllah
Z:babe???? U ok????? Babe???
A: yeah I just randomly threw up
Z: oh no (he mumbled)
A: what did u say?
Z: oh nothing...I'm coming by Logan's tomorrow and will talk...but Logan can't be there
A: ok? Bye Zach
Z: bye Amanda
Amanda's instagram:

AmandaPaul: Had a fun night with @imzachherron 💕😂Logan: nothing better of happenedUnknown: ur so prettyImzachherron: ❤️❤️SeaveyDaniel: oh no

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AmandaPaul: Had a fun night with @imzachherron 💕😂
Logan: nothing better of happened
Unknown: ur so pretty
Imzachherron: ❤️❤️
SeaveyDaniel: oh no...
Amandapaul: what??? @seaveydaniel
Unknown: what happened?
Corbynbesson: ...
I then got off of Instagram I desired to watch friends for a little and Logan came home when he came home I went straight to bed so I can avoid questions about me and Zach bc I can not lie with out me smiling. The next day I got a texts from Zach saying he was on his way and if Logan was home. Thx god Logan was not home he was out somewhere vlogging
I then went and took a quick shower and did my hair and makeup. Then there was a knock at the door...
Zach: hey...
A: why are u sad...u-ur not breaking up with me are you?!
Z: no...but you might (he mumbled that last part but I heard it)
A: ok then what's up?
Z: u k how we did it last night????
I then ran to the bathroom again and I threw up
A; I'm sorry I think I might be getting sick
Z: I don't think so...
A: zach what do u k that I don't?
Z: w-when we did it last night...I-I forgot to w-wear p-protection...
Z: yeha and now u might be pregnant I mean u are throwing up and stuff...
Z: ik ik ik I'm sooooooo Sorry Plz don't hate me.
A: I don't hate u I just need to know for sure if I'm pregnant or not...I'm gonna run to the store...stay here
When I got back Logan was still gone and I had 3 pregnancy tests.
I went into the bathroom and I did them all...and they all came up as...


I walked out side to find Zach on the couch. I then start crying tears of joy and sadness.
Z: what's wrong babe u ok? Are u pregant
I then shake my head yes and I go to hug him
A: how am I gonna tell Logan and Jake
Z: well tell them together
A: thank you baby...I love you
Z: I love you to
Then Zach gave me a kiss that was the first time we have ever said I love you to each other's face...I then desired to text Logan and Jake
A: hey Jake...can u come by Logan's house now and Logan can h come home?
J: yeah I'm on my way
L: I'm coming home everything ok?
A: not and zach need to tell u something
J: oh no...I'm coming NOW!
I then sat on the couch in zachs arms and cried and cried and cried. I can't believe I'm pregnant I'm only 17 I can't raise a baby and neither can zach.
~20 min latter~
Knock knock
I opened the door and there was jake and Logan and there faces were supper red...
A: Plz don't be mad...I haven't even told you what is happening
L: ok tell us
A: may we Plz sit on the couch
J: yeah
L: ok what's up?
A: oh ok... so I have been keeping something from you guys
L: what is it?
A: um the night of our and Zach went back to the hotel... but that is not all that happened
J: oh no Amanda
A: we...we... t-then did it...we had sex
Z; I'll tell the rest of the story...I was stupid and careless and forgot to wear a c-condom and just today Amanda took some pregnancy tests and...I think Amanda wants to tell you what happened
A: Jake...Logan...I-I'm pregnant
L: omg
J: idk what to say
L: zach I'm going to KILL YOU
A: no Plz stop...idk what to do
L: I think that we all need to sleep on this tonight
A: I think so to
Z: ok well I have to go...bye babe
A: bye...
I then went to my room and fell asleep
Amanda's instagram:

Amandapaul: I might just be screwed for the rest of my life😭👶🏼😪Loganpaul: it's gonna be ok

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Amandapaul: I might just be screwed for the rest of my life😭👶🏼😪
Loganpaul: it's gonna be ok...IM GONNA KILL @imzachherron
AmandaPaul: Plz don't @loganpaul
Jackavreymusic:zach told us what happened sorry 💚
Unknown: are u pregnant?!
Imzachherron: im sorry babe❤️
Unknown: zachs Sorry

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now