Part 27

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Dear Zach,

    I don't know why. Why did you do this to me? Why did you leave when I needed you most? I was dying in the hospital bed and where were you? Kissing some other girl? I thought that you loved me. I thought that you cared about me. I thought that I  was your everything. But I guess I am not. She is. She took you from me. 

    Well guess what Zach. You are my everything. I do care about you. I do love you. I hate that I still love you. This is why I need to go. I cant live with out you. I need you. And once I saw that you were gone I knew that you were gone for good. 

    I thought that we were going to grow old together. I thought that we were going to get married, move into a big house alone, and have kids. But that is all ruined. Now that I am gone.

    Dont worry I will never forget you. I will always watch over you. I will be right by your side. I love you and that is why I need to go. I cant stay around you any longer. I cant live. I need to be gone.

    Bye Zachary Dean Herron...I love you.

                      -Amanda <3


A/N: There will only be like 1-2 more parts left!

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now