Part 18

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Zachs P.O.V:

    Today is the day that Amanda is going to be let out of the hospital. I am so excited. I went to the store to buy some chocolates and flowers for her. I got there and I got here purple tulips.

    I paid for them and I then went to get may self some coffee bc I was so tired form staying up last night bc I was so excited!

    I walked up to the barista and she was really pretty. She looked me up and down and I had no problem with that because I then looked her up and down too. 

    "Hey there" She said. "Hey" I said. "What can I get you hot stuff?" She asked. I then chuckled and said "Your number bc I like your a latte" I said (A/N The cringe is real)

     She then laughed and then said "Omg your so weird hahaha...Here" And with that she handed me a pice of paper with her number on it. I then ordered my coffee and left.

    While I was in the car I remembered about Amanda. I totally forgot about her. I pulled up to the hospital and I made a contact for the hot barista. I then texted her.


Zach: Hey...its the guy from the coffee place

    I waited for a while but I got no response. She is probs still working. Ill wait until she is on her break or something.

    I then walked into the hospital and I walk into Amandas room. She was asleep so I put the flowers and chocolates on the table next to her and I sat on the couch. 

    I was going on my phone drinking my coffee. Then I got a text and it was from the barista girl.


Barista: Hey hot stuff!

Zach: Hey your self!

Barista: So can I get your name or am I just gonna have to keep on calling you hot stuff?

Zach: Idk I kinda like hot stuff

Barista: Come on hahaha im Alexia btw

Zach: Fineeee im zach

    I then started to laugh to my self. And I must of laughed to hard that I woke up Amanda. 

Amandas P.O.V: 

    I just got off the phone with zach. He told me that he was coming in about 20 min. Today is the day that I finally get to leave this hell hole. I could not stay awake I had to fall asleep I was sooo tired.

    I then soon woke up to laughing. I turned my head and saw zach sitting on the couch on his phone laughing at something that he read. I could not stop but wondering what he was laughing at.

    "Whats so funny?" I asked. He then jumped. "Omg you scared me!" He said and then putting down his phone.

   "So what was so funny?" I asked again not getting a reply. "Oh its nothing just a funny video I saw" He said sitting down next to me.

    "Here...These are for you!" he said handing me flowers and chocolates. He really is the best boyfriend ever. "Omg thank you Zach I love you!" I said sitting up to give him a hug. "I love you too" He said returning my hug. 

    Then Jake walked in and came and gave me a hug. He hung around for awhile but he had to leave. Logan came earlier to see me and he said that he was going to come back later. Then the nurse walked in. 

    "Amanda im sorry to tell you but you have to stay another week. We believe that your body is not ready yet but in a week you will feel stronger." She told me. I then was soooo sad. Zach came and gave me a hug and I told everyone. Logan said that he was gonna come in 1 hour and Daniel said that him and the boys were on there way.

    ~15 min later~

    Zach has been sitting on his phone for the past 15 min and he has not been talking to me. He keeps on laughing and texting someone but he wont tell me who. 

    They guys finally get here and zach still does not get off of his phone. "Heyyyy A! How are you doing?!" Daniel asked. "Good it just sucks that I have to-" I am interrupted by zach laughing again.

    "Zach?" I asked but he does not respond. "ZACHHH!" I scream and jack took his phone away and put it on the table. "What babe" he asked. "Can you get me some ice cream please!" I asked. "Sure" He said and then left the room. 

    "Omg he's been on his phone all day and he's been ignoring me all the time" I said to the guys. "Aw im sorry. What is he doing anyways?" Jonah asked. "idek he was just on his phone laughing at something" I said.

    Daniel then went to go and look at his phone. He seemed mad bc his face turned red and his fist bulged up. He then ran outta the room with zachs phone in his hands. 

    Daniels P.O.V:

 When A said that zach was attached to his phone I knew something was up. The last time I saw him that attached was when he texted Amanda. I went to check his phone and noticed he was getting a lot of texts from this girl. 

    I started to read there text messages and I grew with anger. I then quickly ran out of the room after him slamming the door.

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